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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 31, 2025 | The Indian Eye 16
AIA-NY Forges Cultural & Educational Links
with Queensborough Community College
New York, NY
n a new direction for the Associa-
tion of Indians in America (AIA)
I-- NY Chapter, its president,
Dr. Jagdish K. Gupta, recently led a
high-powered delegation to meet the
leadership of Queensborough Com-
munity College (QCC), a premier
CUNY institution, to initiate cultural
and educational collaboration.
The AIA-NY team was given a
firsthand look at two of QCC’s distin-
guished departments: Engineering &
Technology, and Nursing. Inspired by
the visit, AIA-NY pledged to support
education at QCC by establishing a
scholarship fund with an initial dona-
tion of $10,000. (From left) Jasbir Jay Singh - Chief Editor and CEO of Hum Hindustani, Dr. Nidhi Gadura - Chair-
Dr Jagdish Gupta was accom- person of Chairs of QCC and Professor, Biological Sciences & Geology, Gobind Munjal - President
panied by AIA-NY Vice President AIA, Dr. Christine Mangino - President of Queensborough Community College, Dr. Jagdish K. Gupta
Beena Kothari, National AIA Pres- - President AIA-NY Chapter, Smiti Khanna - Advisor AIA-NY, Beena Kothari - President-Elect AIA-
ident Gobind Munjal, Past President NY, Bhavna Jee - Director Hum Hindustani, Saji Sheerazi - Director of Development, Division of
& Advisor Smiti Khanna, Secretary Dr. Jagdish K Gupta, President AIA-NY, with Strategic Initiatives and Advancement QCC. (Sitting) Stephen Di Dio, Vice President & Chief Strate-
Harsh Vyas, and other community Dr. Christine Mangino, President of Queens- gy Officer, Division of Strategic Initiatives and Advancement, Harsh Vyas - Vice President, AIA-NY.
They met the QCC team led borough Community College.
by President Dr. Christine Mang-
ino. Prof. Nidhi Gadura (Chair of images aid surgical teams in precise
Chairs), Audrey Maroney (Director cancer treatment planning.
of Nursing), Prof. Michael D. Law- Established in 1967, QCC’s
rence (Engineering Technology), Nursing Program is highly respect-
Vice President & Chief Strategy Of- ed and ACEN-accredited. The del-
ficer Stephen Di Dio, and Director of egation was impressed by its state-
Development Sajedeh Sheerazi wel- of-the-art simulation labs, which
comed the AIA-NY delegation. feature interactive mannequins
Queensborough Community representing adult patients, preg-
College in Bayside, NY, is a top- nant mothers, pediatric cases, and
ranked, fully accredited two-year newborns. Audrey Maroney detailed
college recognized for its exceptional the comprehensive nursing curric-
success in helping low-income stu- ulum and showcased the Jackson Visiting AIA-NY delegation with Prof Michael D. Lawrence, Engineering Technology
dents advance in life. Its students & Muriel Lum Nursing Resource Department, learning about 3-D printed models of various cancer pathologies created in
come from over 110 countries and Lab, where students train with cut- collaboration with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and MRI/CAT scan images
speak over 60 languages, 30% of ting-edge simulation computers.
whom are of Indian origin. Dr Gupta AIA-NY has pledged to support preoperatively to assist in surgical resection.
said that reflecting the rich diversity education at QCC by establishing
of Queens, QCC is an ideal partner the ‘Student Success Scholarship cultural collaborations, including the dians and showcasing India’s rich
for cultural and educational collabo- Fund’ with an initial donation of celebration of Holi this spring and culture and traditions. Through its
ration with AIA-NY. $10,000 (10 scholarships of $1,000 Diwali later in the year. message of “Cultural Diversity and
The AIA-NY delegation visited each). These scholarships will assist This partnership begins a strong Social Harmony” and the bond of
two QCC departments. The dele- students from low-income families alliance between AIA-NY and QCC, “Indian Heritage and American
gates were introduced to the latest enrolled in certificate or associate fostering student success and cul- Commitment,” AIA-NY has actively
advancements in 3D printing tech- degree programs, covering tuition, tural exchange. Both organizations contributed to charitable, cultural,
nology. Prof Michael D. Lawrence course materials, and essential edu- look forward to working together to and educational initiatives, foster-
explained the department’s collabo- cational expenses. enrich students’ academic experienc- ing communication and cooperation
rative project with Memorial Sloan AIA-NY’s leadership proudly es while celebrating India’s vibrant among people of Indian heritage
Kettering Cancer Center, in which presented the check to QCC Pres- heritage. worldwide. The annual Deepavali
3D models of cancerous tissues gen- ident Dr. Christine Mangino, rein- Founded in 1967, AIA has been celebration at South St Seaport in
erated from MRI and CAT scan forcing their commitment to future promoting the welfare of Asian In- NY has been its flagship event.