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COVER STORY FEBRUARY 21, 2025 | The Indian Eye 6
Prime Minister meets United States Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard, Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets with Indian-origin entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and
in Washington DC on Wednesday (ANI) his father-in-law, at Blair House, in Washington, DC on Thursday. (ANI)
CEO Elon Musk, Indian-origin en- Reuters reported. ing high tariffs on US goods will face have been done many years ago. Chi-
trepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and “But I think they built a factory identical charges when exporting to na did it at a level that probably no-
US Director of National Intelligence in India in order to avoid paying the the United States. He also under- body has ever seen before...It is go-
(DNI) Tulsi Gabbard. tariffs. And that’s what people can scored the broader economic impact ing to mean a tremendous number of
But an hour before his bilateral do with us. They can build a factory of this policy, asserting that it would jobs, and ultimately, prices will stay
meeting with Prime Minister Nar- here, a plant or whatever it may be create jobs and encourage more do- the same,” he added.
endra Modi, US President Donald here and that includes the medical, mestic production. Howard Lutnick, Trump’s nom-
Trump again commented on India’s that includes cars, that includes chips “There could be some short- inee for Commerce Secretary, con-
tariff structure, saying “they have the and semiconductors.” term disturbances but in long term firmed that studies on the imple-
highest tariffs” and “it is a hard place Trump reiterated that reciprocal it is going to make a fortune,” said mentation of reciprocal tariffs are
to do business”. Trump made the re- tariffs are necessary to ensure fair Trump. expected to be completed by April 1,
marks during a press conference in trade, stating that countries impos- “This is something that should after which the President could take
which he was asked about the meet- action as early as April 2. Lutnick em-
ing of Tesla CEO Elon Musk with “Modi is great friend of mine for phasized that if foreign nations lower
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. their tariffs, US production costs will
“They met. I assume he wants decrease, leading to economic bene-
to do business in India. But India is long time”: Donald Trump fits for American consumers.
a very hard place to do business in “Our studies should be all com-
because of the tariffs. They have the S President Donald Trump “We have more oil and gas plete by April 1st. So, we’ll hand the
highest tariffs...It’s a hard place to has said that Prime Minister than any other country in the world president the opportunity to start
do business. I would imagine he met UNarendra Modi has been his by far. They need it, and we have it. on April 2nd if he wants. So, I think
possibly because he is running a com- “great friend” for a long time and We are going to talk about trade. we’ll be ready to go on April 1st, and
pany, he is doing this as something stressed that it is “great honor” to We are going to talk about many we’ll hand it to the President and
that he has felt strongly about for a have him at the White House. things. But, it’s really an honor to he’ll make his decisions. But remem-
long time,” Trump said. Trump said that he and PM see you, you have been my friend ber, if they drop their tariffs, prices
Speaking on the issue of recipro- Modi share a “wonderful relation- for a long time. Congratulations on for Americans are coming down, our
cal tariffs, Trump highlighted India’s ship” and they kept the ties during having done a great job,” he added. production is going up, and our costs
past trade policies, citing the case of the four-year period. He said that Earlier, Donald Trump wel- are going down. Remember, it’s a
Harley-Davidson motorcycles as an they will hold talks on oil, gas and comed Prime Minister Narendra two-way street. That’s why it’s called
example of how American compa- trade. He also congratulated PM Modi at the West Wing lobby in the reciprocal,” Lutnick stated.
nies have been forced to set up man- Modi on having done a great job. White House in Washington, DC With the US gearing up for a new
ufacturing units abroad to bypass ex- Speaking to reporters along- on Thursday (local time). The two round of trade measures, analysts
orbitant import duties. side PM Modi, Donald Trump leaders shared a warm hug as they warn that reciprocal tariffs could es-
“Traditionally, India is right said, “It’s a great honor to have greeted each other. calate global trade tensions, particu-
at the top of the pack pretty much. PM Modi of India. He is a great White House Deputy Chief of larly with countries like India, which
There are a couple of smaller coun- friend of mine for a long time. We Staff shared a picture of PM Modi maintains an average tariff of around
tries that are actually more but In- have had a wonderful relationship and Trump on X. While sharing the 11 per cent across various goods.
dia charges tremendous tariffs. I and we kept the relationship during picture on X, Dan Scavino stated, While key sectors such as steel,
remember when Harley Davidson our 4-year period...We have just “Behind Scenes in the West Wing aluminium, automobiles, and dairy
couldn’t sell their motorbikes in In- started up again. We have, I think, lobby -- @POTUS Trump wel- could face adverse impacts, India’s
dia because of the fact that in India some very big things to talk about. comes Prime Minister @Naren- semiconductor and pharmaceutical
- the tax was so high, the tariff was Number 1 is, they are going to be draModi of India to the @White- exports are expected to be exempt,
so high, and Harley was forced to purchasing a lot of our oil and gas.” House.” offering some relief for the domes-
build,” he said, US Network Pool via tic industry.