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Op-Ed                                                                   JANUARY 15, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          17

         trump, impeachment and ban

                                            on social media

             Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

               eginning February last                                                                                 a lost authenticity of possession,
               year Trump has unbend-                                                                                 one  notified  by  the  Confeder-
        Bingly stuck to the line that                                                                                 ate flags that were in evidence
        Covid will simply go away and                                                                                 at the site of the violent insur-
        beginning November he has                                                                                     rection  on  Capitol  Hill.  That
        continuously claimed election                                                                                 an Indian tricolor was also car-
        victory. Such wild falsehoods                                                                                 ried by some insurrectionists, of
        put him in a league of his own,                                                                               course, carries food for thought
        especially if he  believes  them                                                                              for Indian citizens who may be
        too. As Mitt Romney has said,                                                                                 as anxious about the new turn of
        what happened in the US Capi-                                                                                 events  here as there. One is left
        tol on January 6 was horrifying-                                                                              to imagine that such a display
        ly an insurrection incited by the                                                                             may, after all, have issued from
        president of the United States                                                                                the  slogan  ‘Ab  ki  baar  Trump
        himself.                                                                                                      sarkar’.
            His exit will in itself bring                                                                                        Badri raina,
        a degree of healing. But many                                                                                             The Wire
        of the 73 million who voted for
        him will remain vulnerable to  for  public  or  elected  officials’  global  arena,  this  was  actually         “Trump was impeached on
        a shadow presidency or a 2024  speech which is seen as being  about the self-righteous, sancti-               Wednesday  for  specific  actions
                                                                                                                      he took from Nov. 3 through
        candidacy. As  Lee  argues,  the  in  “public  interest”.  Facebook  monious, global  busybody Un-            Jan. 6, and because many mem-
        goal is to change the circum- also has a “newsworthiness” ex- cle Sam taking a tumble.                        bers of Congress fear that he
        stances that led to their faulty  ception. These exceptions pose             China did not mince its
        beliefs. The social media can- a continuing problem for other  words. The foreign ministry                    is a danger to the nation. But
        cellations which have already  countries that are still led by in- spokesperson,            Hua     Chuny-    Trump had also given himself no
        diluted  his  influence  on  the  dividuals who incite violence.         ing, harked back to the US re-       room for error. He built no re-
        news cycle, indicate that muting        The question to ask is: What  action at the time of the Hong          lationships with any Democrats,
                                                                                                                      and relatively few with Repub-
        his delusional narratives to grab  happens the next time a world  Kong protests of 2019. Speaker              licans. Yes, many Republicans
        back reality is certainly possible.  leader incites violence on these  Nancy Pelosi had called the An-        were willing to tolerate him in
        But either through a Senate im- platforms?  Facebook  might  ti-Extradition Law Amendment                     exchange for his fealty to most
        peachment conviction during  leave their speech up, since it has  Bill demonstrations “a beautiful
        his presidency or criminal pros- left itself room to do so. Twitter  sight to behold” and remarked            orthodox  conservative  policy
        ecution  afterwards,  he  must  might take it down, but it is not  that Chinese President Xi Jin-             goals, and because of the elec-
        be held to account. To protect  clear what counts as enough in- ping had been “really taking                  toral danger of a divided party
                                                                                                                      if they did not go along. Others,
        Truth, begin there.”                 citement for an elected official’s  China backward in terms of re-       following the strategy honed by
                     editorial,              account to be suspended.”           pression”.
               The Times of India                     chinmayi arun,                         Upala sen,               former House Speaker Newt
                                                    The Indian Express                     The Telegraph              Gingrich of tearing down insti-
           “Trump has arguably been                                                                                   tutions, seem to have supported
        inciting violence on social me-         “When  a  big  fella  falls  flat   “Trump’s refusal to accept  him precisely because he was an
        dia platforms for a long time. In  on the face, the other small, big  the results of the American  agent of disruption, chaos and
        mid-2020, Facebook employees  and middling fellas cannot help  Presidential election of 2020 was  destruction. But a serious work-
        staged a virtual walkout in dis- but  feel secretly thrilled. Last  thus propagated not as a repudi- ing relationship with anyone?
        tress over the company refusing  Wednesday’s hurly burly at the  ation of the democratic process  Even Nixon had those.”
        to regulate the US President’s  United States’ Capitol Hill by  but of an elite conspiracy to rob                    jonathan Bernstein,
        inflammatory posts. In the past,  Donald Trump supporters even  the ‘real’ people of their owner-                         The Print
        Twitter suspended another ac- as the Congress was certifying  ship of the nation. The slogan                     Every week, we look at what
        count posting copies of Trump’s  Joe Biden’s victory, did not so  that Trump gave as the culmi-
        tweets for glorifying violence,  much  elicit  shock  and  horror  nating dog-whistle – ‘let us take             the top commentators in the
        while leaving the president’s  as it did a smug satisfaction. In  back our country’ – was thus not             Indian media are talking about
        tweets up. This was presumably  the global arena, this extended  to be seen as a seditious calling,            and bring to you a slice of their
                                                                                                                           opinions and comments
        because of Twitter’s exception  way beyond Bully Trump. In the  but an invocation to a return to

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