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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            FEBRUARY 11, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 19

        the state and national offices. I am
        thrilled to be where we are today.”
        He went onto introducing each of
        the elected officials who had joined
        the celebrations today.
            New Jersey State Senator Vin
        Gopal recalled his visit with New
        Jersey Governor Phil Murphy trav-
        eling to several states in India meet-
        ing with several Chief Ministers and
        building relationships collaborating
        in several areas between India and
        New Jersey, which now has the fast-
        est growing Indian American com-
        munity in the United States.
            He proudly stated about how
        New Jersey has passed the legis-
        lation  including  Asian  American            GOPIO officials and organizers of the celebration, Top row, from l. to r. GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham,
        history in the school curriculum    GOPIO-Manhattan Executive VP Prof. Raj Vangapaty and President Shivender Sofat. Bottom row, from l. to r. GOPIO-Manhattan Committee
        teaching Indian history to all school
        children in the state. Referring to                Member Chitranjan Belwariar, GOPIO-CT President Ashok Nichani and GOPIO VP Ram Gadhavi
        his frequent trips to India to meet
        with his grandparents, the young   how the Indian American Caucuses   audience about her own life, chal-  ress under  democratic  rule  and  is
        Senator said, “I am inspired by the   are growing across the nation and in   lenges in becoming a female, non-  now moving forward to become the
        values taught by family, which we   several states. In the state of New   White  elected  official  from  a  state   Third Largest economy in the world.
        carry them in our lives.”         Jersey, the Indian American repre-  which is majority White. “It was a   As we celebrate 73rd Republic Day
            Vermont State Senator Kesha   sentation in state offices has grown   very slow and gradual journey after I   of India, let us rededicate ourselves
        Ram shared of the reasons for her   from 1 to 7 this year. “That’s the   had come to the US to pursue high-  to the cause of democracy, freedom,
        entering politics. “I got engaged   way it should be. I am proud of all   er studies in the 1980s.” Inspired by   justice, and peace not only in India
        with the community for long, where   that GOPIO has contributed social-  Gandhiji’s message of non-violence,   but all over the world,” he said.
        we care for each other.” One of the   ly and financially to make this hap-  which Martin Luther and late Rep.   Dr. Jaya Daptardar eloquently
        youngest ever to be elected to State   pen. I am proud of the contributions   John Lewis had imbibed in their   emceed the event. American Na-
        Assembly at the age of 21, she said,   of the Indian Diaspora, who are in   public life, the 1st generation Indi-  tional Anthem was sung by: Mathy
        “I am the first ever woman of col-  the front lines of global healthcare.   an American said, “I am a woman,   Pillai, while the Indian National An-
        or top be elected to the state As-  NRIs are helping the nation and the   Brown  colored, 1st generation In-  them was by Jyothi Gupta and team
        sembly in Vermont. Continuing to   world, come out of the Covid. And   dian and very vocal in expressing   from Long Island. Popular artists
        break through the barriers, we can   it’s the time to celebrate.”   my views.” Stating that she has in-  from New Jersey and Connecticut,
        work together to elect more NRIs.     NY    State   Representative  troduced traditional health systems   including Pallavi Belwariar, Kedar
        “It’s incredible to be of public ser-  Jenifer Rajkumar from the 28th   of India including Ayurveda in New   Godbole, Srinivas Gunupuru, and
        vice, following in the footsteps of my   District thanked GOPIO and the   Hampshire, she thanked the Indian   Trupti Shah presented popular ever-
        great grandfathers,” she said, refer-  Indian American community for   Consulate which has “worked with   green patriotic songs such as Vande
        ring to her ancestry back in India,   the inspiration she has had in her   us to enhance awareness on India   Mataram and Jai Ho with their
        who had fought for the freedom for   life,  “Indian  identity  is  central to   and its diverse culture  and demo-  beautiful voices.
        India. “We have carried with us that   my election to the state assembly in   cratic values.”             Media   Sponsor   and   Live
        spirit of community service.”     New York. I stand on your shoulders   Connecticut State Represen-   Streaming was provided by  Indus
            Ohio  State  Senator  Niraj  An-  as GOPIO has played a great role in   tative Harry Arora said, “We know   TV (New Jersey). GOPIO-Manhat-
        tani, said, he is the 2nd Indian   helping me get elected to the State   how powerful it is to have set up of   tan Committee Member Chitranjan
        American ever elected to a state-  Assembly.”                       laws and rules of laws, the power of   Belwariar proposed a vote of thanks
        wide office and he is one of the only   Referring to the record three In-  a country comes from a beautifully   which was followed by introduction
        Republicans of Indian Origin to be   dian Americans elected to the state,   written constitution which was ad-  of all sponsoring organizations by
        elected. “Freedom is rare and needs   she said, “We made history and I   opted on that day and the fact that   GOPIO-Manhattan Executive
        to be upheld and protected. I work   want to thank the community lead-  we have lived with that beautifully   Prominent among those who
        hard to reach across the aisle and   ers who have made this possible.”     so many years with that constitution   had joined the Republic Day cele-
        cooperate  with  people  in  both  the   Rajkumar shared with the audience   in India, which works.” Rep. Arora   brations included GOPIO VP Ram
        Parties to legislate.” Sharing his ear-  as to how growing up in a family that   also added that we may complain   Gadhavi who is also the chair of
        ly days and inspiration to enter pol-  emphasized the teachings of Gand-  that sometimes things  might not   Gujarat Literary Academy of North
        itics, he said, “My parents worked   hian principles has helped her to ap-  work, but overall, on a macro level   America; Lal Motwani, GOPIO
        hard to live the American dream.   preciate diversity, justice and equal-  it has worked.             Foundation Executive Trustee; Dr.
        There is a need for us to be at the   ity for all. She referred to the Bills   GOPIO Chairman, Dr. Thom-  Asha Samant, GOPIO International
        decision-making table. Everyone is   she has introduced in the Assembly   as Abraham in his introductory   Coordinator-at-Large; and several
        able to realize the dream. We stand   to celebrate Punjabi culture and de-  remarks highlighted how India, af-  GOPIO Chapter Presidents, includ-
        on your shoulders, to carry on the   claring and October as Hindu her-  ter a long non-violent struggle, got   ing, GOPIO New York President
        Indian values.”                   itage month as well as to celebrate   its independence from the British   Beena Kothari; GOPIO Manhattan
            New Jersey State Rep. Raj     India’s Independence Day.         Colonial Rule and declared itself   President Shivender Sofat; GO-
        Mukerji said, “We are celebrating     New Hampshire State Rep.      a Republic in 1950 with one of the   PIO-CT President Ashok Nichani;
        the world’s largest democracy today   Latha Mangipudi, who has been   longest written constitutions. “Al-  GOPIO-Central Jersey Kunal Me-
        and India’s contributions to building   elected again to the NH House of   though we started with almost noth-  hta; and, Rockland County Legisla-
        a better world for all.” He pointed to   Representatives,  shared  with  the   ing, in 75 years, India made prog-  ture Anney Paul.

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