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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                     JANUARY 31, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 12

        January Plan Makes Our City Safer and

                  More Affordable to Raise a Family

                The January Plan also continues to fund monthly “JobsNYC” hiring halls in communities
         experiencing high unemployment and supports an initiative that works with low-income New Yorkers

                                     to prepare them for apprenticeships in the building trades

                                                      our  streets  and  in  our  waters  by  improving  road   lies.  We  can’t  get  this  done  without  Albany’s
                                                      safety at hundreds of targeted traffic intersections   help  and  we’re  calling  on  them  to  include  our
                                                      and adding more lifeguards to our roster so we can   proposal  in  the  Fiscal  Year  2026  state  budget.
                                                      deliver swim lessons to more of our young people   The January Plan also continues to fund month-
                                                      and keep our kids safe.                      ly “JobsNYC” hiring halls in communities experienc-
                                                         New Yorkers work hard every day to provide   ing high unemployment and supports an initiative
                                                      for themselves and their families. They not only de-  that  works  with  low-income  New  Yorkers  to  pre-
                                                      serve a safe city, but a fair shot and their fair share,  pare them for apprenticeships in the building trades.
                                                      and in this January Plan we are giving it to them.  New Yorkers love their parks, and we are taking
                                                         From investing in legal services to assist tenants   care of our green spaces by adding a second clean-
                                                      who are being harassed by their landlords to sup-  ing shift at 100 more hotspots in 64 parks and hiring
                                                      porting our Home Support Unit, which helps New   additional staff to tend to 4,000 tree beds across the
                                                     Yorkers  secure  vacant  apartments  through  rental   five boroughs — helping keep the rats away and our
                                                      subsidy programs, we are ensuring that New York-  urban forest healthy. And we will open additional
                        ERIC ADAMS
                                                      ers have a roof over their heads.            school  yards  to  the  public  after-school,  on  week-
                                                         We  know  that  extra  money  in  your  pocket   ends, and during the summer to put 20,000 more
             rom day one, our administration has been fo-  can  make  all  the  difference  when  it  comes  to  es-  New Yorkers within a 10-minute walk of a park.
             cused on one mission: making New York City   sential  expenses  like  food,  rent,  and  school  sup-  This  plan  also  deepens  our  commitment  to
        Fsafer  and  more  affordable.  Every  day  and   plies; that is why we launched our ambitious “Axe   New York City kids and their education by extend-
        everywhere, we are delivering on that mission for   the  Tax  for  the  Working  Class”  proposal,  which   ing Summer Rising hours and Friday programming
        working-class New Yorkers and making New York   brings  significant  tax  relief  to  working  fami-  to 30,000 middle schoolers, as well as extending our
        City the best place to raise a family.
            We have driven crime down, seized 20,000 il-
        legal guns, removed 80,000 ghost cars and other il-
        legal vehicles off our streets, and shut down more
        than 1,300 unlicensed cannabis stores. We passed
        the historic “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity”
        plan, the most pro-housing proposal in New York
        City history. We have stimulated the creation of a
        record  number  of  jobs  and  new  small  businesses
        and put billions of dollars back into the pockets of
        working-class New Yorkers. It is clear: New York
        City’s economy is booming.
            Last week, thanks to our strong, forward-look-
        ing  fiscal  management  and  strategic  investments,
        we  delivered  a  balanced  Preliminary  Budget  for
        Fiscal Year 2026, that invests in making New York
        City the best place to live, work, and raise a family.
            Our North Star has been and remains public
        safety, and every day we are making sure our fam-
        ilies and kids can feel safe and be safe in our city.
        That is why this plan invests $137 million to address   “Bridge to Home” will provide New Yorkers suffering from serious mental illness with psychiatric and substance abuse treat-
        homelessness and help those suffering from serious                    ment and help to secure permanent housing (File photo)
        mental illness move off our streets and subways and
        into housing; this includes funding for 900 new Safe
        Haven beds and 100 additional shelter beds for run-  Learning to Work program — helping students who   tional housing, tackling homelessness and serious
        away homeless youth.                          have fallen behind earn a high school diploma and   mental health, education, our parks, quality of life,
            And we are launching an innovative new pro-  prepare for college and their careers. And we are   and how we can make our city more affordable.
        gram,  “Bridge  to  Home,”  that  will  provide  New   expanding our Pathways program to provide addi-  Our administration is working hard every day
        Yorkers suffering from serious mental illness with   tional career readiness opportunities to students at   and  everywhere  to  deliver  for  working-class  New
        psychiatric and substance abuse treatment and help   New York City Public Schools.         Yorkers and make New York City the best place to
        to secure permanent housing.                     In our January Plan, we are investing in things   raise a family.
            This budget also keeps New Yorkers safe on   that  matter  most  to  New  Yorkers:  safety,  genera-  Eric Adams is the Mayor of New York City, NY

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