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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 02, 2024 | The Indian Eye 26
Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar brings Mayor Eric Adams
and Community together to unveil new Gandhi Statue
OUR BUREAU home and the powerful image of his
preserved footsteps, serving as a per-
South Queens, NY
manent reminder of the importance
n Sunday, Assemblywoman of nonviolence and understanding.
Jenifer Rajkumar—the first The Mayor also praised the Rich-
OHindu-American elected of- mond Hill community for their com-
ficial in New York State—brought mitment to tolerance, faith, family,
Mayor Eric Adams and the commu- and hard work, which serves as a shin-
nity together to unveil the magnificent ing example for all New Yorkers.
new Mahatma Gandhi statue at Shri Mayor Adams said, “I thank you
Tulsi Mandir, a beloved Hindu temple for allowing me to participate in this
in South Richmond Hill. The Gand- event. I often look at the photo we
hi statue replaces one destroyed as a took together out front and how we
result of two separate vandalism inci- all came together, and the diversi-
dents in August 2022. ty of those who were here because I
When the statue was destroyed, agree with our Assemblywoman: our
Assemblywoman Rajkumar brought strength lies in our faith and, Assem-
worldwide attention to the issue, gain- blywoman, you personify that—your
ing the support of the White House level of comfort of embracing all the
and drawing international news cover- different faiths in this City is what a true
age. She brought together Mayor Ad- leader [is], not only in Albany but here
ams and the community at the mandir, about the Gandhian principles of the first statue, but nothing can de- in the beautiful rich neighborhood.”
where they launched a worldwide ahimsa (nonviolence) and satyagraha stroy our belief in the Gandhian He added that the event “is not
movement for mutual understanding (love), which inspired her commit- principles of love, unity, nonvio- only a symbolic unveiling, it is a com-
among all faiths and cultures. The ment to public service. She spoke lence, and peace. Today, as a symbol mitment that we have that we’ll con-
Assemblywoman also convinced the of honoring the Gandhi belief in not of our everlasting faith, we proudly tinue in the footsteps of our great
NYPD to investigate the case as an just respecting people of other back- unveil a brand new Gandhi statue.” leader, our leader Gandhi.”
anti-Hindu hate crime, one of the first grounds, but embracing them as if She added, “Let us all, as Gandhi Assemblywoman Rajkumar said
ever classified as such in New York. they are of your own. Assemblywom- commands, be the change we wish to afterward, “The unveiling of the new
This week, Assemblywoman an Rajkumar also spoke of Mahatma see in the world. Take a moment to- statue symbolizes our City’s resilience.
Rajkumar again brought together a Gandhi’s influence on the American day to extend a hand and lay down the As the statue rises, so too will love al-
diverse coalition of elected officials, civil rights movement. Martin Lu- sword. Maybe even to embrace and ways rise above hate. A central tenet
community leaders, and people of ther King, Jr. famously spoke of how show love to someone who does not of Hinduism is inclusivity toward peo-
all faiths to celebrate the historic un- Gandhi’s nonviolent movement for do the same to you. It is the first step ple of all faiths. Hindus believe not
veiling of a brand-new Gandhi statue social change was his guiding light. for a peaceful world.” just in tolerance, but in one step more
and the Gandhian values it embodies. Assemblywoman Rajkumar spoke to Mayor Adams recounted the in- than tolerance—actively loving and
Joining her and the Mayor were As- the community about how achieving spiration he continues to draw from welcoming people of different back-
semblyman David Weprin, Council- peace around the world, while not Assemblywoman Rajkumar’s event grounds and faiths. This was Mahat-
woman Lynn Schulman, Mayor Ad- easy, is within our reach through love, uniting the community in 2022 in the ma Gandhi’s dream: a peaceful, lov-
ams’ South Asian Community Liaison hard work, and dedication. wake of the initial hate crime, saying ing world. We have achieved Gandhi’s
Sookranie Dhanpat, Tulsi Mandir During the event, Assembly- that the Assemblywoman truly em- dream in Richmond Hill, where Hin-
founder Pandit Lakhram Maharaj, woman Rajkumar said, “I am here bodies the idea of embracing other dus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, and Chris-
and Richmond Hill community leader to say that hate against any group cultures as her own. He expressed his tians live together in harmony, often
Romeo Hitllal. will not be tolerated in my district, in deep admiration for Gandhi, whose on the same block. Together, we are
At Sunday’s unveiling ceremony, Queens, or anywhere in New York teachings inspire his work as Mayor. a powerful force inspiring peace and
Assemblywoman Rajkumar spoke City. Vandals may have destroyed He vividly described visiting Gandhi’s understanding throughout the world.”