Page 14 - The Indian EYE 012023
P. 14
North The Indian Eye
14 JANUARY 20, 2023
Dignitaries pay tribute to spiritual
leader’s special connection and
work in North America
Mayor David Fried of Robbinsville, NJ, and Sunil Hali pay tribute to Pramukh Swami Maharaj. More
than 500 children and youth from more than 75 centers across North America perform a touching
cultural program titled ‘Beyond Boundaries: North America Day’ and pay tribute to Pramukh Swami
Maharaj’s tireless spiritual travels around North America
Dr. S. Jaishankar, Indian Minister of External Affairs, with Mahant Swami Maharaj Sunil Hali greets Mahant Swami Maharaj at the celebrations at Pramukh Swami Maharaj Nagar
OUR BUREAU Pramukh Swami Maharaj by 170 chil- mi Maharaj persevered for 32 years Pramukh Swami Maharaj performed
dren and youths from 10 countries. to acquire land to build Swamina- the shilanyas (foundation-stone-lay-
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Pramukh Swami Maharaj and rayan Akshardham. Within a mere ing) ceremony and consecrated the
he fourth week of Pramukh two of his greatest creations, Swa- five years, Pramukh Swami Maharaj associated shikharbaddh mandir
Swami Maharaj’s centennial minarayan Akshardham in Gandhi- built Akshardham. 8,000 volunteers during his visit in 2014, at the ad-
Tcelebrations saw Diksha Din nagar, Gujarat and New Delhi, rep- served for 300 million person-hours vanced age of 93. His Holiness Mah-
(monastic order initiation), programs resent the very best of Hindu culture in total to complete, what the Guin- ant Swami Maharaj, the current guru
on Women’s Empowerment, and in- and values. Pramukh Swami Maharaj ness Book of World Record labelled and president of BAPS, is inspiring
ternational days for tens of thousands first inaugurated Swaminarayan Ak- the “World’s Largest Comprehensive the completion of the Akshardham
of devotees and well-wishers travel- shardham in Gandhinagar in 1992 Hindu Temple” in 2007. mandir complex in New Jersey.
ing from Europe, Africa, the Middle to celebrate the birth bicentenary Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s vi- On January 12, the evening pro-
East, Australia, New Zealand, and of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and the sion did not remain bound to India. gramme commenced at 5.00pm with
North America. Attendees enjoyed birth centenary of Yogiji Maharaj. The first Swaminarayan Akshard- a musical symphony. More than 150
grand programs from each region To fulfil his guru’s wish of building ham outside India is currently under youths from across 19 countries of
and a magnificent musical tribute to a temple in Delhi, Pramukh Swa- construction in New Jersey, USA. Continued at next page... >>