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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 20, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 20

           ‘Samosa Caucus’ celebrates historic

                           representation in Congress

                  118th Congress includes most Indian American members in US history

        OUR BUREAU

        Washington, DC
             amosa Caucus,’ as Indian American lawmak-
             ers have nicknamed themselves, celebrated
        Stheir historic representation in the US Con-
        gress with India-born entrepreneur-turned-politi-
        cian Shri Thanedar taking their strength to five —
        the highest in US history.
            Thanedar,  newly  elected  Democratic  US
        House  member  from  Michigan  joined  all  four
        re-elected Indian American Democratic lawmak-
        ers — Dr. Ami Bera, Pramila Jayapal, Ro Khan-
        na and Raja Krishnamoorthi — in celebrating the
        landmark on Jan 11. “When I first took office in
        2013, I was the only Indian American member of
        Congress and the third ever in history,” recalled
        Bera, a physician who represents California’s 6th
        Congressional district, in a joint statement.
            “Since that day, I have been committed to en-
        suring we grow our representation in Congress. In
        the past decade, I am proud to be joined by incred-
        ible Indian American colleagues from around the
        country—Representatives Jayapal, Khanna, and
            “With the swearing-in of the 118th Congress,
        our coalition has grown to a record number with
        the election of Representative Thanedar,” noted
        the doyen of Indian American lawmakers.       the 118th Congress,” said Khanna, who represents   science, medicine, and the military, the joint state-
            Bera, Jayapal, Khanna,  Krishnamoorthi,  and   California’s 17th district.             ment noted.
        Thanedar were sworn into the 118th Congress on Jan 7.  “As the Indian-American community remains   Indian Americans currently serve as the CEOs
            “It’s important that we reflect on the historic   one of our nation’s fastest growing, with a popu-  of major companies including Microsoft (Satya
        progress our country is making. I look forward to   lation of more than four million, I am excited to   Nadella), Google (Sundar Pichai), IMB (Arvind
        welcoming even more Indian American members   see our representation expanding in Congress as   Krishna), and MasterCard (Ajay Banga). As of
        of Congress in the future!”                  well,” said Raja Krishnamoorthi from Illinois, who   the 2010 census, 70% of Indian Americans over
            “As we enter the most diverse Congress ever,   coined the ‘Samosa Caucus’ phrase.      the age of 25 had college degrees, 2.5 times higher
        I am reminded how much representation matters,   “I look forward to working with Reps. Bera,   than the national average.
        for every community and culture across our coun-  Jayapal, Khanna, and now Thanedar to continue   The first Asian American and Indian Ameri-
        try,” said Rep Jayapal, who represents Washington   to address the key issues facing our community,   can Member of Congress was Dalip Singh Saund,
        state’s 7th Congressional district. “I am a proud   including high-skilled immigration reform and   who served in the US House of Representatives
        naturalized citizen, the first South Asian American   strengthening the partnership between the US and   from 1957 to 1963.
        woman elected to the House, and an immigrant   India,” he stated. “As a new member of Congress   In the 66 years between Saund’s election and
        woman of color.”                             and the latest addition to an incredible group of In-  the 2012 election of Ami Bera, Piyush “Bobby”
            “Serving in Congress is a distinct honor, not   dian American lawmakers, I look forward to getting   Jindal was the only other member of Indian Amer-
        only because I am able to deliver for my constit-  to work for the American people” stated Thanedar.  ican descent elected to the legislative branch of the
        uents, but because I am able to show other South   “The American dream is alive when an immi-  federal government.
        Asians that if I can make it into the halls of Con-  grant from India can come to this country, earn   Following the 2016 election,  Kamala Harris
        gress, so can they,” said Jayapal. “I am so grateful   a degree, become a citizen, start a business, and   made history as the first Indian American to be
        to serve with such an inspiring cohort of fellow In-  be elected by the people to represent them in   sworn into the US Senate. Harris made history
        dian Americans and I look forward to seeing our   the Michigan State House and the United States   again in 2020 with her election as the first woman
        numbers continue to grow!”                   House of Representatives.”                    and first person of color in history to serve as US
            “I’m so proud to serve in this diverse Congress   “I hope to join Representatives Bera, Jayap-  Vice President.
        alongside a record number of Indian Americans.   al, Khanna, and Krishnamoorthi in growing our   Harris’ historic success opened a door with
        Representation is crucial to serving Indian Ameri-  historic representation in Congress by inspiring   Indian Americans across the country running for
        can communities and working to strengthen Amer-  future generations,” he added.            office at every level of government to ensure the
        ica’s defense and strategic partnership with India.   Indian Americans have made countless con-  community’s voice continues to be at the deci-
        I look forward to continuing our work together in   tributions to American society, including in tech,   sion-making table, the statement noted.

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