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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 30

                      FIa chicago embarks on a new

            Journey with sunil shah as chairman

        ChICAGO IL

              mbarking on a new chapter,
              Federation of Indian Associ-
        eations [FIA] Chicago held its
        very first meeting of the year 2022 on
        Jan 05, 2022 (7PM to 8:30PM CT).
        The meeting was hosted virtually via
        zoom keeping in mind the growing
        number of covid cases, practically all
        over the news channels lately!
            The meeting was called to or-
        der by Gen Secretary, Richa Chand,
        and presided over by Founder Pres-
        ident Sunil Shah and President 2022
        Hitesh Gandhi, and well attended
        by Team FIA Board Members: Ex-
        ecutive Board members:  Rita Singh,   by  other members present. There   and  suitable  to  match  his  selfless   Sunil Shah ji and it was a moment of
        Mukesh Shah, Dhitu Bhagwakar,     were exciting new updates shared   service, hard work & toil, and his of   elation and great celebration within
        Neil Khot, Gurmeet  Singh Dhal-   about  the  upcoming  FIA event for   course his caliber, FIA Chairman!     Team FIA!!
        waan,  Vinita  Gulabani,  Pratibha   celebrating India’s 73rd Republic   Therefore,  taking  the  opportunity   This  meeting  was  a  significant
        Jairath, Ashawani  Mahajan, Abir   Day. Date, Venue and other details   Founding  Member Mukesh  Shah,   one, not just because it was the first
        Maru, Anu Malhotra, Pika Mun-     were discussed. Due to the exponen-  introduced to the group, all the con-  meeting under the leadership of
        shi  Neelam  Jai,  Directors:  Mukesh   tial  spread  of  Covid-19,  Team  FIA   tributions made by Sunil Shah for   President Hitesh Gandhi, but it also
        Mike Shah, Bharat Malhotra, Jiten-  decided that FIA will host a virtual   FIA family and went on to propose   marked a new beginning for the en-
        dra  Balsara, Mir Ali,  Vidya  Joshi,   event  on  Jan  29th,  2022.  More  to   that he be conferred the Title of   tire  Team FIA, as it  passed a long
        Chandni Kalra, Pratik Deshpande,   come on that!!                   Chairman of the Board. The motion   pending motion, and unanimously
        Hemendra Shah, Kashif Khan and        There was another Big Achieve-  was immediately seconded by Rita   appointed Sunil Shah as FIA Chair-
        Advisory  Board  members:  Keerthi   ment accomplished during this ses-  Singh, Neil Khot, Hitesh Gandhi and   man.
        Reevori & Suresh Bodiwala.        sion. Looking at the contributions   then strongly supported by Gurmeet   With this, the first meeting was
            The meeting was focused on the   and dedicated service provided  to   Dhalwaan, Keerthi Reevori, Suresh   adjourned with new hopes and vi-
        New Year and the New Beginnings   Team FIA over the past several    Bodiwala, Vinita Gulabani, Pratibha   sions  of  new horizons  and taking
        under the leadership of President   years, spanning more than a de-  Jairath, Ashwani Mahajan, Mir Ali,   FIA to greater heights!  And FIA
        Hitesh Gandhi. Opening speech-    cade, by Founder President Sunil   Abir Maru, Richa Chand, Pika Mun-  thanks and greatly appreciates all
        es were delivered by Sunil Shah,   Shah, many team members, support-  shi, Neelam Jai and the entire team   sponsors, supporters & media part-
        Hitesh Gandhi and Founding Mem-   ers and friends of FIA had several   and the motion was passed unani-  ners for their unwavering support &
        bers Mukesh Shah, Rita Singh, Neil   times earlier suggested a title in the   mously by majority vote!! Everyone   trust in FIA.
        Khot, Dhitu Bhagwakar, followed   Team, that would be more befitting   immediately started congratulating   --Asian Media USA

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