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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 02, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 22

         Mayor Adams lays out Future-Focused vision for Working-

                Class New Yorkers in third state of the City Address

        Speech Outlines Ambitious Plans to Establish Department of Sustainable Delivery, Support 400,000

         Green Economy Jobs, Build New Housing on Public Land, Expand New York City Reads, Invest in

                     Clean, Dynamic Public Spaces, and Protect New York City From Climate Change

        OUR BUREAU                        when we came into office. New York  of the Adams administration. Crime   of Transportation Commissioner
                                          City is becoming a place where ev-  has fallen as a result of strong sup-  Ydanis Rodriguez and the city’s Vi-
        NEW YORK, NY
                                          eryone has the opportunity to make  port for law enforcement as well as   sion Zero Task Force will continue
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-  it, and the future-focused vision we  proactive strategies deployed by the   to recognize that traffic safety is pub-
               ams on Thursday outlined  laid out today will build on all that  administration, including plans to   lic safety and keep New York City’s
        Na  future-focused  vision for  we have delivered for New Yorkers  crack down on auto thefts, combat   streets and sidewalks safe.
        working-class New Yorkers in his  by investing in public safety, public  retail thefts, and launch a $500 mil-  Mayor Adams has steered New
        third State of the City address, deliv-  spaces, and the working people who  lion blueprint to keep communities   York City through a new chapter of
        ered at Hostos Community College’s  make New York City the greatest city  safe from gun violence.     its  economic  recovery,  officially  re-
        Hostos Center for the Arts & Cul-  in the world. While our city is still full   In 2024, the Adams administra-  gaining all of the private-sector jobs
        ture in the Bronx. After driving crime  of questions, history shows we can  tion will continue to build on those   the city lost during the COVID-19
        down and pushing job growth to his-  answer them and progress together  wins and address public safety chal-  pandemic more than a year ahead of
        toric highs — all while managing a  when we work as one. The last two  lenges that are top of mind for ev-  schedule. More than 270,000 private
        once-in-a-generation asylum seeker  years have been a time of renewal  eryday New Yorkers, including traf-  sector jobs and 44,000 businesses —
        humanitarian crisis — Mayor Adams  and resetting — now, let’s make the  fic safety. In response to the rise of   the majority of which are small busi-
        outlined ambitious plans to continue  future together.”             e-bikes, mopeds, cargo bikes, and   nesses — have been created since
        to deliver for New York City across   New York City is the safest big  other nontraditional transportation   Mayor Adams took office.
        his priority areas that have been a  city in the country. Mayor Adams  modes on New York City streets     Further, Mayor Adams com-
        part of his vision for New York City  entered City Hall with a mission to  and sidewalks, the administration   mitted to accelerating the city’s job
        since day one: making the country’s  reduce  crime  and  keep  New  York-  is in discussions with the New York   growth to reach 5 million total jobs
        safest big city even safer, building a  ers safe, and he has delivered on that  City  Council  to  create  the  “New   by 2025 — more than a year ahead
        forward-looking economy that works  commitment. Under Mayor Adams  York  City  Department  of  Sustain-  of projections. The administration
        for working-class New Yorkers, and  and  New  York  City  Police  Depart-  able Delivery.”            will accomplish this goal by building
        making the city more livable for all  ment (NYPD) Commissioner Ed-      The department will prioritize   future-focused industries, such as
        New Yorkers.                      ward A. Caban’s leadership, overall  safety while harnessing the potential   those in the green economy, from the
            “When we came into office two  crime is down in New York City. In  of these new forms of transportation.   ground up to create accessible career
        years ago, we had a clear vision: pro-  2023, the city saw a drop in five of the  This  first-in-the-nation  regulatory   pathways.
        tect public safety, rebuild our econo-  seven major crime categories, includ-  entity will establish clear goals and   Finally, Mayor Adams will con-
        my, and make this city more livable,”  ing a 12 percent decline in homicides  guidelines for the future of delivery   tinue to advocate for four years of
        said Mayor Adams. “Two years later,  and a 25 percent decrease in shooting  in New York City and consolidate   mayoral accountability over New
        thanks to the hard work of this ad-  incidents compared to the year prior.  work that is now spread out over mul-  York City public schools, which Gov-
        ministration and millions of dedicat-  Additionally, the NYPD has taken  tiple agencies. While 2023 was the   ernor Hochul announced her support
        ed New Yorkers, the state of our city  more than 14,000 illegal guns off of  second-safest year for pedestrians on   for in both her State of the State and
        is strong — far stronger than it was  New York City streets since the start  record, New York City Department   Executive Budget addresses.

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