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OPINION JANUARY 31, 2025 | The Indian Eye 10
Russia’s Growing Engagement with
the Alliance of Sahel States
This article examines the recently concluded Telecommunication and Remote Sensing Satellite
Agreement of Russia with the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) as well as the Russia-Niger Satellite Deal
to underscore Russia’s growing influence in the Sahel Region
JULIA JOSE THACHIL cess to electricity. Similarly, Burki-
na Faso’s military leaders have also
ussia’s footprint in Africa has signed a deal with Russia on nuclear
expanded exponentially in re- power plants to enhance their elec-
Rcent years. This is especially tricity supplies which would further
evident in the Western Sahel region help Burkina Faso achieve its targets
where the engagements between AES regarding 95% electricity supplies in
(Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger) and urban areas and 50% in rural areas by
Russia have grown substantially since 2030.
these countries left ECOWAS in Jan- The growing engagement of the
uary 2024. Among several other en- AES with Russia reflects their pref-
gagements between AES and Russia, erence towards Russia at a time when
two recent satellite deals stand out as the Western influence in the region
they reflect Russia’s growing role as a has been receding. This has resulted in
security provider in the region at a time AES’s withdrawal from the tradition-
when France’s influence has declined. al alliance with France and French-led
The first deal was signed on 24th organizations like G5 Sahel formed in
September 2024 between Russia and 2014 for the development and securi-
AES concerning communication and ty of five member countries, the EU
monitoring of borders and natural di- The growing engagement of the AES with Russia reflects their preference towards Russia at a training missions in Mali and Niger,
sasters. On 1 November 2024, Niger time when the Western influence in the region has been receding (Agency photo) the UN Multidimensional Integrated
signed an agreement with Glavkos- Stabilization Mission in Mali (MI-
mos, a Russian company, to improve NUSMA), and other capacity build-
communication capabilities and sur- their growing power in the region. of the region which was challenged by ing programs. As a result, the depen-
veillance in the region. This viewpoint the rising extremist force in the Sahel dence of the Alliance of Sahel States
analyses these two satellite deals to In this regard, Niger’s recent region due to its porous border. This on Russia has gradually increased.
underscore Russia’s growing influ- was also emphasized by the Nigerian Russia’s influence in Africa has
ence in the Sahel region. deal with Russia becomes sig- minister that “this agreement aligns increased in recent years since the
Telecommunication and Remote nificant to further enhance with the sovereignty goals of AES”. departure of AES from ECOWAS
Sensing Satellite Agreement of Rus- These collaborations would help in January 2024. Its engagement with
sia with AES the security of the region. Ni- the AES established by Mali, Niger, the Sahel region merits significant
The Telecommunication and Re- ger signed a Satellite deal with and Burkina Faso on September 16, attention given the cooperation be-
mote Sensing Satellite Agreement was 2023, to have a unified front against the tween Russia and AES in domains
signed between the Russian State Cor- Russia’s company Glavkosmos rise of extremist groups in the region. like security, stationing Private Mili-
poration for Space Activities (ROS- on 1st November 2024. This Besides Russia’s engagement with tary Companies (PMC), Telecommu-
COSMOS) and governments of West AES, its bilateral engagement with the nication and remote sensing satellites
Sahelian countries like Niger, Mali, deal primarily entails three three states, Mali, Niger, and Burkina and in the climate domain mainly in
and Burkina Faso which aims to fa- satellites a telecommunication Faso, has increased, beyond the de- solar and nuclear energy. The grow-
cilitate multi-service communications fense particularly in the power, eco- ing engagement is mutually beneficial.
including internet and phone services, satellite, a remote sensing sat- nomic and climate domains (especially While Russia has been diversifying its
monitoring borders, and natural disas- ellite, and a radar satellite. in solar and nuclear power). Recently, engagement with non-western part-
ters such as floods, fires, and droughts. Russia sent its military equipment to ners in the wake of the Ukraine war,
The ministers from Mali, Ni- Niger while the latter invited Russia AES has been seeking new partners
ger, and Burkina Faso described The objective of the agreement is to invest in its Uranium deposits and following the failure of French policy
the remote sensing satellite as an to enhance the surveillance, and com- other natural resource production. in the Sahel region.
essential strategy to strengthen the munication capabilities, improve in- Meanwhile, the Cooperation Julia Jose Thachil is a Research Intern
national security of three countries ternet access in remote areas, manage between Russia and Mali regarding at Indian Council of World Affairs, New
in the region, especially after the natural resources, and aid in disaster constructing the Sanankoroba solar Delhi. Views expressed are personal.
September 2024, attack on the air- response in the Sahel region. In addi- power plant to double the electrici-
port in Bamako by extremist groups tion, it would also train the Nigerians ty power is significant for Mali as it This article first appeared in the web
like JNIM (Jama’at Nasr al Islam- to operate the satellites independent- comes at a time when the country is articles section of the website (www.icwa.
wal Muslimin), which is an Al Qae- ly. The agreement is crucial as it facing electricity supply problems with in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
da-affiliated group that symbolizes would enhance the national security only half of the population having ac- New Delhi, on January 20, 2025