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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 21, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 24

                       Tanishq dazzles at New York

           Fashion Week in collaboration with

                         Designer Bibhu Mohapatra

        OUR BUREAU                        fashion world for decades and has  this  partnership  with  Bibhu  Moha-  Business Head, Tanishq USA.
                                          styled icons like Jennifer Lopez and  patra which was born from the nat-  Bibhu’s Fall 2025 show present-
        New York, NY
                                          former First Lady Michelle Obama.  ural synergy between the inspiration  ed a synergistic union between his
              anishq USA debuted at New  Tanishq has presented truly global  behind our creations and the essence  silhouettes and masterpieces that
              York Fashion Week in collab-  and meaningful designs inspired by  of Bibhu’s work. Both celebrate a   Tanishq has created over the years.
        Toration with fashion design-     the craftsmanship of India for wom-  modern interpretation of India’s   The collaboration transcends the
        er Bibhu Mohapatra. The Fall 2025  en across the world. Bibhu’s 2025 Fall  rich, eclectic nuances, bringing them  norms  of  current  fashion  creating
        NYFW collection titled The Pilgrim-  collection highlights elements that  to global audiences. Our designs  bold statements where each element
        age was held at the Pierre Hotel in  take deep inspiration from the her-  are crafted to complement the bold  is unapologetically original without
        the heart of Manhattan on Febru-  itage of Indian arts. Tanishq collab-  statements at the heart of his col-  any veil.
        ary  10th.    The  venue  was  adorned  orated to accentuate the collection  lection, enhancing its core elements   “I am incredibly excited for this
        in  jasmine  flowers  and  scented  in  and its core design elements. The  with elegance and sophistication. We  homecoming moment, where my
        vibrant spices and smoky tea notes  confluence of these two brands was  extend our best wishes to Bibhu and  namesake brand joins hands with
        to take guests on a sensory pilgrim-  as natural as it was serendipitous.  his Fall collection, anticipating its re-  one of the most respected and her-
        age through India.  Tanishq show-     “Tanishq USA is thrilled about  markable success.”- Amrit Pal Singh,  itage-rich  fine  jewelry  houses  from
        cased over 40 exquisite creations set                                                                 my birth land, India.
        in gold, diamonds and polki work to   Tanishq has been a household name for generations and its leg-      Growing up, Tanishq was a bea-
        curate meticulous looks for this one-                                                                 con of craftsmanship and trust for
        of-a-kind collaboration.          acy was seeped into each and every piece of jewelry, sharing sto-   my family, making this collaboration
            Tanishq USA, which has loca-  ries of eras with elegance. Tanishq prides itself in artistry and   deeply personal. It is an extraordi-
        tions in New Jersey, Dallas, Houston                                                                  nary honor  to unveil  my  Fall  2025
        and Chicago, and recently opened in  provides the perfect balance between traditional charm and con-  collection at NYFW—an experience
        Atlanta and Seattle, has been mak-  temporary appeal. The blend of the jewelry with Bibhu’s creations   that feels like coming full circle with
        ing a strong footprint in the fine jew-                                                               the creative forces that are so pro-
        elry space across the country.    worked seamlessly down the runway as guests were left in awe of     foundly rooted in my Indian heri-
            Award winning designer Bibhu   the beauty that blended both these brands together.                tage.” – Bibhu Mohapatra
        Mohapatra has been in the global                                                                          Photo Credits: Swapnil Junjare

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