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EYE ON INDIA                                                        JANUARY 31, 2025       |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                                  MAHAKUMBH 2025

           How the Yogi Govt turned the

          gathering into a spot for policy


            A discussion was also held regarding Ardha Kumbh that will be held in

         2031 as bridges, roads, hospitals and other development works will be done

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            CM Yogi said.
                                                                                                                  CM  Yogi  announced  establish-
        Prayagraj (UP)
                                                                                                              ing  the  Prayagraj-Chitrakoot  devel-
            n just 11 days of the Mahakumbh,                                                                  opment region on the lines of Luc-
            more than 97.3 million devotees,                                                                  know.
        IKalpavasis  and  revered  seers                                                                          Apart from that authorities are
        have taken a holy dip at the Triveni                                                                  focusing on preparations for the up-
        Sangam.  With  this  unprecedented                                                                    coming  Mauni  Amavasya  on  Janu-
        turnout of devotees, the total number                                                                 ary 29, anticipating large crowds of
        of participants expected to touch the                                                                 devotees.
        100  million-mark  by  the  end  of  the                                                                  After Uttar Pradesh Chief Min-
        11th day of the festival.                                                                             ister Yogi Adityanath chaired a cabi-
            As  per  the  data  of  the  Uttar                                                                net meeting at the Mahakumbh and
        Pradesh  government,  on  Thursday                                                                    approved significant schemes for the
        as  of  now  over  1.6  million  people                                                               state, Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak on
        took dip in the sacred confluence of                                                                  Wednesday said that a discussion was
        Ganga, Yamuna and mystical Saras-                                                                     also  held  regarding  Ardha  Kumbh
        wati. The Uttar Pradesh government                                                                    that will be held in 2031. He added
        estimates that more than 450 million                                                                  that the bridges, roads, hospitals and
        people  will  attend  the  Maha  Kum-                                                                 other  development  works  will  be
        bh this time, according to an official                                                                done in Prayagraj.
        statement.                                                                                               “During the cabinet meeting, we
            On  Wednesday,  Uttar  Pradesh                                                                    had discussions regarding the Ardha
        Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath took                                                                   Kumbh in 2031. Bridges, roads, hos-
        the holy dip in Triveni Sangam during   Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath being felicitated ahead of a special Cabinet meet-  pitals and other development works
        the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj. Dep-   ing at the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025, in Prayagraj on Wednesday. State Deputy CMs Keshav   will be done in Prayagraj...” said the
        uty  CMs  Keshav  Prasad  Maurya,           Prasad Maurya, Brajesh Pathak and others also seen. (ANI Photo)  Dy CM.
        Brajesh  Pathak  and  other  cabinet                                                                      Deputy  CM  K  P  Maurya  also
        ministers were with the CM. The UP   (Maghi  Purnima),  and  February  26   and Defense and employment policy   spoke of the preparations for Ardh
        CM was seen offering thanks to God   (Maha Shivaratri).             has completed 5 years. It will be re-  Kumbh,  “A  meeting  of  the  cabinet
        as he and his ministers took part in   After the meeting, CM Yogi an-  newed. New incentives have been an-  was  held  here  in  Prayagraj  Maha-
        this spiritual moment.            nounced that three medical colleges   nounced to attract more investment,”   kumbh. Big decisions have been tak-
            Notably, all 54 ministers of the                                                                  en here. Preparations for 2031 Ardha
        Uttar  Pradesh  cabinet  were  invited   would  be  established  in  Hathras,  Yogi said.             Kumbh have also started here in Ma-
                                                                                CM Yogi announced the issuing
                                          Kasganj  and  Baghpat.  He  further
        to this meeting. Following the meet-  added that 62 Industrial Training In-  of Municipal corporation bonds for   hakumbh 2025. I cannot express the
        ing, CM Yogi Adityanath, along with   stitute  and  5  centers  of  Innovation,  Prayagraj Varanasi and Agra. “And   feeling after taking a holy dip here.”.
        the entire cabinet, took the holy dip   invention and training will be estab-  bonds will be issued in these three   Uttar  Pradesh  police  deployed
        in  the  sacred  waters  of  the  Triveni   lished across the state.  important  municipal  corporations   over  10,000  personnel,  including  lo-
        Sangam.                               The  decision  to  renew  Uttar   of  Prayagraj,  Varanasi  and  Agra.   cal police and paramilitary forces for
            Maha Kumbh is one of the larg-                                                                    the  event’s  security.  The  National
        est  and  most  significant  religious   Pradesh  Aerospace  and  Defense   Till  now  we  have  issued  bonds  of   Disaster  Response  Force  (NDRF)
                                          and  employment  policy  was  taken
                                                                            Lucknow and Ghaziabad. Very good
        congregations  in  the  world.  The                                                                   has  deployed  a  “water  ambulance”
        key ‘snan’ dates left are: January 29   at the meeting. Additionally, to bol-  results have come out of this. This is   stationed  at  Sangam  to  ensure  the
                                                                            an important medium for branding
                                          ster investment in the state, the UP
        (Mauni  Amavasya  -  Second  Shahi   government  will  announce  new  in-  the  municipal  corporation  and  for   safety of devotees. The Maha Kum-
        Snan),  February  3  (Basant  Pancha-  centives. “Uttar Pradesh Aerospace   its  development  and  a  new  vision,”   bh began on January 13 and will con-
        mi - Third Shahi Snan), February 12                                                                   tinue until February 26.
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