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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 22

                           Juned Qazi elected to serve as

           the Marlboro council president for 2022

          Republicans Antoinette DiNuzzo, Michael Milman and Juned Qazi defeated incumbent

                    Democrats Jeff Cantor, Scott Metzger and Carol Mazzola in 2021 elections

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            ship Council in the 2021 general
                                                                                                              election. The election was conducted
        Marlboro, NJ
                                                                                                              with vote by mail ballots; with early
              he three Republicans who un-                                                                    in-person voting on nine days in Oc-
              seated a trio of Democratic                                                                     tober; and with in-person voting on
        Tincumbents have been sworn                                                                           Nov. 2.
        in to begin serving four-year terms on                                                                    In a statement issued prior to the
        the Marlboro Township Council.                                                                        election, the Republicans had said,
            Following the swearing in of                                                                      “The three candidates running on
        the new council members, Qazi was                                                                     the Republican ticket for Township
        elected  by  all  five  council  members                                                              Council are a retired educator, a me-
        to serve as the council president for                                                                 dia specialist and a civil engineer.
        2022. In another unanimous vote,                                                                          “Antoinette DiNuzzo, Michael
        DiNuzzo was elected to serve as the                                                                   Milman  and  Juned  Qazi  provide  a
        council vice president.                                                                               very diverse set of skills to approach
            In the November 2021 general                                                                      the job. While all of them are cur-
        election, Republicans Antoinette Di-                                                                  rently  elected  (county)  committee
        Nuzzo, Michael Milman and Juned                                                                       people, they will readily tell you they
        Qazi defeated incumbent Democrats                                                                     are not politicians in the traditional
        Jeff Cantor, Scott Metzger and Carol                                                                  sense of the word.
        Mazzola.                                                                                                  “Their  interest in  running  in
            Cantor  served  on  the  council                                                                  this election is to drive the conver-
        from 2004-21. Mazzola and Metzger                                                                     sation to improve Marlboro for their
        each served on the council from                                                                       children and  grandchildren. Once
        2009-21. With the victories by Qazi,                                                                  elected, their focus will be on council
        DiNuzzo and Milman, Republicans                                                                       oversight of every aspect of the Marl-
        now have a 3-2 majority on the coun-                                                                  boro government. Topics in the fore-
        cil. Democrats Randi Marder  and                                                                      front include over development and
        Michael Scalea are the incumbent                                                                      township services, especially current
        members of the governing body.                                                                        policies and procedures,” the Repub-
            The  mayor’s  office  is  held  by                                                                licans said.
        Democrat Jonathan Hornik.                                                                                 “People serve at the pleasure
            Marlboro’s government held its                                                                    of the people and my time in office
        2022 reorganization meeting on Jan.                                                                   will be coming to an end. It really has
        6 in the municipal building. Invoca-                                                                  been an honor to serve the people of
        tions and good wishes for the mem-                                                                    Marlboro,” Cantor said.
        bers of the government and the com-                                                                       The outcome of the election will
        munity were offered by Muhammad                                                                       give Republicans a 3-2 majority on
        Asif of Baytul Iman Academy; Rabbi                                                                    the Township Council beginning in
        Moshe Gewirtz of Monmouth Torah                                                                       January. DiNuzzo, Milman and Qazi
        Links; and the Rev. Eugene J. Rob-                                                                    will join Democrats Randi Marder
        erts of St. Gabriel Roman Catholic                                                                    and Michael Scalea on the governing
        Church.                           they are the ultimate voice. We want   council and the council before that.”  body. The next municipal election in
            In front of a packed meeting   to move Marlboro forward for all     Qazi thanked residents “for put-  Marlboro will be in 2023.
        room, DiNuzzo, Milman and Qazi    residents, regardless of their political   ting their faith in our leadership”   In a post on Facebook, Demo-
        were sworn in to begin serving terms   affiliation.”                and said, “We are all elected to serve   cratic Mayor Jonathan Hornik said
        that will run through Dec. 31, 2025.  In his remarks, Hornik said, “We   Marlboro. We cannot do that without   he reached out to Dinuzzo, Milman
            During public comment, Marl-  welcome the three new council mem-  Mayor Hornik, Councilman Scalea   and Gazi “to wish them congratula-
        boro  Republican  Chairman  John   bers. I wish you nothing but the best of   and Councilwoman Marder.”  tions on their election to the Town-
        Gibardi congratulated the three in-  luck. This is the hardest time ever to   Scalea and Marder welcomed   ship Council. We look forward to
        coming council members and recog-  become a public official … there is a lot   Qazi, Milman and DiNuzzo to the   working with them when they take
        nized the public service of Marder   going on that is beyond our control.”  governing body.           office in 2022 for all the residents of
        and Scalea.                           The mayor said the most import-   The next municipal election in   Marlboro. Elections can bring out
            Regarding the outcome of the   ant thing elected officials must do “is   Marlboro will be in 2023.  the worst in some people, it’s time for
        2021 election, Gibardi said, “The   to keep people safe” and he added,   The three Republican won four-  our community to come together and
        people of Marlboro have spoken …   “I want this council to exceed the last   year terms on the Marlboro Town-  move forward.”

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