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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 21, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 20

        GOPIO-CT Distributes Funds for Local

                      Charities, New Team Sworn-In

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY

               lobal Organization of People of Indian Or-
               igin Connecticut Chapter (GOPIO-CT) or-
        Gganized its launch of 2025 activities on Fri-
        day, Feb. 7th in Stamford, CT. On this occasion the
        newly elected Executive team headed by President
        Mahesh Jhangiani took the Oath of Office admin-
        istered by Connecticut State Senator Prof Sujata
            The evening also marked the felicitation of CT   (From left to right): Prakash Shah, Umesh Chandra, Kewal Kanda, J. Nami Kaur, Ishwar Ramlutchman and Dhiraj Ahuja
        Senator Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox on her victory at the
        state elections in November 2024. She is the first
        Connecticut state senator as well as first woman
        senator of Asian origin.
            The 2024 team has the following as the offi-
        cials; President – Mahesh Jhanginai, Exe.VP – Su-
        shanth Krishnamurthy, VP - Nandu Kuppuswamy,
        Secretary – Sonali Zulluwur, Treasurer – Srinivas
        Akarapu, Associate Secretary – Ashvini Persaud.   Connecticut State Senator Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox administering Oath of Office to GOPIO-CT team. From l. to r. Joe Somin, Jaya Dap-
        Trustees – Joe Simon, Shailesh Naik, Thomas
        Abraham, Totty Narang, Shelly Nichani and Prasad   tardar, Srinivas Akarapu, Sushanth Krishnamurthy, Mahesh Jhangiani, Anita Mathur, Prasad Chintalapudi, and Gopinath Nadella
        Chintalapudi. Board Members: Meera Banta, Ravi
        Dhingra, Amit Lakhotia, Manish Maheshwari,
        Anita Mathur, Sunita Menon, Gopinath Nadella,
        Ravi Nichani.
            Every year, the chapter raises funds for a se-
        lected  local  charity  at  its  holiday  party  which  is
        usually held in December but was postponed from
        December 2024 to February 2025.
            Last year, the chapter had raised funds for
        Wheel It Forward. Thanks to the contributors, the
        chapter made a donation of $5,000 to this charity.
        A check for the amount was presented by Chapter
        President Mahesh Jhangiani to Mr. Jim Hoffman
        of Wheel it Forward.
            In 2024, GOPIO-CT and its members con-
        tributed $25,000 to Norwalk Community College
        Foundation to give away scholarships to needy stu-
        dents, $25,000 to Future 5 (
        which provides educational and career coaching to
        low income and immigrant High School students
        in  the  Stamford  area  and  $10,000  to  Society  for  GOPIO-CT President Mahesh Jhangiani presenting a check to Jim Hoffman of Wheel It Forward, From l. to r: Sonali Zullurwar, Srini-
        Human and Environmental Development (SHED,   vas Akarapu, Mahesh Jhangiani, Jim Hoffman, Dr. Thomas Abraham, Prasad Chintalapudi, Joe Simon and Sushanth Krishnamurthy  which  runs  schools,  health
        clinics and community centers in several locations
        in Mumbai and tribal areas of Maharashtra. Rep-  serve lunch for about 100 needy people.   with policy makers and academicians, community
        resentatives of other service providers present at   To add cheer to the festive spirit and wind up  events, youth mentoring and networking work-
        the event included Women’s Mentoring Network  the program, local band Taal Sutra provided live  shops, and working with other area organizations
        and  Building  One  Community,  both  based  in  entertainment.                            to help create a better future. GOPIO-CT – Global
        Stamford, CT.                                    GOPIO-CT endeavors to continue with its ac-  Organization of People of Indian Origin – serves as
             Among the numerous activities conducted by  tivities to foster good relation between the Indian  a non-partisan, secular, civic and community ser-
        GOPIO-CT is sponsorship of local soup kitchens.  diaspora  in  Connecticut  with  local  communities  vice organization – promoting awareness of Indian
        At this event GOPIO received pledges of $2000 to-  and contribute to the well-being of the state’s res-  culture, customs and contributions of people of In-
        wards hosting eight soup kitchens at the New Cov-  idents.                                 dian origin through community programs, forums,
        enant House in Stamford. The sponsorship mon-    Over the last 19 years, GOPIO-CT, a chapter  events and youth activities. It seeks to strengthen
        ey goes toward buying food ingredients which the  of GOPIO International, has become an active and  partnerships and create an ongoing dialogue with
        sponsor and/or volunteers cook at the facility and  dynamic organization hosting interactive sessions  local communities.

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