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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 20, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 22

         AAPI Organizes HPV Vaccination Awareness Camp

                in Visakhapatnam to Prevent Cervical Cancer

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            second most common type of cancer
                                                                                                              among women and India contributes
        Visakhapatnam, India
                                                                                                              to the largest proportion of global cer-
              merican Association of Physi-                                                                   vical cancer burden. Cervical cancer is
              cians of Indian Origin (AAPI),                                                                  a preventable and curable disease as
        Ain collaboration with the AAPI                                                                       long as it is detected early and man-
        India  Foundation  administered  free                                                                 aged effectively. Most cervical cancers
        HPV vaccines to over 100 low income                                                                   are associated with the Human Papil-
        young girls, chosen from several gov-                                                                 loma Virus (HPV) and the HPV vac-
        ernment schools in the region, during                                                                 cine can prevent most cases of cervical
        a special launch of HPV Vaccination                                                                   cancer if the vaccine is given before
        awareness camp organized at the                                                                       girls or women are exposed to the vi-
        Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital,                                                                       rus. Prevention through vaccination is
        Visakhapatnam in India on Saturday,   of the Summit, Dr. V. Ranga, AAPI   Pradesh,” said Dr. Meher Meda-  one of the pillars of the Global Strat-
        January 7th, 2023 with the objective   BOT Chair said, “In addition to HPV   varam, an organizer of the program,   egy adopted by WHO for the elimina-
        of creating awareness and prevent-  VACCINATION and cervical cancer   and the Secretary of AAPI. “AAPI’s   tion of cervical cancer.
        ing cervical cancer, a leading cause of   awareness program, GHS 2023 has   noble initiative through education   Dr. Anjana Samaddar, Pres-
        cancer deaths among women in India.   provided education on: Chronic dis-  and awareness programs is aimed at   ident-Elect of AAPI said, “Cervi-
            “We at AAPI, in keeping with our   eases which can be prevented- notably   helping save many lives in India,” she   cal  cancer  could  be  the  first  cancer
        efforts and initiatives to educate, cre-  diabetes, cardiovascular, hyperten-  added.                 EVER in the world to be eliminated,
        ate awareness and provide support on   sion, maternal and infant mortality,   The funds for the vaccine has   if 90 % of girls are vaccinated; 70%
        disease prevention, are happy to be   lifestyle changes, mental health, man-  been provided by Dr. Rao Mowa, Dr.   of women are screened; and, 90% of
        part of the HPV Vaccine Awareness   agement of neurological disorders   Medavaram, Dr. Syed Ahmed, Dr.   women with cervical disease receive
        Program,”  Dr. Ravi Kolli, President   and blindness prevention.”   V. Ranga, AAPI BOT Chair, A T G   treatment. This is an important step to-
        of AAPI said. “It was truly an enrich-  Attended by nearly 500 dele-  Tours,  and  Shri.  Sadasiva  Rao  and   wards reaching goal,” she pointed out.
        ing experience to be present in person   gates, the largest ever to attend the   others. Prominent among those who   Dr. Satheesh Kathula, Vice Pres-
        and meeting with the young women   AAPI GHS, from the United States   attended the event and supported the   ident of AAPI, who was among those
        and be part of this life saving mission.”  and India, the GHS 2023 is being   noble initiative included, Dr. Satheesh   who attended the awareness camp,
            The awareness camp was orga-  jointly  organized  by AAPI  and  the   Kathula, Vice President of AAPI,   said, “Cervical Cancer is preventable
        nized as part of APPI’s 16th annual   local organizing committee at Vi-  Dr. Mallikarjuna, Collector and Dis-  through Vaccination and Early Pap
        Global Healthcare Summit (GHS)    sakhapatnam from January 6th to 8th,   trict Magistrate, Visakhapatnam; Dr.   smears and cervical examinations.
        2023 and was inaugurated in person   2023. This Global Healthcare Sum-  Jagadeeswara Rao, DM & HO, Vi-  Justifiably  so,  one  of  our  preventive
        by Chief Guest at the Summit, Smt.   mit, with participation from leading   sakhapatnam;  Smt.  Chandralekha,   campaign goals has been to provide
        Vidadala Rajini, Honorable Minister   medical professionals, thought lead-  DEO;  and,  Dr.  Suresh  Reddy,  past   education and prevention of Cervical
        for Health, Family Welfare & Med-  ers, heads of several health industry   President of AAPI.         Cancer in India.”
        ical Education. In her address, the   sectors, and policy-makers has been   Dr. T. Radha, Chair of AAPI   “Through Continuing Medical
        Minister, praised the efforts and the   instrumental in help create policies   Women’s Forum, who was part of the   Education and non-CME seminars by
        many initiatives of AAPI in provid-  and programs that make healthcare   cervical awareness campaign event   experts in their fields, AAPI provides
        ing the best and efficient healthcare   delivery in India equitably available   said, “If vaccination programs are ef-  comprehensive and current reviews
        to the most vulnerable sections of the   to everyone in India.      fectively implemented, approximately   and guidelines for the diagnosis and
        society. She urged AAPI to work col-  “In coordination with the local   90 percent of invasive cervical cancer   treatment of various disease states to
        laboratively with the government of   organizers, AAPI donated the funds   cases worldwide could be prevented,   reduce morbidity and mortality and
        Andhra Pradesh to make healthcare   for the HPV Vaccination, a total of   in addition to the majority of precan-  achieve cost effective quality care out-
        affordable and efficient for all.    200 doses for the vaccine for 100   cerous lesions.”             comes,” said Dr. Suresh Reddy, past
            While elaborating the objectives   children from the state of Andhra   In India, cervical cancer is the   President of AAPI.

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