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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            FEBRUARY 11, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 18

                          seven state lawmakers Join

                goPIo’s northeastern Chapters to

             Celebrate India’s 73rd republic day

        OUR BUREAU                          Dignitaries and elected officials at the celebration, from left Consul General Randhir Kumar Jaiswal, Impact Executive Director Neil Makhija,

        New York, NY                               Vermont State Senator Kesha Ram, NJ State Senator Vin Gopal, Ohio State Senator Niraj Antani, CT. Rep. Harry Arora,
               undreds of Indian Americans                       NH Rep. Latha Mangipudi, BY Rep. Jenifer Rajkumar and NJ Rep. Raj Mukherji
               representing GOPIO New
        hYork, GOPIO Manhattan,
        GOPIO-CT,  GOPIO-Central  Jersey
        and other community organization
        in a show of unity came together to
        celebrate India’s 73rd Republic Day
        virtually on Wednesday, January
        26th,  2022,  paying  rich  tributes  to
        their motherland, India as she stands
        tall among nations of the world, pro-
        claiming freedom, democratic values,
        economic and technological advance-
        ments, and the rich cultural traditions.

        In his inaugural address, Indian
        Consul general randhir kumar                     American National Anthem by Mathy Pillai and Indian National Anthem by Jyothi Gupta and her team.
        Jaiswal, a career diplomat with
        over two decades of diplomat-         Stating that celebrating India’s  of New York City as well as from the  ing in developing vaccines and medi-

        ic  career  serving  in  Portugal,   Republic Day is special each year,  NY state Senate.             cines. We are grateful to the Diaspo-
                                          but this year it’s more so because it   Referring to fact that the “In-  ra for all of your contributions.”
        Cuba, south africa and at the  is the 75th anniversary of India’s In-  dian Diaspora in the United States   Neil  Makhija, Executive Pres-
        Permanent Mission of India in     dependence,  Azadi  Ka Amrit  Ma-  is very strong, and has contributed  ident of Indian American Impact
                                          hotsav, Ambassador Jaiswal pointed  immensely to the India-US relations  spoke about how they work towards
        new York, greeted the diaspora  to the several events that are being  and to Mother India,” Ambassador  helping NRIs  get  elected to state
        in the united states and around   organized across the United States  Jaiswal said, “The Indian Diaspora is  and national offices.
                                                                                                                  “Our goal is to increasing the
                                          to commemorate the event, where  playing a very important role in the
        the world on the occasion of In-  a large number of people joined  cooperation between India and the  representation of Indian Americans
        dia’s 73rd  republic  day cele-   virtually and in person, including  United States in all areas, especially  in all states,” he said. “Across the
                                          Greetings and Proclamations from  in the healthcare sector. “Covid is  country, a record number of Indi-
        brations.                         the Governors of the state of New  one area where scientists from India  an-Americans have been elected to
                                          York And Ohio and from the mayor  and the United States are collaborat-    Continued at next page... >>

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