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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 20, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 18

               AAPI’s 17th Global Healthcare Summit

          Announced During Curtain Raiser in Delhi

        OUR BUREAU

        New Delhi
              fter the highly successful Glob-
              al Healthcare Summit in Vi-
        Asakhapatnam last weekend, I
        am happy to announce that the 17th
        annual Global Healthcare Summit
        will be held in New Delhi from Jan-
        uary 2nd to 4th, 2024,” Dr. Anjana
        Samadder,  President-Elect of the
        American  Association  of  Physicians
        of Indian Origin (AAPI) announced
        here during a Curtain Raiser held at
        the prestigious Constitution Club in
        New Delhi on January 9th, 2023.
            Organized under the leadership
        of Dr. Udaya Shivangi, Women’s Fo-
        rum Chair of AAPI, the kickoff event
        and press conference was attended by
        nearly 50 journalists from the nation’s
        capital and several leaders of APPI,
        who had come all the way from the
        United States to be part of this im-
        portant ceremony. Prominent among
        those who attended the event includ-           Dr. Anjana Samadder speaking at the press meet in Delhi    The Global Health Summit held
        ed Dr. Seema Arora, past BOT Chair                                                                    annually in India has been a major con-
        of AAPI, Dr. Raghu Lolabhattu, vice                                                                   tributing factor by Indian American
        chair of AAPI BOT, Dr. Gautam                                                                         Doctors, focusing on various programs
        Samadder, past president of AAPI,                                                                     and policies, and making a difference
        Dr. Sreeni Gangasani, Dr. Amit                                                                        in the delivery of healthcare in India.
        Chakrabarty, Dr. Raj Bhayani, and                                                                         In addition to educational sem-
        Dr. Joseph Chalil. Dr. Sampat Shivan-                                                                 inars/workshops on current topics,
        gi, Chair of AAPI’s Legislative Chair                                                                 the  GHS  includes  a  well-organized
        joined the meeting through a message                                                                  CEO forum with a panel of eminent
        of felicitation sent to the media and                                                                 healthcare leaders from the US and
        AAPI leadership.                                                                                      India, reinforcing the need for pre-
            In her address, Dr. Anjana Sa-                                                                    ventive care rather than disease man-
        madder said, the theme for the next                                                                   agement, to control the non-commu-
        global  healthcare  summit will be                                                                    nicable diseases which are the biggest
        “Maa Bachao,” meaning, protecting                                                                     silent killers.
        the mother, which will be a great way               Journalists at the AAPI press meet in Delhi           Areas of ongoing skill training,
        to strengthen families and humanity                                                                   investment in infrastructure, mod-
        as a whole.                       ly in India across several states, has   over 40 million of the US population.”  ernizing healthcare delivery, and pri-
            Dr. Sushi Singh, chief guest at the   become a major contributing factor,   During an interactive session with   vate-public  collaboration  specific  to
        event said, saving the mother and giv-  where Indian American Doctors focus   the media persons who had filled the   each state in the healthcare sector are
        ing her due respect and honor is essen-  on various programs and policies in   meeting venue, the leaders of AAPI   discussed and specific plans laid out,
        tial today more than ever. She pointed   their efforts to make a huge difference   shared with them of the numerous   which are sent in a White Paper report
        to the high infant mortality rate in   in the delivery of healthcare in India.”  initiatives  taken  up  by  AAPI during   for follow up in the coming months.
        India and urged all sections of society   “Coming from a nation that has   the course of the past four decades in   Over the past 17 years and be-
        to work together to save girl children.  given us so much, today Physicians of   India as well as in the United States.  yond, AAPI leadership has been able
            Shri. Karthikeyan, a decorated   Indian origin have become a power-  “We the physicians of Indian or-  to  establish  Collaboration  and  mul-
        former  IPS  Officer,  in  his  keynote   ful influence in healthcare across the   igin  are  proud  of  our  great  achieve-  tiple medical organizations – ACP
        address, shared of the many sacrific-  world,” said Dr. Shivangi.  “Nowhere   ments and contributions to our moth-  – FSMB – ECFMG – NMC (India)
        es and contributions by the fraternity   in the world is their authority more   erland,  India,  our adopted land, the   – IMA (India) – GAPIO – UNICEF –
        of doctors, and lauded them for their   keenly felt than in the United States.   US, and in a very significant way to the   Red Cross Society – CWC – Lifestyle
        services to humanity, especially during   The overrepresentation of Indians in   transformation of Indo-US relations   Medicine – MDTok – Apollo Groups,
        the covid pandemic.               the  field  of  medicine  is  striking  –  in   and help India to have a cost-effec-  only to name a few. These connections
            In a message, Dr. Ravi Kolli,   practical terms, one out of seven doc-  tive, efficient and advanced healthcare   and collaborations are vital for us to
        president of AAPI said, “The Glob-  tors in the United States is of Indian   delivery benefitting India’s 1.4 billion   stay connected and make a powerful
        al Healthcare Summit held annual-  Heritage. We provide medical care to   people,” they pointed out.  impact on our communities.

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