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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 26

                    aseI to host 34th annual national

          convention with the theme of sustainable

                                     Technology Innovations

        OUR BUREAU                        nology leaders, scientists, media per-  Livingston of The Space Show, Su-  following categories:
                                          sonalities, educators, policy makers,   pernal Flight Technology Head Dr
        Fremont, CA                                                                                           • ASEI Lifetime Achievement
                                          and investment bankers.           Shreekant Agrawal, Astrox Cor-
              merican Society of Engineers    The best part -it is virtual, free   poration CEO Dr. Ajay Kothari,   •  ASEI Entrepreneur of the Year
              of Indian Origin (ASEI) is   and open to all, but preregistration is   NASA Associate Administrator Dr
        ahosting the 34th Annual Na-      required to get a zoom link. Program   Bhavya Lal, Mr. MR Rangaswami   •  ASEI Engineers/Scientists of Year
        tional Convention with a theme,   details are available here: http://asei-  who is the Founder of Sand Hill   •  ASEI Service Excellence
        Sustainable Technology Innovations                     Group & Indiaspora, Ms. Sandy     •  ASEI Founder’s Award sponsored
        (STI-2022).                           The convention will start with   Carter who is SVP of Unstoppable   by family of ASEI Founder Hari
            This virtual convention will be   its first event on Jan. 15th at 11 am   Domains (ex Amazon,Ex-IBM),
        held on January 15th and 16th, 2022.    (EST)/8  am  (PST)  with  an  Aero-  Tekion CEO Jay Vijayan -CEO,   Bindal
                                                                                                                   “We are very excited about the
            The objective of this convention   space Symposium, exploring trends   Juniper Networks CTO Dr. Raj Ya-
        is to provide a forum to promote and   and technologies around Space   vatkar, Fremont Mayor Lily Mei,   convention with so many diverse ex-
                                                                                                              pert speakers and panelists including
        share advancements related to latest   Tourism, Living on the Moon, Fu-  Johnson Electric CIO Raman Me-  outstanding people of Indian origin
        cutting-edge innovations and tech-  ture of High-Speed Travel and Air   hta and Dr Priti Parikh, Associate   from three continents at the conven-
        nologies across various engineering   Taxis.                        Professor, University College Lon-  tion which can be joined by people
        disciplines focusing on the theme.    The next day (Jan 16th) start-  don, UK.                        from all over the world,” said ASEI
                                          ing at 11 am (EST)/8 am (PST) will    There will be a Youth Technol-  President Piyush Malik.
        the convention is expected to     feature  a  CXO  Summit  where  the   ogy Exposition (YTE) for young    The American Society of En-
                                          invited speakers will give talks on   scientists and students from High
        be virtually attended by over  latest emerging trends, as well as   School to Undergrad engineering   gineers of Indian Origin (ASEI) is
                                                                                                              a  not-for-profit  organization  that
        1000 professionals including      the audience will be able to engage   during this virtual ASEI National   provides a platform for networking,
                                          with  them  via  CTO  and  CEO  fire-
        scientists, engineers, entrepre-  side chats and CIO panel. There will   The objective of the YTE is   career advancement, community
                                                                                                              service,  mentoring  and  technology
        neurs, and corporate leaders      be an innovation and sustainability   to provide a forum for young engi-  exchange for professionals, students
                                          panel with speakers from across 3   neers, students and budding scien-  and businesses in the United States
        across the Usa and globally.  continents.                           tists to showcase their projects in   and abroad. Members are guided
        this event will be covered by         The convention will have multi-  science, engineering and technology   by several objectives, including the
                                          ple interactive sessions led by over 30   topics that can have an impact on   creation of an open, inclusive, and
        the local and national media  deep subject matter experts provid-   our world. Each participant will get a   transparent organization; provid-
        including leading social media    ing information and insight on many   chance to speak while showing their   ing positive role models, awarding
                                                                            work for a total of 4 minutes.
                                          topics related to the convention.
        outlets.                              The speakers include Former       The top 5 entries will be short-  scholarships, and remaining socially
                                          NASA Administrator Dr Michael     listed  as  finalists  for  a  live  virtual   ASEI  was  founded  in  1983  in
            This two-day event with three   D. Griffin, Supernal (Hyundai Ur-  presentation at ASEI National Con-  Detroit, Michigan. Today, the orga-
        conferences will feature keynotes   ban Air Mobility) CEO Dr. Jaiwon   vention on January 15th.       nization also has chapters in South-
        and multiple interactive sessions   Shin, The Boeing Company CTO        The Convention will also an-  ern California, Silicon Valley, Seat-
        with prominent business and tech-  Dr.  Naveed  Hussain, Dr.  David   nounce the annual ASEI awards for   tle, and Washington, DC.

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