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COVER STORY JANUARY 31, 2025 | The Indian Eye 4
More engagement with Quad. Return of illegal immigrants. Probe into attack on Indian
Consulate. Indian foreign minister Dr S Jaishankar’s engagement with the new US
administration shows how the bilateral relationship is all set for a leap forward
Washington, DC
n a sign of importance given to
ties with India, India’s External
IAffairs Minister (EAM) S Jais-
hankar attended the inaugural cel-
ebrations and the swearing-in cere-
mony of Donald Trump as the 47th
President of US at the Capitol in
Washington, DC. “Attended the In-
augural festivities in Washington this
evening. Occasion to meet key mem-
bers of President Trump’s Adminis-
tration,” the EAM posted on X. The
Indian leader was given a front-row
seat at the gathering.
During the event, Jaishankar
met key members of President Don-
ald Trump’s administration, including
the 56th Speaker of the US House of
Representatives, Mike Johnson and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar (second from right) at the inauguration ceremony of US President Donald Trump and Vice President JD
Senate Majority Leader John Thune. Vance in Washington DC on Monday (ANI)
He also interacted with the nominee
for the Director of the Federal Bu- External Affairs Minister S Jaishan- seen that mature in many ways. And U.S.-India relationship. Secretary
reau of Investigation (FBI) in the kar said on Wednesday that the ties the third impression was, with regard Rubio also emphasized the Trump
Trump Administration, Kash Patel. are being built further on the strong to the Quad, a very strong sense that Administration’s desire to work with
“Delighted to meet Speaker Mike foundation that has been laid. “If I the current administration would re- India to advance economic ties and
Johnson and Majority Leader John were to share my overall impressions, ciprocate our desire as well to take address concerns related to irregular
Thune at the evening function,” he I would say one, it was very keen. It the Quad further, to intensify its ac- migration.
said. was very clear that the Trump admin- tivities,” he added. This meeting marked Secretary
Jaishankar represented Prime istration was keen to have India pres- Secretary of State Marco Rubio Rubio’s first bilateral engagement
Minister Narendra Modi as his spe- ent at the inaugural itself. They’re met Jaishankar in Washington DC, since assuming office. Both leaders
cial envoy at the inaugural function clearly prioritizing the bilateral rela- reaffirming the shared commitment emphasized collaboration in areas
of President Donald Trump in Wash- tionship. Secondly, in the meetings, to strengthening the US-India part- such as critical and emerging tech-
ington DC, today. He carried a letter it was also evident that they would nership. nologies, defense, energy, and the
from the Prime Minister for Presi- like to build on the foundation of the Secretary Rubio and External advancement of a free and open In-
dent Trump. Donald Trump took the relationship, a foundation which the Affairs Minister Jaishankar affirmed do-Pacific region.
oath as the 47th US President on Jan- first Trump administration also con- a shared commitment to continu- The US-India relationship has
uary 20. tributed a lot to building,” Jaishankar ing to strengthen the partnership seen substantial growth in recent
Noting that the Trump adminis- said. between the United States and In- years, with a focus on defense col-
tration was keen to have India pres- “President Trump and Prime dia. They discussed a wide range of laboration, trade, and shared strate-
ent at the inaugural itself and is pri- Minister Modi at that time took a topics, including regional issues and gic goals in the Indo-Pacific region.
oritizing the bilateral relationship, number of initiatives, and we have opportunities to further deepen the Continued on next page... >>