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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 02, 2024 | The Indian Eye 23
Chicago INDO US Lions Club and MIBG
Foundation Serve Prasad to Over 14,000 People
in Ahmedabad during Pran Pratishtha
Chicago, IL
hicago INDO US Lions Club and MIBG
Foundation Collaborate to Serve Prasad
Cto Over 14,000 People in India during Ram
Mandir Pran Pratishtha Mahotsav At Ayodhya The
Chicago INDO US Lions Club, in collaboration
with the MIBG Foundation, proudly announces
the successful distribution of sacred Prasad to over
14,000 individuals at Ahmedabad, India, marking
a profoundly significant contribution during the
auspicious Ram Mandir Pran Prathista Mahotsav
in Ayodhya.
On 22nd January Monday, the synergistic ef-
forts of the Chicago INDO US Lions Club and the Chicago INDO US Lions Club and the MIBG laborating with the Chicago INDO US Lions Club
MIBG Foundation came to fruition in a massive Foundation epitomizes the spirit of service and for this initiative has been a transformative expe-
Prasad distribution drive, aiming to spread joy, community engagement. We are honored to have rience. It’s heartening to see two organizations
unity, and spiritual fulfillment among the commu- had the opportunity to contribute to the joyous oc- come together to contribute to the well- being and
nity members gathered for the grand celebrations casion of the Ram Mandir Pran Prathista Mahot- joy of a community during the momentous Ram
at Ayodhya. This event unfolded in conjunction sav and to share the divine blessings through the Mahotsav. The distribution of Prasad symbolizes
with the momentous Ram Mandir Pran Prathis- distribution of Prasad,” said Lion Kishan Trivedi, our shared commitment to social welfare and cul-
ta Mahotsav, a historic occasion that resonates President of Chicago INDO US Lions Club. tural harmony.”
with deep cultural and spiritual significance. The Lion Hina, Founder President of the Chicago The event not only showcased the dedication
Chicago INDO US Lions Club, renowned for its INDO US Lions Club, expressed her gratitude, of the participating organizations but also high-
unwavering commitment to humanitarian service stating, “Being part of such a significant event in lighted the paramount importance of the Ram
and community development, joined hands with Ayodhya, especially during the sacred Ram Mandir Mandir in Ayodhya as a symbol of cultural and
the MIBG Foundation, a respected organization Pran Prathista Mahotsav, is a moment of immense spiritual unity. The presence of the Chicago INDO
dedicated to fostering social welfare. pride for our club. Our commitment to humanitar- US Lions Club and MIBG Foundation during this
Together, they orchestrated the seamless ian service aligns with the values of this auspicious historic occasion exemplifies their shared ded-
distribution of Prasad to thousands of individu- occasion, and we are thrilled to have been a part ication to making a positive impact on society,
als, creating an atmosphere of joy, harmony, and of this meaningful celebration.” Deepak Nayak upholding the values of compassion, service, and
cultural celebration. “This collaboration between Chairman of the MIBG Foundation added, “Col- cultural.