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EYE ON BOLLYWOOD                                                    JANUARY 31, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 30

                                                          SONU SOOD

         Why the Bollywood star made his directorial

                     debut with ‘Fateh’ — a sleek thriller

         The first-time director emphasizes the importance of a balance between box

                           office performance, audience love, and critical acclaim

        New Delhi
              ollywood actor Sonu Sood has
              donned  the  hat  of  a  director
        Bwith  his  latest  film,  ‘Fateh’,
        which hit theatres on January 10. The
        film,  an  action-packed  thriller  in-
        spired by real-life cybercrime events
        during  the  COVID-19  pandemic,
        marks  Sood’s  directorial  debut  and
        has  already  gained  considerable  at-
        tention for its gripping narrative and
        high-octane action sequences.
            In an interview, Sood shared in-
        sights into his journey as a filmmaker,
        and his decision to choose the action
        genre  for  his  directorial  debut,  in-
        cluding working with legendary actor
        Naseeruddin Shah for the first time
        as a director.
            When  discussing  his  experience      Actor Sonu Sood with BJP MP Manoj Tiwari during the screening of the movie ‘Fateh’, at PVR Select City Walk Mall,
        of directing Naseeruddin Shah, Sood
        expressed  admiration  for  the  veter-                            in New Delhi last Sunday (ANI Photo/Ritik Jain)
        an  actor’s  incredible  discipline  and
        approach to cinema. “I have already   his team to always strive for improve- quences,  “Action  has  always  been   should  be  respected  for  its  honest
        worked with him in ‘Maximum’ as an   ment.  “When  we  made  Fateh,  the   my forte, and even today, people say   portrayal.  Acknowledging  that  the
        actor and I believe Naseer sir is like an   journey was about not thinking that  that Bollywood’s action doesn’t quite   success and failure of a film are be-
        institute in himself. As an actor, being   just because we made the film, it was   match  up  to  Hollywood  standards,”  yond  a  director’s  control,  he  insist-
        on set with him allows you to learn so   done. No! We always thought about  he said, adding, “I made this film with   ed  that  the  effort  put  into  the  film
        much. His approach towards cinema,   how we could make this movie better  a lot of love, hard work, and honesty,  is what truly matters. “Right efforts
        his discipline, is incredible,” said Sood.  and what we could add to it,” he said.  which is why the reviews have been   always pay off; just to hit those box
            The  actor-turned-director  high-  Sonu  Sood  explained  that  his   positive. I didn’t make a movie filled   office numbers, we should not forget
        lighted  that  Shah’s  improvisational   decision to venture into filmmaking  with  masala,  dance,  and  songs.  In-  other things,” Sood concluded.
        skills brought an added depth to the   stemmed  from  his  extensive  expe-  stead, I chose to include music that   One  of  the  key  highlights  of
        film. “When I started making the film,   rience in front of the camera. As an   matches the sequences of the film.”  ‘Fateh’  is  its  adrenaline-pumping  ac-
        I felt that Naseer ji is the kind of ac-  actor,  he  often  felt  there  were  mo-  When asked about his definition   tion sequences, choreographed by in-
        tor who, when given a few lines, can   ments in films where he wished the   of a movie’s success, Sonu Sood em-  ternational stunt director Lee Whit-
        improve them and justify them in his   direction had pushed him further or  phasized the importance of a balance   taker, known for his work in Captain
        own way,” Sood said, adding, “Later,   allowed him to express his character  between  box  office  performance,  Marvel and Fast & Furious 5.
        the weight he added to the movie was   in a more personal way.      audience  love,  and  critical  acclaim.   The film also boasts a stellar en-
        a huge learning experience for me.”  “When  you  make  your  first  film,  “I  guess  the  right  percentage  of  all   semble cast that includes Jacqueline
            Sonu  Sood  also  recalled  famed   having worked in many films through- three is required. Box office numbers   Fernandez, Vijay Raaz, and Naseer-
        filmmaker Steven Spielberg’s one of   out your career, you inevitably miss   are important to motivate producers   uddin Shah, all of whom play pivotal
        the  famous  interviews  in  which  he   certain  things  as  an  actor,”  he  said,  to make more films. Critical acclaim   roles in bringing the high-stakes nar-
        said, “When your movie’s writing is   adding, “You think, ‘I wish a director  is also important because people who   rative to life. The film’s visual appeal
        finished, the movie is also made.”  had made me do this scene’ or ‘I wish   want  to  see  intelligent  cinema,  we   is  further  enhanced  by  its  stunning
            Sood  mentioned  that  this  phi-  I had a dialogue like this that could   need to cater to them too,” he said.  international  locations,  with  scenes
        losophy  guided  him  throughout  the   have been delivered in my style.’”  Sood added that he respects crit-  shot  in  places  like  Istanbul,  Dubai,
        filmmaking process, pushing him and   Speaking  about  the  action  se- ics  and  believes  intelligent  cinema   and the United States.

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