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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 31, 2025 | The Indian Eye 25
OUR BUREAU utilize the resources and, helping
out next generation of Physicians of
New York, NY
Indian origin achieve their goals.”
he American Association of Dr. Meher Medavaran, Vice
Physicians of Indian Origin, President of AAPI said, “Since its in-
TAAPI – MSRF has planned ception in 1982, AAPI has been at the
to organize our annual MSRF & forefront, representing a conglomera-
PreMed Medical Scholars Sum- tion of practicing of Indian origin phy-
mit at the Rutgers University, New sicians in the United States, seeking to
Brunswick, NJ from January 25-26, be the united voice for the physicians
2025,” Dr. Satheesh Kathula, Pres- of Indian origin. We serve every 7th
ident of AAPI, announced here. patient in the US. We are proud of our
Organized by a team of young achievements and our contributions
Medical Students and Residents of to the healthcare industry and the mil-
Indian origin, the Medical Schol- lions of people we serve.”
ars Summit has been planned and Dr. Raj Bhayani, Secretary of
is being organized by an MSRF Ex- AAPI pointed out that, “In addition to
ecutive Board, led by Priya Uppal, several programs in the United States
President of MSRF; Priyanka Kolli, and in India, AAPI has been in the
President-Elect; Sohi Mistry, Vice forefront, advocating for the interests
President; Priyal Shah, Treasurer; and of the medical fraternity and organiz-
Drishti Patel, Secretary of MSRF. ing regular CME programs, health &
The MSRF & PreMed Medical wellness events, and financial work-
Scholars Summit is led by an Execu- shops for its members and outreach,
tive Board comprising of Manan Pan- public health education, and advocacy
choly, President; Rohan Chopra, Vice activities for the community both lo-
President; Prerak Shah, Secretary; Ar- cally and internationally.”
jun Gangasani, Treasurer. According to Dr. Shirish Patel,
The AAPI – MSRF is a national Treasurer of AAPI, “AAPI is strong
organization representing medical, representing over 120,000 Indian
dental, and podiatry students and American physicians, 130 local Chap-
resident physicians of Indian origin are some of the exciting topics that of Physicians will be presented by Dr. ters, who make up of 10% of total
in North America, founded with the awai the participants at the Summit. Kumar Belani, MD. physicians in the US and nearly 50%
objective of providing a channel of On January 25, the Summit will The Honorable Judges Panel at of International Medical Graduates,
networking, support, and open com- begin with a session on Leadership in the Medical Summit consists of: Dr. rooted in every corner of the nation.
munication among its members. Medicine by Mihir Gupta, MD, while Satheesh Kathula, Hematology-On- AAPI’s mission has evolved in the
“The 2-day-long Summit will be the session on Public Health Practice cology; Dr. Sunil Kaza, Interventional past 45 years, adapting to the chang-
packed with academic sessions that in Medicine will be presented by Jaya Cardiology; Dr. Raj Bhayani, Otolar- ing needs of our times.”
are interactive, with participants hav- Satagopan, PhD. Novel Technologies yngology; Dr. Arunabh Talwar; Pul- Dr. Kathula, who has been an
ing an opportunity to actively engage in Orthopedic Surgery will be pre- monary & Critical Care Medicine; educator and mentor for medical stu-
in discussions and enhancing their sented by Selene Parekh, MD, MBA. Dr. Sumul Raval, Neuro-oncology; dents, said “My priority has been to
knowledge on a wide range of topics Functional Medicine will be jointly Dr. Zeeshan Mansuri, Child and Ad- engage the second-generation phy-
relevant to Medical Students and Res- presented by Subbarao Bollepalli, olescent Psychiatry; and, Dr. Kinjal sicians and fostering mentorship to
idents, who seek guidance on ways to MD, & Chanakya Bavishi, DO. Solanki, Infectious Disease. ensure AAPI’s continued relevance
pursue their careers in the most effec- Niraj Kothari, MD will present As the President-Elect of AAPI, and vitality.” Towards this end, AAPI
tive way,” said Dr. Sunil Kaza, Chair his insightful session on Pioneering the largest ethnic medical organiza- is in the process of appointing a com-
of APPI BOT. Advanced Practices in Medicine, tion in the United States, Dr. Amit mittee of accomplished academicians
Scientific Research Sympo- while Deepen Modi will offer insights Chakrabarty said, “I strongly believe to help mentor the young physicians
sium Oral Presentations, Mentor- on Financial Wellness. Samir Pan- that acquiring new knowledge is cru- from India and the United states, who
ship and Networking Lunch; Res- choly, MD will lead a session on Ser- cial for professionals, especially for are aspiring to get into residencies.
idency Program Directors’ Panel, vice Project Pursuing Graduate Med- the physicians in a changing health- Dr. Kathula said, “We will continue
Medical School Admissions Panel, ical Education. Global Medicine and care environment. This Medical the noble mission and strengthen our
Fellowship Program Directors’ Pan- India: Lessons, Opportunities, and Scholars Summit will provide insights efforts to make AAPI reach greater
el; MCAT Success: Tips and Tricks Challenges for the Next Generation on pursuing career and how best to heights.”