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COVER STORY                                                       FEBRUARY 21, 2025        |  The Indian Eye                    5

        second term of President Trump.                                                                           US  President  introduced  PM
            Ahead of PM Modi’s arrival, In-                                                                   Modi to other officials, including US
        dian  flags  were  being  put  up  at  the                                                            Secretary of State Marco Rubio and
        White  House.  The  Prime  Minister                                                                   US Department of Government Effi-
        is among the first few world leaders                                                                  ciency (DOGE) head Elon Musk.
        to visit the United States following                                                                      White House Deputy Chief of
        President Trump’s inauguration. He                                                                    Staff shared a picture of PM Modi
        has been invited to visit within three                                                                and Trump on X. While sharing the
        weeks of the new administration tak-                                                                  picture  on  X,  Dan  Scavino  stated,
        ing office.                                                                                           “Behind Scenes in the West Wing
            A mobile billboard advertising                                                                    lobby -- @POTUS Trump welcomes
        truck in Washington, DC has dis-                                                                      Prime Minister @NarendraModi of
        played boards featuring pictures of                                                                   India to the @WhiteHouse.”
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi and                                                                          PM Modi landed in the US at the
        US President Donald Trump and a                                                                       invitation of Donald Trump on Wednes-
        message that reads, “Paving the Path                                                                  day (local time). He travelled to the
        for Progress, US-India Alliance in                                                                    US after concluding his three-day visit
        Developing Skilled Workforce” and                                                                     to France. During his visit to France,
        “Pillars of Friendship, Pathways of                                                                   PM Modi met with US Vice President
        Progress.”                                                                                            JD Vance on Tuesday (local time).
            PM Modi arrived in the US af-                                                                         Notably, India and the US
        ter concluding his three-day visit to                                                                 launched a “strategic partnership”
        France, where he participated in var-                                                                 in 2005. The ties between the two
        ious programmes related to Artificial                                                                 nations were elevated to a Compre-
        Intelligence (AI), commerce, energy,                                                                  hensive Global Strategic Partnership
        and cultural linkages. During his vis-  Modi interacts with Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s son X Æ A-12 during a bilateral meeting at Blair   during Trump’s visit to India in Feb-
        it to France, PM Modi met with US                   House in Washington, DC on Thursday (ANI)         ruary 2020.
        Vice President JD Vance on Tuesday.                                                                       Ahead of his meeting with Trump
            Prime Minister Narendra Modi  the former  at  the White  House on  hands. While meeting PM Modi,   at the White House, PM Modi held
        and US President Donald Trump  Thursday. Trump and PM Modi  Trump  said,  “We  missed  you,  we       bilateral meetings with US National
        shared a hug as the latter welcomed  warmly greeted each other and shook  missed you a lot.”          Security Advisor Mike Waltz, Tesla

         “We will work with twice the speed...,”: Modi tells Trump

               rime Minister Narendra Modi told US   the events that we did in Ahmedabad Namaste   that the Prime Minister held discussions with
               President Donald Trump on Thursday    Trump and  Howdi Modi in Houston...sounding   notable  figures,  including  newly  confirmed  Di-
         Pthat he is delighted to see him back at the   echo of those events can heard even today in India   rector of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard,
         White  House for a second term and  expressed   and the world,” he said.                  Tesla CEO Elon Musk, and entrepreneur Vivek
         confidence that the two countries will continue to                                        Ramaswamy.
         advance India-US strategic partnership with the   PM Modi said President Trump has made      The Foreign Secretary emphasized that the
         “same bond, trust and excitement”.                                                        extensive four-hour talks at the White House
             In his remarks, PM Modi said the people  immense personal contribution towards  covered a wide range of issues, including strate-
         of India had also given him the opportunity to   strengthening of bilateral relationship to-  gic and security cooperation, defense, trade, eco-
         serve them for a third successive term, and this                                          nomic engagement, technology, energy security,
         has happened after 60 years in the country’s his-  wards making it more comprehensive and  and regional and global concerns.
         tory. PM Modi said he believes that during the   attaining unprecedented heights.            While addressing a press briefing on Thurs-
         next four years in the second term of President                                           day, Misri said, “The PM just concluded a very
         Trump, “we will work with twice the speed than                                            substantive and productive visit to the Unit-
         we did in his first term”                       “I firmly believe that, in your second term, we   ed States at the invitation of President Donald
             “I am delighted to see you back in the White   will work with even more speed. As I have prom-  Trump. This is the Prime Minister’s first visit to
         House I congratulate you on behalf of 140 crore   ised people of India that in my third term, we will   the United States after the inauguration of Pres-
         people of India...people of India gave me an op-  work with thrice speed, I firmly believe that with   ident  Trump  for  a  second  term.  This  visit  is  a
         portunity to serve as PM for the third   President Trump, during the next 4 years, during   signal of the priority that both leaders attach to
         this term, I have the opportunity to work with   his second term, we will work with twice the speed   the India-US relationship. The newly confirmed
         President  Trump  once  again  for  the  next  four   than we did in his first term,” he said.   Director of National Intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard,
         years, and it is a great pleasure...I can say from   This was PM Modi’s first visit to the United   paid a call to the PM. The PM received Elon
         my past experience of working with you in your   States since President Donald Trump’s inaugura-  Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy.”
         first term, we will continue to advance India-US   tion of the second presidential term last month.   “The discussions at the White House went
         strategic partnership with the same bond, same   PM Modi is among the first few world leaders to   on for four hours. The discussions covered a lot
         trust and the same excitement,” PM Modi said.  visit the United States following the inauguration   of ground. The entire gamut of the relationship,
             The Prime Minister also talked of ‘Howdi   of President Trump and has been invited to visit   ranging from strategic and security cooperation,
         Modi’ and ‘Namaste Trump’ events.           the US within barely three weeks of the new ad-  defense, trade and economic engagement, tech-
             “ I am happy that as soon as I entered this   ministration.                           nology,  energy  security  and  people-to-people
         room, my friend reminded me of Ahmedabad        Foreign Secretary Vikram Misri provided an   linkages, regional and global issues of concerns
         and cricket stadium where we held a big rally and   overview of PM Modi’s visit to the US. He said   were dealt with,” Misri added.
                                                                                                                   Continued on next page... >>

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