Page 16 - The Indian EYE 021122
P. 16
North The Indian Eye
16 FEBRUARY 11, 2022
IndIA-new yoRk RelATIons
Mayor eric adams and ambassador taranjit
singh sandhu discuss ways to build partnership
Special emphasis on key areas including affordable healthcare, renewable energy, new and emerging technology,
education and knowledge partnership, IT and fintech and further strengthening people-to-people ties
New York, NY
aranjit Singh Sandhu, Ambas-
sador of India to the United
TStates, met New York City
Mayor, Eric Adams on Sunday, Jan-
uary 30, 2022, at the City Hall.
Ambassador Sandhu was ac-
companied by Randhir Jaiswal, In-
dia’s Consul General in New York,
and Dr. Varun Jeph, Deputy Consul
General, while Mayor Adams was
joined by New York State Assembly-
woman Jenifer Rajkumar, Deputy
Mayor Meera Joshi, Edward Mer-
melstein, Commissioner, Interna-
tional Affairs, Aissata M. B. Camara,
Deputy Commissioner, International
Affairs, Kristen Koffman, Deputy
Commissioner, International Affairs,
Dilip Chauhan, Deputy Commis-
sioner, International Affairs Fred A.
Kreizman, Commissioner, Commu-
nity Affairs, Jose Bayona, Executive
Director, Ethnic & Community Me-
dia and other senior aides.
Ambassador Sandhu congratu-
lated Mayor Adams on his historic
election as the New York City’s May-
or and conveyed his best wishes. He
thanked the mayor for his support
to India-US partnership and to the
Indian diaspora in New York.
They held discussion on
further bolstering the strong part-
nership between India and the City
of New York with special emphasis
on key areas including affordable Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, celebrat- two countries. Its contribution was Pandya, Hiren Chauhan, Dr Shee-
healthcare, renewable energy, new ing rich cultural heritage of India in acknowledged by Mayor Adams and tal Desai, Albert Jasani, Shobhana
and emerging technology, education the city of New York, and further he assured that New York-India part- Patel, Dr Darpan Dhaduk, Gurdev
and knowledge partnership, IT and strengthening people to people ties. nership will grow even stronger un- Singh Kang, Manoj Narang, Ranju
fintech. After the delegation level meet- der his leadership. Narang, Pinky Vidya, Seema Vaidya,
Ambassador Sandhu sought the ing, the two sides were joined by The community members in at- Mohinder Singh Taneja, Dr Nee-
support and participation of Mayor around thirty prominent members of tendance at the meeting included ta Jain, Mukesh Modi and Bankim
Adams and his team in the Consul- the City’s Indian American diaspora. Shudh Parkash Singh Jasuja, Ra- Brahmbhatt among others.
ate’s programmes to commemorate Indian community in New York and ghbir Singh Subhanpur, Dr Vithhal
75 years of India’s independence, USA is the living bridge between the Dhaduk, Sunil Hali, Dr Himanshu Continued at next page... >>