Page 11 - The Indian EYE 022125
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OPINION FEBRUARY 21, 2025 | The Indian Eye 11
the military junta losing control in the
northwest region, especially along
the Indian border, to EAOs such as
the Arakan Army (AA), Kachin In-
dependence Army (KIA) and others.
For India, Myanmar provides
land and maritime connectivity as
a gateway to Southeast Asia, high-
lighting the significance of the co-
operation. However, this unrest in
Myanmar has hampered India’s eco-
nomic and connectivity initiatives.
The same has also impacted the
completion of India’s Developmen-
tal Assistance (IDA) in Myanmar;
the “Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit
Transport Project,” which involves
road, rail and marine transporta-
tion from Sittwe Port in Myanmar
to the Northeastern region; and the
India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral
highway (IMT), to name a few.
The conflict has also resulted The conflict has also resulted in India hosting over 95,600 displaced people from Myanmar. These displaced people are mostly from the Sagaing
in India hosting over 95,600 Region, Chin State and the Magway Region of Myanmar (File photo)
displaced people from Myan-
mar. These displaced people armed group. Due to these develop- ness of patrols and surveillance oper- to fencing efforts. The geography
are mostly from the Sagaing ments, India has revisited its border ations over time. Fencing has already is characterized by rugged hill ter-
begun, as stated by India’s Union
management approach.
rains, dense forests, steep ridges and
Region, Chin State and the India’s Relook at Its Border Home Minister Shri Amit Shah. peaks interspersed with mountains
Moreover, currently 20 battal-
Magway Region of Myanmar Management ions of the Assam Rifles are deployed and rivers. These factors present a
formidable challenge to fencing and
and are predominantly concen- orders are said to determine to monitor and check cross-border patrolling the border.
trated in the states of Mizoram B the relationships among infiltration and illegal activities. Conclusion
However, with the growing security
neighboring countries and
and Manipur. determine security outcomes while concerns along the border areas, the In conclusion, the historical
also acknowledging the involvement Assam Rifles are supplemented by complexities and challenges of the
Owing to this internal situation, of trade and population mobility. 15 battalions of the Border Securi- Indo-Myanmar border, further ex-
the nation has seen a spurt of illegal On similar lines, India and Myanmar ty Force, making the security of the acerbated by the 2021 military coup,
fueled the growth of rebel groups
activities. For instance, on 22 January have closely cooperated to maintain Indo-Myanmar border the primary and intensified illegal activities in the
2025, 70 people along with 32 vehi- their border since independence, es- task of the latter. This additional ar- region. In addition to these factors,
cles were arrested and over 231 kg pecially with the ethnic linkages be- rangement complements FMR and coupled with fueling the conflict in
of methamphetamine tablets, 16 kg tween the bordering villages of both fencing. Manipur, it has factored and shift-
of heroin and 1,375 kg of marijuana countries. These close ties compelled However, these measures face ed New Delhi’s policy on its border
worth more than Rs. 355 crore were India and Myanmar to introduce the multiple challenges, especially the strategy.
seized along the India-Myanmar bor- policy of the Free Movement Regime fencing and FMR. The local com- Moreover, while India’s border
der. Apart from this, there have been (FMR). munities on both sides of the border, continues adapting to the dynam-
other fallouts of the developments FMR allows the local population who were the primary beneficiaries ic landscape, it is also essential to
in Myanmar that directly impact In- in the bordering areas of both coun- of the FMR, have opposed the new consider the need to adapting and
dia, especially for internal security tries to enter each other’s territories restrictions and India’s intention to addressing challenges ranging from
and stability. The increased armed without passports or permits and for secure it through smart fencing. security to geography, by strength-
infiltration and drug smuggling from a stay of up to seven days. However, The primary objection lies in ening infrastructure and leveraging
Myanmar is one of the chief catalysts due to the evolving security concerns the fact that the border communi- technology to secure the border from
of communal unrest between the Me- in Myanmar, India has taken deci- ties share ethnic linkages, economic adverse concerns, at the same time
tei’s and Kuki’s in Manipur. On the sions to allow the free movement interests and social and cultural ties. sustaining the historically cross-bor-
other hand, the inflow of drugs has with the “border pass system” to In response to these concerns, the der ties between India and Myanmar.
resulted in Arunachal Pradesh man- only 10 km, which earlier was for 16 Indian government has increased the
dating compulsory drug tests among km and to expand 8 border-crossing number of designated crossing points Leivon Victor Lamkang is a Research
the local border population. Addi- points to 43 crossing points along the from 8 to 43 crossing points, accom- Intern at Indian Council of World
tionally, there have been instances border. panied by strict security protocols at Affairs, New Delhi. Views expressed
of violence in the border region. For In terms of securing the border, each crossing points to ensure effec- are personal
example, on 27 January 2025, along it is proposed that there would be a tive monitoring, while balancing the
the Indo-Myanmar border in Mani- “Smart Fencing System” (SFS), in- needs of the local communities. This article first appeared in the web
pur, Myanmar-based Kuki National volving physical barriers, sensors, Furthermore, the geographical articles section of the website (www.
Army-Burma (KNA-B) engaged in cameras and a communication sys- complexities of the Indo-Myanmar of Indian Council of World Af-
a gunfight with an unidentified rival tem that will enhance the effective- border present significant hurdles fairs, New Delhi, on February 7, 2025