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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 24

            rik mehta plans to run against democrat

         frank Pallone in congressional district 6

        OUR BUREAU
        Edison, NJ
              ik Mehta, who unsuccessfully
              ran against Sen. Cory Book-
        rer for his U.S. Senate seat in
        2020, and had announced in February
        2021 that he will run for Congress in
        New Jersey’s 7th district this year, now
        plans to run against Democrat Frank
        Pallone in Congressional District 6.
            According to, after
        making plans to run against Democrat
        Tom Malinowski in CD-7, Mehta, a
        Republican, now says he wants to run
        against Pallone, in the wake of a new
        congressional redistricting map last
        month. Mehta, who has been living in
        Chester, Morris County, said he is re-
        locating to Iselin in Middlesex Coun-
        ty, according to the report.
            Record voter turnout in the 2020
        general election caused Booker to be-
        come the highest vote-getter for state-
        wide office in New Jersey history, the
        New  Jersey Globe  had reported.  At
        the same time, Mehta received more
        votes than any other Republican state-  Record voter turnout in the 2020  right representation in Washington.”   and protect our beautiful shores and
        wide candidate in history after break-  general election caused Booker to   “I’m ready to be the voice for the   beaches. For over 30 years, Rep. Pal-
        ing a record set by U.S. Senator Clif-  become the highest vote-getter for  people and work to create economic   lone built his career off the backs of
        ford P. Case in 1972, the report said.  statewide office in New Jersey histo-  freedom, make effective testing and   our proud immigrant communities
            Mehta  received  1,817,052  votes  ry.  At the same time, Mehta received  treatment options to COVID avail-  while turning his back on our small
        in his race against Booker, a total that  more votes than any other Republican  able, bring medical innovation and   businesses when they needed him the
        outperformed Republican statewide  statewide candidate in history after  manufacturing back to New Jersey,   most. He’s not one of us and I plan to
        victors like former governors Chris  breaking a record set by U.S. Senator  stand up for small business owners   retire him in November,” he said.
        Christie, Christine Todd Whitman,  Clifford P. Case in 1972.
        and Thomas H. Kean, it said.          He received 1,817,052 in his race
            Mehta,  a  former  official  with  against Booker, a vote total that out-
        the Food and Drug Administration,  performed Republican statewide vic-
        earlier had launched his “Made in  tors like former governors Chris Chris-
        America” medicines campaign that  tie, Christine Todd Whitman, and
        will require companies to disclose the  Thomas H. Kean. Now, Mehta is seek-
        country of origin of their prescription  ing  to  become  the  first  South  Asian
        drugs, according to an earlier In-  American to win a House seat in New
        dia-West report.                  Jersey, in a district that has the state’s
            Americans have a right to know  largest percentage of Asian Ameri-
        where their medicine comes from es-  can  voters. As  a  U.S.  Senate  candi-
        pecially when nearly all other prod-  date, he won the organization lines in
        ucts are labeled with the country it  Middlesex and Monmouth counties.
        was made in,” Mehta had said in a     On Monday, January 10, a state-
        press release. “Americans have a right  ment from Mehta said: “Out of touch
        to know whether their medicine was  politicians who think the Bill of Rights
        ‘Made in America’ or ‘Made in China’  is above their pay grade don’t under-
        and should be labeled as such.”   stand what it’s like to lose a business.
            Earlier,  Mehta  had  announced  My father came to this country with
        his bid against Rep. Tom Malinowski  only $100 in his pocket. We didn’t
        (D-Ringoes) in February 2021. A for-  have much, but we found the Ameri-
        mer U.S. Food and Drug Administra-  can Dream. It’s time that our commu-
        tion official, Mehta lost to Booker by  nities and small businesses, from Oak
        724,126 votes, 57%-41%.           Tree Road to Ocean Avenue, get the

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