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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 21, 2025 | The Indian Eye 23
Rachna Nath: A multi-faceted and talented
woman who is leading the DRIPBL program
Dream Research Innovate Problem/Project Based Learning has led the
entrepreneur to open up many companies with her students
New York, NY
achna Nath is a TIME recognized innova-
tor, Analog Astronaut and a Fulbright fellow
Rwho is also an entrepreneur, NASA solar
system Ambassador, National Geographic Educa-
tor, grant writer and a STEAM enthusiast. She is
also the coauthor of the SDG4 Corporate handbook
set forward by the United Nations to be released in
2030. She has two Master’s degrees, one in Ento-
mology (Insect Science) and the second one in Biol-
ogy (Developmental Genetics) from Arizona State
University working with Honey Bee Exocrine gland
ontology. She also has over 15 years of experience in
working with Innovation and K-12 education.
Her accolades are innumerable but to mention
a few, she is the Michael A Cusanovich Bioscience
Educator, Teacher of the Year by JSHS (sponsored
by the US armed forces), Governors Celebration
of Innovation Educator, Global Innovation Award
winner for her DRIPBL methodology from TUR-
NITIN, Presidential Innovation Award for Envi- their dreams come true by working with the com- Anti-VOC scent bags to Heat stress monitoring de-
ronment Educators in the United States, two Excite munity partners and helping patent their ideas. vices. Rachna also does a lot of volunteering work
Awards from Lemelson-MIT foundation to mention Rachna has a network of trusted IT professionals, talking about honey bees at various festivals, has
a few. She has also been invited to join the “Imag- lawyers, community helpers who help bring dreams contributed her time in mask making during the
inary College” as an honorary member (Center for to reality for 9th to 12th grade students who are COVID19 pandemic and also runs a dance school
Science and Imagination) at ASU along with world invested in critical thinking, problem solving and “Sangeeta Nritya Academy” in US which she has
renowned elite Philosophers like Margaret Atwood, giving back to the community by solving real world dedicated to her Guru Sangita Hazarika in Assam,
Paolo Bacigalupi and many more. problems. Nine of her students have patents and India. She is a force to be reckoned with and she is
She has been featured as one of the fifty 2021 6 have patent pending in various prototypes from not stopping anytime soon.
Women in MILLION STEM, Entrepreneur Mag-
azine, “Chandler Lifestyle 2020 Women of Chan-
dler” recognized at the “Women in Leadership
Conference” by the Chandler Chamber of Com-
merce, Phoenix Arizona. Some other features are in
Thrive Global, Authority Magazine as Inspiration-
al Women in STEM. She has also received grants
from Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, Healthy
Urban Environments, FLINN foundation, NSF,
Department of Defense, Arizona Recycling Coali-
tion, Society for Science and the Public, Chandler
Education Foundation and the list goes on.
Her entrepreneurship ventures, through her
program DRIPBL (Dream Research Innovate
Problem/Project Based Learning) has led her to
open up many companies with her students. One
of the most prominent ones is
which is a three-generation women entrepreneur-
ship. Her 17-year-old daughter and 15-year-old
son are both #1international best sellers and well
recognized musicians as well.
She works with young entrepreneurs to make