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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 21, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 18

           Dr. Sampat Shivangi passes away,

          having realized his dream Hospital

        OUR BUREAU
        Oak Brook, IL

                 e are deeply saddened and shocked by
                 the sudden passing away of Dr. Sampat
        WShivangi,  a  physician,  an  influential  In-
        dian American community leader, and a veteran
        leader of the American Association of Physicians of
        Indian Origin (AAPI),” said Dr. Satheesh Kathula,
        President of AAPI.
            Describing Dr. Shivangi as “A trailblazer of the
        Indian Diaspora,” Dr. Kathula, who has known Dr.
        Shivangi for decades and has worked closely in sev-
        eral AAPI-led initiatives, said, “Dr. Shivangi has left
        an indelible mark on the Indian American commu-
        nity. Over the decades, he dedicated his time and
        efforts to serving AAPI and numerous other Indian
        American organizations. His leadership, vision, and
        tireless commitment to advocating for the communi-
        ty set him apart as a pillar of strength and guidance.”
            “AAPI is proud of Dr. Shivangi’s numerous ac-
        complishments, leadership, and contributions to the
        greater cause of the Indian Diaspora, Indo-US re-
        lationship, and particularly for his dedication to en-
        hancing the mission of AAPI,” said Dr. Sunil Kaza,
        Chair of AAPI Board of Trustees.
            Among many other initiatives that Dr. Shivan-
        gi led at AAPI during his decade’s long association,
        the most outstanding has been his leadership in or-
        ganizing the annual Legislative day under several
        Presidents of AAPI. He was instrumental in person-  profound impact on healthcare, education, and cul-  education, promote mental health awareness, en-
        ally contacting and inviting several lawmakers, in-  tural preservation across India and the United States.  sure healthcare equity, support tribal communities
        cluding prominent US Senators and Congressman    “A dream comes true! It fills my heart with im-  in their holistic development, empower women to
        to the Legislative day.                      mense pride and gratitude for the new state-of-the-  break barriers, and leverage sports as a catalyst for
            Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, President-Elect of  art Dr. Sampat Kumar S Shivangi Cancer Hospital  positive change.”
        AAPI said, “The Indian American community has  in my beloved home state, Belagavi, has finally be-  In addition to establishing the Dr. Sampat
        lost a great leader, philanthropist, and friend whose  come a reality,” Dr. Sampat Shivangi, who donated  Kumar S. Shivangi Cancer Hospital in Karnataka,
        contributions will continue to resonate for genera-  his family fortunes to build this much needed, can-  through the Dr. Sampat Shivangi Foundation, Dr.
        tions. Through his philanthropic efforts, Dr. Shivan-  cer hospital in a rural region in the state of Karnata-  Shivangi has established multiple charitable institu-
        gi touched countless lives, always striving to make  ka, said on the occasion of hospital’s inauguration.  tions in India, including primary and middle schools,
        a positive impact both in the healthcare sector and   “Having lived in India for three decades, in not  community halls, and healthcare facilities, greatly
        within the broader community.                so privileged and progressive parts of the world, it al-  enhancing educational and healthcare access for
            Dr. Shivangi has been actively involved in sev-  ways touched my heart and Atma why so and why not  underserved communities.
        eral philanthropic activities, serving with Blind  we all have equal playing field on earth,’ Dr. Shivan-  Over the years, in pursuit of his vision, Dr. Sam-
        Foundation of MS, Diabetic, Cancer and Heart As-  gi replied when asked about what led him to his de-  pat Shivangi Foundation has come to be known for
        sociations of America. Dr. Shivangi has a number  cision to donate his money, time, efforts and skills.  its belief and tireless efforts that every individual
        of philanthropic works in India including Primary &   “During my years in hospitals as a student, resi-  deserves an opportunity to thrive, and is a beacon
        middle schools, Cultural Center, and IMA Centers  dent and staff, I was devastated. I had a great desire to  of hope, fostering resilience and building a more in-
        that he opened and helped to obtain the first ever  do something that helps people, including for the need  clusive and harmonious world for all.
        US Congressional grant to AAPI to study Diabetes  to establish a cancer hospital in my native town, where   At the heart of societal transformation, Dr.
        Mellitus amongst Indian Americans.           people have to travel hundreds of miles away for such  Sampat Shivangi Foundation stands as a testament
            It was only about a month ago that the Presi-  a treatment and possibly could not afford the travel,  to unwavering commitment and compassion. The
        dent of India, Droupadi Murmu inaugurated the  stay, or medical expenses,” his words still resonates.  foundation is built upon the pillars of education,
        newly built Dr. Sampat Kumar S. Shivangi Cancer   Describing the goals of the Cancer Hospital and  healthcare, mental well-being, tribal support, wom-
        Hospital in Belagavi, Karnataka. Spanning 1,75,000  the Charitable Foundation, Dr. Shivangi, a soft-spo-  en’s empowerment, and sports development. With a
        square feet with a capacity of 300 beds, the hospital  ken physician had said, “The Charitable Foundation  profound understanding of the multifaceted needs
        was built with cutting-edge technology with funds  was set up several years ago to establish, promote,  of underprivileged communities, the foundation has
        donated and raised by Dr. Sampat Shivangi, a distin-  and provide the needy and the downtrodden fellow  designed a range of initiatives that address these vi-
        guished Indian American community leader with a  human beings with opportunities to access quality  tal aspects of human well-being.

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