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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 20, 2023 | The Indian Eye 16
Sunil Hali, publisher of The In- nitaries from around the world paid
dian Eye and promoter of Radio tribute to Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s
Zindagi, said, “I had heard from my inspiration of personal spirituality,
mother when I was child that every Hindu mandirs, humanitarian ser-
person wants to go to heaven after vice and interfaith harmony in North
death. But I have experienced that America. In 1974, Pramukh Swami
heaven here at Pramukh Swami Ma- Maharaj consecrated the first BAPS
haraj Nagar. Wherever you look, you Swaminarayan mandir in North
will experience heaven.” America in New York City. Videos
“I have been fortunate that I and testimonials recounted his tire-
spent a lot of time with Pramukh less travels and personal outreach
Swami Maharaj. I always feared that during 14 visits throughout North
one day will come when I will no lon- America at the expense of his health
ger be able to hold his soft hands. to nurture cultural and spiritual val-
These hands had given me support Hundreds of thousands of devotees have been attending the month-long events for weeks ues over generations. His tremen-
whenever I felt down or incapable. dous efforts led to the creation of
When I became a publisher from an 114 mandirs across North America,
engineer, Pramukh Swami Maharaj including majestic traditional stone
had told me that I should fill my mandirs in Toronto, Atlanta, Los An-
newspapers with goodness. ‘You can geles, Houston, Chicago, and Rob-
never run out of space for goodness.’ binsville, New Jersey, which includes
I strive with my partner & Promoter the Akshardham Mahamandir which
Nilesh Dasondi and team to follow is under construction. The program
his teachings.” captured the role of mandirs and
“I remember that I would also Swamis in upholding cultural and
ask my mother what would happen spiritual teachings and helping Indi-
when she is not with me. She told me, an communities across North Ameri-
‘Close your eyes, remember me, and I ca lead values-based lives.
will be there.’ Here at Pramukh Swa- The program also captured key
mi Maharaj Nagar, whether you close milestones in the history of Hinduism
your eyes or keep them open, you will in North America. Pramukh Swami
see Pramukh Swami Maharaj.” Over 500 children and youth from more than 75 centers across North America performed a Maharaj has been at the forefront
In his blessings to the assembly, of nurturing intercultural and inter-
His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj touching cultural program titled ‘Beyond Boundaries: North America Day’ faith dialogue in North America. In
said, “The Akshardham mandirs 1991, he inspired a month-long Cul-
are Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s ep- and working together to serve com- 750,000 letters. He met global lead- tural Festival of India in New Jersey
och-making creations. As long as munities and the nation while pro- ers and kings, but also ordinary and visited by 1.1 million Americans who
this world exists, the Akshardham gressing in their respective fields. poor people whom he embraced. As came to experience the richness of
mandirs will propagate our spiritual Earlier on January 6, Mahant a result of his efforts, BAPS is taking Indian culture and Hindu spirituali-
heritage and faith. Pramukh Swami Swami Maharaj continued the an- India and the world forward. ty. In August 2000, Pramukh Swami
Maharaj’s sentiment in the creation cient Hindu tradition sustained by “Last year, when the war erupted Maharaj called for harmony through
of Akshardham was absolutely pure. Bhagwan Swaminarayan and lineage in Ukraine, around 20,000 Indian stu- dialogue as he represented Hindu-
He had written, ‘May Akshardham of BAPS gurus of initiating seekers dents were stranded in the cold. They ism at the Millennium World Peace
inspire all to transform their lives.’ into the monastic order. During the needed to be brought home. While Summit of Religious Leaders at the
During Akshardham New Delhi’s ‘Diksha Ceremonies’, 46 highly edu- the Indian government was trying to United Nations in New York. In
inauguration, he had said, ‘This Ak- cated and devoted youths were initi- decide what to do, BAPS brought vol- 2022, on the occasion of Pramukh
shardham has been created not out of ated into the monastic order on their unteers from 11 countries to the Pol- Swami Maharaj’s Centenary Cele-
competition or to increase our glory, lifelong path of worldly renuncia- ish border and served hot meals three brations, BAPS Swaminarayan Re-
but because it was Yogiji Maharaj’s tion, self-realization and service. The times a day. I was meeting other min- search Institutes were established
wish.’ Even the sentiments driving all youths join over 1,100 BAPS Swamis isters of bordering countries who still in Robbinsville, New Jersey (USA)
of Yogiji Maharaj’s actions, includ- from around the world, comprising of remember the selfless spirit of BAPS and in Toronto, Canada dedicat-
ing devotion to God, were absolutely doctors, engineers, teachers, MBAs, volunteers who helped not only other ed to advancing quality research,
pure. pharmacists, etc., from prestigious Indians but people of other countries learning; and expression of Hindu-
“He was himself a living and universities like IIT, IIM, Oxford, and and ethnicities. ism, its cultures, philosophies, affil-
breathing embodiment of Akshard- Harvard. These youths left the com- On January 7, over 500 children iated languages, and rich collection
ham. From head to toe, he was suf- forts of home and promising careers and youth from more than 75 centers of literature.
fused with devotion to God, devotion to undergo rigorous learning and ea- across North America performed a The month-long celebration is
to the guru, and replete with the high- gerly serve God, guru and society. touching cultural program titled ‘Be- His Holiness Mahant Swami Ma-
est spiritual virtues. Therefore, his life In the evening, Dr. S. Jaishankar, yond Boundaries: North America haraj’s vision to provide inspiration
continues to grant millions of people Indian Minister of External Affairs, Day’ paying tribute to Pramukh Swa- from the life, efforts, teachings, ac-
inspiration and spiritual strength.” shared the following message during mi Maharaj’s tireless spiritual travels tions, and contributions of Pramukh
Daily professional conferences, the assembly: “The world called Pra- around North America that led to un- Swami Maharaj. The festivities will
including medical, business, and other mukh Swami Maharaj ‘the People’s imaginable transformations in hun- conclude on January 15 with a grand
sectors, continued to bring luminaries guru’ and ‘the global guru’ because dreds of thousands who were inspired finale program in the presence of
from various sectors together for col- he had traveled to over 50 coun- to preserve their timeless cultural and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, His
lective dialogue with learned Swamis tries, visited more than 17,000 cities spiritual heritage. Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj,
and fellow associates. Talks focused and villages, established more than Following the program, His Holi- dignitaries, community leaders and
on responsible and ethical practices 1,200 mandirs, and wrote more than ness Mahant Swami Maharaj and dig- devotees from around the world.