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OPINION                                                           FEBRUARY 21, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 10

                                 2021 Military Coup in

         Myanmar and Its Impact along the

                India-Myanmar Border Region

          The military coup in Myanmar in 2021 and the current internal crisis have raised concerns about smuggling
          and infiltration of armed groups along the 1,643 km Indo-Myanmar border. This directly impacts Northeast
                    India, resulting in India revisiting its policy on managing the shared Indo-Myanmar border


              he military coup of 1 February
              2021 in Myanmar that ousted
        Tthe elected government result-
        ed in public resistance against the
        State Administration Council (SAC),
        as the junta calls itself, initially in the
        form of public protest and civil dis-

        However, this resistance meta-
        morphosed into armed resis-
        tance. The disposed elected
        government regrouped as the

        National Unity Group (NUG)
        with the People Defense Force
        (PDF) as their armed wing. The
        PDF gained support from the

        Ethnic Armed Organizations

            This  armed  resistance  has  re-
        sulted in internal instability and a
        fragile security landscape, a concern
        for India, especially along the shared   This resistance has resulted in the military junta losing control in the northwest region, especially along the Indian border, to EAOs such as the
        1,643 km Indo-Myanmar border in                           Arakan Army (AA), Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and others (File photo)
        Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram and
        Arunachal Pradesh. Some of the
        notable concerns have been the rise   1987 anti-government riots, followed   this poll, General Than Shwe was   was not “free and fair” and “not in
        of  illegal  immigrants,  drug  traffick-  by the student protest in 1988. This   elected,  signaling  a  shift  towards a   compliance” with the constitution-
        ing  and  arms  trafficking,  which  can   disturbance led General Ne Win to   semi-democratic system. Then, in the   al law. This coup initially triggered
        potentially undermine the security   resign from the office. This was Fol-  election of 2015, the National League   widespread protests and civil re-
        landscape in Northeast India.     lowed by the “State Law and Order   for Democracy (NLD), led by Daw   sistance through the establishment
           A Prelude to the Coup and      Restoration Council” headed by    Aung San Suu Kyi, won by securing   of a parallel government called the
                   Thereafter             military  officers  serving  the  admin-  80% of the popular votes, with Htin   National Unity Government (NUG)
                                          istration until a barring brief exper-  Kyaw becoming the President of the   with its armed wing, the People De-
              fter its independence from   iment  with  electoral  democracy  in   country.                   fense Force (PDF), with the support
              British colonial rule in 1948,   1990 which was countermanded and   In the 2020 polls, the NLD won   of the Ethnic Armed Organization
        AMyanmar was a fragile repre-     a coup was staged. It was not till the   again.  Though  official  results  were   (EAO), engaging the SAC in armed
        sentative democracy until the coup of   Constitution of 2008, which set in   not declared, a military junta led by   resistance.
        1962 by General Ne Win, who ruled   motion for democratic reform. Fol-  General Min Aung Hlaing staged a   This  resistance  has  resulted in
        the  state until the eruption of the   lowed by the elections in 2010 — in   coup in 2021, claiming that the poll   Continued on next page... >>

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