Page 20 - The Indian EYE 032224
P. 20

North                       The Indian Eye


         20                                                                                                                MARCH 22, 2024

        Faction fighting in AAPI threatens reputation

          and unity of prestigious Indian organization

           Suspension of Treasurer from AAPI by the executive committee for alleged

                                        irregularities sparks a major controversy

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              crisis is brewing in AAPI, one
              of the oldest and most pres-
        A tigious  organization  of  Indi-
        an-American community in the US. A
        controversy around the issues of orga-
        nizational elections in the American
        Association of Physicians of Indian
        Origin threatens to engulf the group
        which represents a conglomeration of
        more than 80,000 practicing physicians
        in the US and also acts as an import-
        ant bridge between India and the US.
            Though factional bickering is
        not unknown in the group founded
        in 1982, the latest crisis has taken an
        ominous turn.
            According to sources in AAPI,                           AAPI, founded in 1982, represents thousands of physicians in the US
        who spoke to The Indian Eye strict-
        ly on the condition of anonymity, the                                                                 suspension are related to the bank ac-
        controversy took a dramatic turn                                                                      counts and payments, said the source,
        when Dr Sreeni Gangasani, the trea-                                                                   adding that in her response to Dr Gan-
        surer of AAPI, shot an email to all the                                                               gasani’s mass email, Anjana Samad-
        executive committee (EC) members                                                                      der, President of AAPI, has accused
        following his suspension from the or-                                                                 him of “continuous bullying” through
        ganization for alleged irregularities.                                                                phone  calls, emails and  in  person.
            Earlier, the sources said, the                                                                        In her response, said the source,
        Ethics and Grievance Committee of                                                                     Dr Samadder has also denied that ac-
        AAPI held a meeting on March 3, 2024                                                                  tion was taken against Gangasani in
        to discuss the misconduct of Dr Gan-                                                                  an improper manner. Dr Gangasani
        gasani and unanimously recommend-                                                                     was given ample opportunities to
        ed suspension of his AAPI member-                                                                     present his side but he ignored all the
        ship. Based on the recommendation                                                                     deadlines, the AAPI president is be-
        of ethics committee, an emergency                                                                     lieved to have written in her email to
        meeting was held by the executive                                                                     Dr Gangasani, said the source.
        committee of AAPI. In the meeting         Dr Anjana Samadder,        Dr Sreeni Gangasani, the former treasurer   The issue surrounding the sus-
        held on March 3, 2024, Dr Gangasani                                                                   pension of Dr Gangasani is not the
        was suspended as AAPI member by            the president of AAPI           who has been suspended     only issue plaguing the organization
        the majority of Executive Committee                                                                   founded in 1982. On March 7, 2024,
        (EC) of AAPI, according to sources.  access to facts and proceedings”.   his side of the story and only “relying   request for an emergency temporary
            The AAPI governing body has not   According to a highly-placed   on non-factual information”.     restraining order (TRO) moved by
        issued a public statement on the devel-  source  in  the  organization,  Dr  Gan-  In the mail, said the source strict-  some members was denied by Arbi-
        opments within the organization as yet.  gasani sent a strongly-worded email   ly speaking on the condition of ano-  trator John C Griffin.
            According to a source, following   to all EC and some other AAPI mem-  nymity, Dr Gangasani has demanded   With elections for AAPI execu-
        his suspension, Gangasani expressed   bers in which he accused the members   a “full and fair investigation” into the   tive committee due this year, the rag-
        his “deep disappointment and frustra-  of EC and Ethics and Grievance com-  matter and a reversal of the decision   ing controversy threatens to dent the
        tion with the decision to wrongfully”  mittee of taking away his “fundamen-  to suspend him immediately.   image of one of the most prominent
        approve his suspension “without full   tal rights” and “denying to provide”   The controversy and Gangasani’s   Indian organizations in the US.

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