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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 31, 2025 | The Indian Eye 20
India Global Forum launched
in US with visit of a high-profile
business delegation
OUR BUREAU politics, security, defence, and eco- “Today, we are here not just to dis- well as his personal insights on the
nomic cooperation. Topics included cuss policies or trends but to actively newly created DOGE agency.
Washington, DC
President Trump’s populist approach, shape the synergies between India Adding a broader geopolitical
ndia Global Forum (IGF) last electoral shifts in the US, and the in- and the United States - two of the lens, Dhruva Jaishankar, Executive
Thursday marked its official fluential role of the Indian diaspora. world’s greatest democracies, work- Director of ORF America and au-
Ilaunch in the United States with ing together to navigate a complex thor of Vishwa Shastra: India and
a high-profile delegation of Indian The dialogue also addressed and rapidly changing global land- the World, discussed improved co-
business leaders engaging in exclu- scape,” the release added. operation between the US and In-
sive, closed-door discussions with the US economic landscape, The event was attended by Ja- dia, what to expect under a Trump
members of the incoming adminis- exploring opportunities in dig- cob Helberg, the Designated Un- presidency, and India’s strategic pri-
tration and key US stakeholders and der Secretary of State for Economic orities, the release said.
policymakers. ital infrastructure, technol- Growth, Energy, and the Environ- Decision Desk’s Scott Tranter
The landmark initiative comes ogy, innovation, and foreign ment in the new administration be- joined the IGF Business Delegation
at a pivotal moment, ahead of Pres- sides other key policymakers. to do a deep dive into the data be-
ident-elect Donald Trump’s sec- investment, while highlighting Discussions were guided by a hind the 2024 elections and his pre-
ond inauguration, underscoring ways to strengthen bilateral lineup of prominent voices includ- dictions for key policy trends over
the growing alignment between the ing Ajit Pai, the former Chairman of the next four years.
world’s two largest democracies, the collaboration. the Federal Communications Com- Speaking on natural synergies
IGF said in a press release. mission of the United States, who on defence procurement, energy,
The event provided a platform “Democracies work best when shared his observations from work- and global supply chains, a former
for candid and informal conversa- democracies work together,” re- ing under President Trump’s first ad- National Security Official in the first
tions on the shared priorities and marked Manoj Ladwa, Founder and ministration, noting how Trump 2.0 Trump administration spoke about
challenges shaping US-India rela- Chairman of India Global Forum, in will have different implications for how the US and India could push the
tions, with a particular focus on geo- his opening address to the gathering. big tech, crypto, and regulation, as envelope to strengthen bilateral ties.