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NATION                                                                MARCH 22, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                                ELECTORAL BONDS

                      BJP in a corner as SBI data

                   reveals party to be the biggest

                              beneficiary of donations

             Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday labelled the electoral bond scheme as the

                                               “biggest extortion racket in the world”

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Modi ran the world’s largest extor-
                                                                                                              tion racket in the name of electoral
        New Delhi
            n a development with far-reach-                                                                      “The sovereign institutions of the
            ing consequences, the Chairman                                                                    country, be it the ED, the Election
        Iof State Bank of India (SBI) filed                                                                   Commission of India or the CBI,
        an  affidavit  in  the  Supreme  Court                                                                are no longer autonomous bodies
        apprising that in compliance with the                                                                 but are weapons in the hands of the
        top court’s order, date of purchase                                                                   BJP and RSS. If these institutions
        of each Electoral Bond, the name of                                                                   had done their job as they should,
        the purchaser and the denomination                                                                    things wouldn’t have come to this
        of the Electoral Bond purchased has                                                                   pass. When this BJP government
        been furnished to the Election Com-                                                                   goes, these agencies will face action.
        mission of India.                                                                                     The action against them will be such
            Dinesh Kumar Khara, Chair-                                                                        that these incidents (alleged harass-
        man  of  SBI,  in  the  affidavit  told                                                               ment of Opposition leaders) are
        the top court that the bank has also                                                                  not repeated. I can guarantee,” the
        furnished the detail to Election                                                                      Congress MP said at the press con-
        Commission regarding the date of                                                                      ference.
        encashment of the Electoral Bonds,                                                                        Taking a further swipe at the BJP,
        the name of political parties who                                                                     Rahul accused the ruling party at the
        have received the contributions and     Indian Youth Congress members stage a protest over the SBI’s electoral bond   Centre of destroying the country’s
        the denomination of the said bonds.                                                                   ‘institutional framework’.
            SBI said that the data has been                       issue in Bengaluru (ANI)                        Describing the Centre’s elector-
        furnished in respect of bonds pur-                                                                    al bond scheme as the ‘brain child’
        chased and redeemed between April   tion  Bench  clarified  that  all  details   Meanwhile, adding to the cho-  of Prime Minister Modi, Rahul add-
        12, 2019 to February 15, 2024. A   of Electoral Bonds will be made   rus of opposition against the BJP-led   ed, “This scheme is the brain child
        total number of 22,217 bonds were   available including date of purchase,  Centre after the publication of the   of the PM, who said the electoral
        purchased during the period April 1,   name  of  purchaser,  the  denomina-  details of political funding through   bonds would  cleanse  the  country’s
        2019 till February 15, 2024, SBI told   tion. It’s been submitted that SBI   electoral bonds on the official portal   politics (by ensuring checks and bal-
        the Supreme Court.                has not disclosed the Electoral bond   of the Election Commission (EC),   ances).”
           “From April 1 to 11, 2019 total   numbers (alpha numeric numbers).”  Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on   To a media query about the elec-
        number of Electoral Bonds pur-       “Notice be issued to SBI. We di-  Friday labelled the electoral bond   toral bond scheme, the Congress
        chased were 3346 and total number   rect Registry to issue notice to SBI   scheme as the “biggest extortion   leader said, “These are not allega-
        of bonds redeemed were 1609,” affi-  returnable on Monday,” ordered the   racket in the world”.       tions but facts. If you look closely at
        davit stated.                     bench.                                Addressing a press conference   some of these companies (that do-
            Now, the controversy has taken    At the outset of the hearing, apex   on Friday, on the sidelines of his on-  nated to the BJP), you will see that
        a serious turn as the Supreme Court   court said, “Who is appearing for the   going ‘Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra’, Ra-  they did not give money to the BJP
        on Friday took exception to SBI for   State Bank of India? They have not   hul claimed that the ED and CBI are   till the ED or CBI filed cases against
        not furnishing Electoral Bonds data   disclosed the bond numbers. It has   no longer autonomous institutions   them.”
        with unique alphanumeric numbers,   to be disclosed by the State Bank of   but are weapons in the hands of the   Meanwhile, Congress president
        which help identify the bond, and   India.”                         BJP and RSS to target Opposition   Mallikarjun Kharge also hit out
        issued notice to it while seeking the   Solicitor General Tushar Mehta   leaders.                     at PM Modi over electoral bond
        bank’s response on Monday.        urged the court to issue notice to the   In  a  post  on  X,  Rahul,  fired  a   scheme, saying he should be held to
            The apex court in its order stat-  bank since they may have something   fresh salvo at Prime Minister Na-  account for minting money out of
        ed, “The judgment of the Constitu-  to say.                         rendra Modi, stating, “Narendra   electoral bonds.

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