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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 31, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 24

         National Retail Solutions Continues Commitment to

              Community with Another Employee Blood Drive

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            added  Katz.  “NRS  is  deeply  com-
                                                                                                              mitted to community welfare, as evi-
        Newark, NJ
                                                                                                              denced by our frequent blood drives,
              ational   Retail   Solutions                                                                    yearly toy collections, and coat drives.
              (NRS),  a  leading  provider  of                                                                Our mission extends beyond business
        Npoint-of-sale  (POS)  solutions                                                                      success;  we  strive  to  positively  im-
        for independent retailers, is proud to                                                                pact people’s lives and help retailers
        announce  another  employee  blood                                                                    thrive.”
        drive for January 28. The blood drive                                                                     National Retail Solutions (NRS)
        demonstrates the company’s ongoing                                                                    operates  the  leading  point-of-sale
        dedication  to  supporting  community                                                                 (POS)  terminal-based  platform  and
        health initiatives and saving lives.                                                                  NRS  Pay  credit  card  processing  for
            “We are excited to partner again                                                                  small  and  mid-size  independent  re-
        with  the  New  York  Blood  Center                                                                   tailers. With thousands of active ter-
        (NYBC)  to  allow  our  employees  to                                                                 minals  across  the  USA  and  Canada,
        donate blood,” said Elie Y. Katz, Pres-  The blood drive is a testament to  lives.  The  achievement  underscores  the  robust,  custom-built  POS  system
        ident and CEO of NRS.The success of  the  continued  commitment  of  NRS  the  impact  even  small  actions  can  includes  features  such  as  inventory
        our previous blood drive demonstrates  and the IDT employees to supporting  have  when  undertaken  collectively.  management, sales tracking, and mar-
        the power of collective action, and we  community health and saving lives. It   “We believe in the power of col-  keting  tools,  empowering  store  own-
        are confident that our employees will  builds on the success of our previous  lective  action,  and  blood  donation  ers to compete and thrive against the
        continue to make a meaningful impact  employee blood drive, which collected  is a simple yet impactful way for our  competition.  NRS  is  a  subsidiary  of
        in the community.”                9000 ml of blood to potentially save 123  employees to make a real difference,”   IDT Corporation (NYSE: IDT).

            Blazers Cricket Academy: A Year of Triumph and Vision

        ARCHAN MEHTA                                                                                              Looking  ahead  to  2025,  BCA
                                                                                                              aims to continue its growth with ex-
        San Jose, CA
                                                                                                              citing plans. These include introduc-
              he  Blazers  Cricket  Academy                                                                   ing  a  uniform  coaching  curriculum,
              (BCA)  recently  celebrated  its                                                                building  two  more  turf  pitches,  and
        Tfirst anniversary, highlighting a                                                                    establishing   a   high-performance
        year of remarkable growth and success                                                                 center.  They  also  want  to  strength-
        in Bay Area cricket. Starting small in                                                                en pathways for players to transition
        2023,  BCA  has  quickly  become  a                                                                   into  local  clubs,  minor  leagues,  and
        key player in the local cricket scene,                                                                major leagues, ensuring a clear path
        achieving  significant  milestones  and                                                               for  those  pursuing  cricket  at  higher
        setting ambitious goals for the future                                                                levels.
        of Blazers Cricket Academy.                                                                               Collaboration  has  been  key  to
            BCA  began  with  just  17  players                                                               BCA’s success. Partnerships with par-
        and  three  part-time  coaches.  In  one                                                              ents,  sponsors,  coaching  staff,  and
        year, it grew to an impressive 287 reg-            Blazers Women’s team winning SD Open 2024          organizations like XLNC Realty and
        istered  players  and  18  coaches.  This                                                             Mission for Sports (M4S) have played
        growth  was  matched  by  a  major  ex-  Coaching  and  player  develop-  celebrated  major  victories,  including  a vital role in improving facilities and
        pansion  in  facilities.  What  started  as  ment  are  top  priorities  for  BCA.  winning the San Diego Open and the  promoting youth cricket. This team-
        one practice location and one ground  With  a  strong  coach-to-player  ratio,  U15 Women Coach Copeland Series  work has created a supportive crick-
        now includes seven practice locations  their  program  focuses  on  skill  de-  Test Match, setting new standards for  eting community that benefits players
        and  three  grounds  across  the  Bay  velopment,  strength  and  condition-  women’s cricket in the region.  and the sport.
        Area, giving players more opportuni-  ing,  and  well-organized  coaching   BCA’s   achievements   extend   In  just  one  year,  Biju  Nair,  the
        ties to practice and compete.     plans  through  SportsPlus.  Over  the  across all age groups. The U11 teams  founder and CEO of Blazers Crick-
            The academy’s success is also due  past  year,  BCA  has  held  more  than  performed well at the 2024 USA Hub,  et Academy indicated that BCA has
        to  its  focus  on  high-quality  facilities.  200 practice matches and nearly 335  while the U13 group became Bay Area  made  a  significant  impact  on  Bay
        BCA now offers two turf nets, ten As-  games, with coaches present at every  champions. The U15 category gained  Area  cricket.  BCA’s  dedication  to
        troTurf nets, two turf center wickets,  match to guide players.     national recognition, with three play-  player  development,  world-class  fa-
        and  three  AstroTurf  center  wickets.   BCA  has  also  made  women’s  ers  reaching  the  national  level  and  cilities,  and  community  engagement
        Partnerships with facilities like Gomes  cricket  a  central  focus.  Their  efforts  one being named MVP. At the U17/19  sets them apart. With their ambitious
        Cricket Nets, MSJE Cricket Nets, Fal-  have  increased  participation,  with  level, over ten players represented the  plans for the future, BCA is on track
        lon Park Elite Indoor Cricket, and Hat-  highlights such as hosting the Bay Area  Bay  Area,  and  three  were  selected  to take cricket in the region to even
        trick Sports ensure players have access  Open,  which  drew  150  women  play-  for the USA U19 squad, showcasing  greater heights, building a strong leg-
        to  excellent  training  environments.  ers.  The  academy’s  women’s  teams  BCA’s ability to develop top talent.  acy as a hub for talent and innovation.

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