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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 28

         Grand Finale of 3iii: International Indian Icon becomes

               a global platform for Indian talent across the globe

        ChICAGO, IL

              he Grand Finale of 3iii (Three
              Eye) 2021 International Indian
        TIcon (3iii) Season-V resulted in
        successful completion of 1st Phase of
        5 seasons. The awards ceremony of
        the Grand Finale was hosted by Sha-
        ran Walia, CEO of Gee Vision Inc.
        All judges and participants, including
        legendary music director and Grand-
        master Jatin Pandit (DDLJ, KKG,
        KKHH, Fanah etc.), lyricist and music
        director Arko Mukherjee, Slumdog
        Millionaire  Jai  Ho  Choreographer
        Longinus Fernandes and Ms. India
        2013, International celebrity anchor
        and 3iii Fashion Ambassador Simran
        Ahuja were present here, along with
        148 participants along with their fam-
        ilies from all over the world approxi-
        mately 24 countries.
            Winners were picked after 3 days
        of rigorous semi-final and finale com-
        petitions (28th to 30th December 2021)
        1st and 2nd runners-up, along with
        judges’ choices in different categories
        for Juniors and Seniors were also de-
        clared here. The winners are as follows:  groups of junior and senior.
        • Abnash Kaur from San Francis-       In India, Gee Vision Inc., with
          co, California USA was declared   the help of India Partners Ajit Bains
          5th  INTERNATIONAL INDIAN       & Arun Thakran (Cosmic Energy),
          ICON of 3iii 2021 Season-V in sing-  Deepak Walia (AGE Group) planned
          ing Senior category.            multiple auditions in multiple cities. In
        • Uttara Vaidya from Miami, Florida   Delhi, 3iii audition was held on 12th
          USA got the title for Dancing senior   Nov, Semi-final on 13th Nov and 3iii
          and tied with Ankur Sharma for   Indian Icon 2021 finale (Semi-final of
          Fashion Senior                  3iii 2021 Season-V) and Awards cere-
        • Hasini Namala grabbed the Fashion   mony on 14th Nov 2021 in Godavari
          Junior title                    Auditorium (Andhara Association),
        • Mrunal Behere-Langote from In-  24-25 Lodhi Institutional Area, Lodhi   ty judges like Bappi Lahiri, Jatin Pan-  support from Indian business commu-
          dia got the title in IGT (Whistling)   Road, New Delhi - 10003.   dit, Meenakshi Seshadri, and others,   nity and Global Indian community to
          Senior Shrusti Gubbi became the     Gee Vision Inc’s Vision and Mis-  Gee Vision India Pvt. Ltd.  launched   help 3iii in reaching each and every In-
          International Indian Icon in Junior   sion of building 3iii is to give opportu-  3iii 2021 Season-V in 7th continent   dian on this earth to give opportunity
          category for singing            nities to Indian talent of all age groups   Asia and hosted semi-final 3iii Indian   to deserving Indian talent.
        • For dancing, there was a tie between   across the globe to perform and show-  Icon 2021 (Semi-final of 3iii 2021 Sea-  World-wide 3iii Season-6 audi-
          groups The Dynamites and Sea-   case their talent at International level   son-V) in Delhi NCR, India on Nov.   tion registration on-line (Video Up-
          son-II winner Mirava Vekaria    in all types of talent categories, includ-  12th  to  14th  2021  and  Grand-finale   load), on-line Live (through Zoom)
        • Ryana Rajesh won the title in IGT   ing  Singing,  Dancing,  Instruments,   International Indian Icon - 3iii 2021   and on-site will open on Apr 1st, 2022
          category for Instruments.       Acting, Fashion, Comedy & I Got Tal-  Season-V in Chicago, USA. To give   on 3iii websites and 3iii Apps (iOS
            3iii Multiple episodes are planned   ent (Any Talent) in all three participa-  Indian talent international exposure   & Android). State level competition
        to be aired globally on some Nation-  tion categories of Solo, Duet & Group   and experience, starting from 3iii 2022   (Level-3, State Indian Icon) will be
        al/International TV Channel, OTT   without any restrictions. The aim is to   Season-VI, Gee is planning 3iii Ep-  completed by end of July 2022 while
        Platform and/or Streaming Platform   keep the talent close to Indian Art &   isode  Production  &  Grand-finale  in   Country level competitions (Level-4,
        (TBD) globally in 2nd quarter of 2022.  Culture and make them proud of Indi-  different countries.    Country Indian Icon) are planned to
            During  3iii  2021  Season-V,  6951   an Art & Culture              Sharan Walia, CEO. Gee Vision   finish by end of Sep 2022 so that partic-
        participants from 24 courtiers of 7   After huge success of 1st four sea-  Inc.  /  Gee  Vision  Pvt.  Ltd.,  with  the   ipants can get sufficient time to get visa
        continents  registered  for  on-line  au-  sons of 3iii International Indian Icon   help of partners, is in the process of re-  to come to USA for 3iii S-6-episode
        dition (Video up-load), online live   with 1000s of participants from 24+   questing Indian Govt. to recognize 3iii   production  &  Grand-finale  in  USA.
        audition (Zoom) and on-site audition   countries of 7 continents and with   International Indian Icon as Indian   --Asian Media US
        in all 7 talent categories under two age   multiple Bollywood legendary celebri-  Art & Cultural Program and seeking   Continued at next page... >>

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