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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 02, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 20

                         BAPS Swaminarayan Mandirs

        Celebrate the Historic Pran Pratishtha at

                                   Ram Mandir in Ayodhya

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
           n honor of the historic Pran
           Pratishtha ceremony at Shri Ram
        IMandir in Ayodhya, a special pro-
        gram was held at over 100 BAPS Swam-
        inarayan Mandirs across North Amer-
        ica on Saturday, January 20, 2024.

        This auspicious event marked
        the culmination of an extraor-
        dinary journey spanning over
        five centuries, a testament to
        the sacrifices and unwavering
        faith of numerous  swamis,
        mahants,  acharyas,  and  de-
        voted individuals.

            Under the inspiring guidance
        of His Holiness Mahant Swami Ma-
        haraj, BAPS masterfully organized an
        array of devotional programs at 1,500
        mandirs and 21,000 Satsang assem-
        blies globally,  each event  pulsating
        with vibrant enthusiasm. The mandirs
        were beautifully transformed into
        stunning displays of devotion, each
        one  adorned with sparkling  lights,  tees and showering of flower petals.  ville), Jai Gulati (School Board Mem-  returned to Ayodhya, everyone ex-
        glowing diyas, and intricate rangolis  The event was also graced with pro-  ber of Robbinsville), Sukhdev Bhalla   perienced immense joy. A similar
        that depicted Shri Ram and the new  found and enlightening speeches by  (Durga Mandir), Vijayji Muchhal   boundless joy is being experienced by
        mandir, creating a captivating and  revered swamis and esteemed guests,  (Geeta Pariwar USA), Ravi Pulipa-  millions of devotees today.” His Holi-
        spiritual ambiance.  Heightening the  who  shared  insights  and  reflections  ti (Om Sri Sai Balaji Mandir), Arthi   ness Mahant Swami Maharaj shared
        excitement, a meticulously prepared,  on the life and teachings of Shri Ram.  Suryanarayanan (Sri Mahaperiyava   these sentiments in a heartfelt letter
        elaborate Annakut was a feast for     “The Ramayan teaches us many  Manimandapam), Krisna Linga (Shri   on the inauguration of Shri Ram
        the eyes. Delightful treats, including  lessons, one of them being  about  Ram  Chandra  Mission/Heartfulness   Mandir as a tribute to the sacrifices
        cookies and mandir-shaped cakes,  the words we use. Speak that which  Institute), Dr. Arun Karpur (Shri   and dedication of all those who have
        each artfully inscribed with ‘Shri  is true, that which is kind, and that  Krishna Nidhi Foundation), and San-  worked tirelessly to make this historic
        Ram’, added a special touch to the  which is good for others,” shared  jay Gupta (Vishwa Hindu Parishad of   day a reality.
        festivities, captivating everyone with  Pujya Yogananddas Swami in his  America).                        Additionally, BAPS devotees
        their intricate designs and thoughtful  discourse on the special occasion in   BAPS cherishes a long history with   also celebrated by decorating homes
        presentation.                     Robbinsville, NJ.  He  continued to  the Shri Ram Mandir. Pramukh Swa-  and mandirs with diyas and lamps,
            The air was charged with devo-  reflect  on  Bhagwan  Shri  Ram’s  vir-  mi Maharaj performed the  pujan  of   mirroring Diwali traditions. They
        tion as vibrant processions, brimming  tues of humility, respect for societal  the  first  Shri  Ram  Shila  that  would   also virtually attended the inaugu-
        with energy and fervor, were meticu-  norms, forgiveness, and justice which  be laid in the mandir›s foundation in   ration ceremony webcast from Ayo-
        lously organized, weaving through the  deeply resonated with the attendees.  1989. In 2020, Mahant Swami Ma-  dhya on January 22, 2024. BAPS
        crowds and creating an atmosphere     In attendance of this auspicious  haraj performed a pujan for the shi-  Swaminarayan Sanstha was invited
        of divine celebration that was nothing  event at Robbinsville, NJ were Swa-  lanyas ceremony  of the Shri Ram   to the event and on his behalf senior
        short of magical. In a heartwarming  mi Debopriyanandji (Bharat Sevash-  Mandir, where senior swamis from   swamis from BAPS represented the
        and grand welcome, Shri Ram was  ram Sangha of North America), Con-  BAPS joined other revered mahat-  event. HH Mahant Swami Maharaj
        reverently welcomed into the assem-  sul A. K. Vijayakrishnan (Consulate  mas and dignitaries from across India.  joined the celebrations virtually from
        bly in a beautifully decorated palkhi,  General of India, New York), Amit   “After 14 years of exile into the   Gujarat, India.
        amidst the joyful chants of the devo-  Chopra (Town Council of Robbins-  forests,  when  Bhagwan  Shri  Ram   Continued on next page... >>

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