Page 14 - The Indian EYE 022125
P. 14
North The Indian Eye
14 FEBRUARY 21, 2025
Six US lawmakers write to AG Pamela
Bondi on Adani’s indictment
“Questionable decisions” requires a second look, say Lance Gooden, Pat Fallon, Mike
Haridopolos, Brandon Gill, William R Timmons and Brian Babin who signed the letter
OUR BUREAU ways recognized the true potential of
a “strong and beneficial relationship
Washington, DC
between two economic and military
ix US lawmakers have high- superpowers like the US and India.”
lighted the Adani indictment The US lawmakers noted that
Sin a letter written to the new- Trump has diligently worked with
ly-appointed US Attorney General the Modi government to forge a
Pamela Bondi over “questionable de- strong relationship between our two
cisions” made by the US Department “great nations and PM Modi has re-
of Justice (DoJ) under Joe Biden. ciprocated these efforts by proving
“Some of these decisions involved India to be a valuable ally of Amer-
selectively pursuing and abandoning ica in the Asia-Pacific region, par-
cases, often acting against America’s ticularly against the growing threat
interests at home and abroad, jeopar- from China.
dizing relationships with close allies In the letter, US lawmakers said,
like India,” the lawmakers said. “Conversely, politically motivated
In the letter, the US Congress- decisions by agencies steered by
men mentioned about the case Gautam Adani AG Pam Bondi left-wing megadonors could quickly
against India-based company Adani erode years of hard work and diplo-
Group. In the letter, US lawmakers stat- a strategic geopolitical partner like macy forged by our leaders. A fallout
US lawmakers Lance Gooden, ed, “One such decision involves a India immediately preceding Presi- in relations not only harms our long-
Pat Fallon, Mike Haridopolos, Bran- questionable pursuit of a case against dent Trump’s return to the Oval Of- standing partnership with a key ally
don Gill, William R Timmons and the Adani group, an Indian compa- fice.” but greatly benefits adversaries like
Brian Babin were who signed the let- ny whose executives are situated in In the letter, the US lawmakers China in their goal to eliminate the
ter written to Pamela Bondi. India. This case rests on the allega- noted that India’s presence as the American economy and achieve to-
“We would like to congratulate tion that preparations were made by largest democracy in the world in a tal global economic control through
you on your recent Senate confir- members of this company in India to region present with politically diver- their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
mation and appointment as Attor- bribe Indian officials, also exclusively gent regimes averse to America’s These concerns, along with requests
ney General of the United States. In located in India. Instead of deferring beliefs and termed US’ relationship to preserve all records from this case
addition to the Senate’s backing and the case to the appropriate Indian with India “rare and has no congru- were communicated to your prede-
President Trump’s endorsement, we authorities, the Biden DOJ decided ent.” cessor on January 7, 2025, and Janu-
have full faith and confidence in your to push forward and indict the com- The lawmakers further said, ary 14, 2025, but his office was vacat-
dedication and ability to serve our pany’s executives without any real “This relationship has flourished be- ed before we could get a response.”
country. As you take the helm of the injury to US interests being present.” yond politics, trade, and economics “This selective pursuit by the
Department of Justice (DOJ) as our by evolving into a continuous so- Biden DOJ, despite knowing the pos-
new Attorney General, we would like The US lawmakers noted that cio-cultural exchange between the sible outcomes of such a reckless de-
to bring your attention to some ques- world’s two largest democracies. cision, requires a second look. Know-
tionable decisions made by the DOJ there was no compelling reason This historical partnership and con- ing the real considerations guiding
under the Biden administration.” to pursue a case in a manner that tinuous dialogue between friends, this decision will also be a major step
According to the letter, the case however, was put at risk due to some in uncovering whether the previous
rests on the allegation that prepara- could complicate relations with unwise decisions by the Biden admin- administration was compromised to
tions were made by members of the an ally like India unless some istration.” outside entities over the past four
company in India to bribe Indian of- The US lawmakers said US and years. We request you investigate
ficials. The US lawmakers said that external factors were at play. India share a sense of mutual respect the Biden DOJ’s conduct and would
the US Department of Justice in- and appreciation - a sentiment emu- appreciate you sharing with us all
stead of deferring the case to Indian The lawmakers in the letter said, lated by US President Donald Trump records pertaining to this case, for a
authorities decided to push forward “This misguided crusade came at the and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. coordinated effort in uncovering the
and indict the company’s executives. risk of harming our relationship with According to the letter, Trump has al- truth,” they added.