Page 24 - The Indian EYE 020224
P. 24

NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 02, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 24

               Mayor Adams to relieve over $2 Billion in

           Medical Debt for Hundreds of Thousands of

                                   Working-Class New Yorkers

          $18 Million Investment Will Provide Relief for up to 500,000 New Yorkers Burdened With Medical

                        Debt, Becoming Largest Municipal Medical Debt Relief Program in Country

        OUR BUREAU

        NEW YORK, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric
               Adams and New York City
        NDepartment of Health  and
        Mental  Hygiene (DOHMH)  Com-
        missioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan today
        announced a pioneering medical debt
        relief program, that will invest $18 mil-
        lion over three years to relieve over $2
        billion in medical debt for hundreds
        of thousands of working-class New
        Yorkers. Medical debt — the num-
        ber one cause of bankruptcy in the
        United States — disproportionate-
        ly affects uninsured, under-insured,
        and low-income households, and the
        city’s program would wipe out debt
        for up to 500,000 New Yorkers on a
        one-time basis. The city will partner
        with RIP Medical Debt, a nation-
        al,  New  York  City-based  nonprofit
        specializing in buying and ultimately
        wiping out medical debt to acquire
        debt portfolios and retiree debt from
        health care providers and  hospitals
        across New York City. Affected New   ing rent or for other essentials and  the future.”               laboration come together since RIP
        Yorkers will then be notified that their   paying off their medical debt, which is   “Throughout my career as a doc-  Medical Debt was founded here in
        medical debt has been relieved; there   why we are proud to bring this relief  tor,  I  have  seen  first-hand  how  high   New York City,” said Allison Sesso,
        is no application process for this pro-  to  families  across  the  five  boroughs,  health care costs and medical debt   president and CEO, RIP Medical
        gram. The one-time debt relief pro-  as we continue to fight on behalf of  can force patients to make impossible   Debt. “Medical debt is a failing of the
        gram, the largest municipal initiative   working-class New Yorkers.”  choices,” said DOHMH Commis-    system writ large, not people. Beyond
        of its kind in the country, will launch   “For hundreds of thousands  sioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan. “No one   creating  often  unpayable  financial
        in early 2024 and run for three years.  of New Yorkers and for millions of  in New York City, or in America, in   burdens, medical debt undermines
            “Getting health care shouldn’t be   Americans, medical debt creates  2024, should have to choose between   one’s mental health as well. By mak-
        a burden that weighs on New Yorkers   anxiety, uncertainty, and stress,” said  getting the health care they need and   ing future care more accessible, this
        and their families,” said Mayor Ad-  Deputy Mayor for Health and Hu-  paying their rent or buying food to   initiative aligns well with hospitals
        ams. “Since day one, our administra-  man  Services Anne Williams-Isom.  feed their families. But as a provider,   and health systems’ community bene-
        tion has been driven by the clear mis-  “It weighs not only on individual and  I have seen all-too-often patients who   fit and health equity efforts.”
        sion of supporting working-class New   familial balance sheets, but may cause  delay or forgo lifesaving care because   “We applaud Mayor Adams and
        Yorkers and today’s investment that   some to put off additional care and  of fear of high costs leading to debt.   his administration for making medical
        will provide $2 billion in medical debt   limits upward financial mobility. New  Medical debt caused by the exorbitant   debt relief a top priority for those in
        relief is another major step in deliver-  York City’s investment through this  and ever-rising costs of health care   greatest need. At Episcopal Health
        ing on that vision. Up to half a million   partnership will help working people  is the number one cause of personal   Services, we recognize daily the sig-
        New Yorkers will see their medical   and families advance their health and  bankruptcy in the United States, and   nificant burden mounting health care
        debt wiped thanks to this life chang-  financial well-being so they can thrive,  also has our economy on an unsus-  costs have on our patients and our
        ing program — the largest municipal   instead of just survive. Furthermore,  tainable path. As a physician and ad-  community. We wholeheartedly sup-
        initiative of its kind in the country.   we realize this issue is part of a larg-  vocate, I know medical debt is killing   port this measure, understanding it
        No one chooses to go into medical   er complex health care system and  New  Yorkers  and  killing  our  econo-  will have a significant positive impact
        debt — if you’re sick or injured, you   we look forward to continuing to ad-  my, and today, this city is stepping up   on the lives and wellbeing of those we
        need to seek care. But no New Yorker   vocate for systemic changes to help  to say that the people deserve better.”  serve,” said Gerard M. Walsh, CEO,
        should have to choose between pay-  New Yorkers avoid medical debt in   “It’s gratifying to see this col-  Episcopal Health Services.

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