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OPINION                                                                 JANUARY 15, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          16

        imran khan and Pakistan’s

                enduring Political crisis

              The Pakistan prime minister keeps reiterating his promise to transform the country into a

         corruption-free Islamic welfare state. However, he has not taken any action against his own party

                           members or government ministers accused or found guilty of corruption

                                                                                                                      not  reflect  a  ‘moral  authority’
        nazir aHMad Mir                                                                                               either.

              akistan is once again wit-                                                                                 While the Pakistan premier
              nessing      confrontation-                                                                             has blamed wide spread cor-
        Pal politics between the                                                                                      ruption for the country’s ills,
        government and the opposi-                                                                                    the accountability drive seems
                                                                                                                      to be targeted only at the op-
        tion,  with  editorials slamming                                                                              position leaders, leading to crit-
        the ‘slowing down’ of democ-                                                                                  icism that Khan was practicing
        racy. Academic-activist, Noam                                                                                 ‘one-sided accountability’.
        Chomsky, speaking at the Ka-
        rachi-based Habib University’s                                                                                    Imran Khan’s rise in Paki-
                                                                                                                      stan’s politics was facilitated by
        flagship  Yohsin  Lecture  Series                                                                             people’s frustrations with the
        on December 7, 2020, warned                                                                                   mis-governance of the past, and
        that democracy in Pakistan was              Imran Khan has more focus on faith and less on corruption         quiet support from the pow-
        in decline and the country had
        “no future if it is going to live in a  faith and the attendant values  then Prime Minister Nawaz             erful military establishment.
        world of religious superstition”.    in his own society. He further  Sharif on corruption charges,            His efforts to build legitimacy
            Instead of addressing the  underlined his (bad) experienc- Imran Khan had called for “real                around his ‘personality’ as a re-
        substantive issues being raised  es in the West, and added that  democracy”  in  Pakistan.  Af-               ligious person and a crusader
                                                                                                                      against corruption, do not seem
        by the opposition, Pakistan  Pakistan’s advantage was “our  ter being in power for two and                    to have convinced many people.
        Prime Minister Imran Khan is  belief in God and the hereaf- half years, the contradictions in                 His  government’s  inability  to
        laying  much  stress  on  his  reli- ter.”                               Khan’s statements and behav-         bring the much-promised tab-
        giosity and image as a crusader         The Pakistan prime minister  ior stand out.
        against the corrupt elite, who,  keeps reiterating his promise               Contrary to the political        deeli (‘change’) to Pakistan is
        in his view, are solely responsi- to transform the country into  morality that characterises de-              beginning to hurt him political-
        ble for the country’s problems.  a  Riyasat-e-Madina,  a  corrup- mocracy, he has even refused                ly.  The  enthused  participation
                                                                                                                      of people in the opposition jal-
        Khan, it seems, is dabbling in  tion free Islamic welfare state.  to meet opposition leaders                  sas (demonstrations) in recent
        the art of personalised politics,  However, he has not taken any  and has not shown any interest              months, implies that the Khan
        which turns the focus “from  action against his own party  to engage with them over the                       magic is fast withering away.
        topics to people and from par- members or government minis- complex issues confronting the
        ties to politicians”.                ters accused or found guilty of  country. The opposition parties           Dr Nazir Ahmad Mir is a Re-
            Imran Khan has been able  corruption.                                on their part also do not recog-        search Analyst at Manohar
        to mobilise people – especial-          Apart from the rhetoric, he  nise the Pakistani premier as              Parrikar Institute for Defence
        ly the youth – around the nar- has also carefully cultivated  a legitimate winner of the July                       Studies and Analyses
        rative that all other politicians  his  image  as  a  pious  believer.  2018 elections.                             Views expressed are of
        were corrupt, incompetent and  This is quite visible in the man-             Khan has built his image by
        self-serving, while he was a cru- ner  of  his  dress  —  long  coats  claiming a moral high ground           the author and do not necessarily
        sader against corruption and  (sherwani),             monochromatic vis-à-vis other politicians in the         reflect the views of the Manohar
        wished to build a ‘Naya Paki-        tunics (kameez), white trou- country. Back in 2016, in the                Parrikar IDSA or of the Govern-
                                                                                                                                ment of India.
        stan’.                               sers (shalwars), and a waistcoat,  wake of Sharif’s name surfac-
            Two days prior to Chomsky’s  apart from holding a string of  ing in the Panama papers, Khan                 This is the abridged version of
        lecture  in  Karachi,  Khan  gave  beads (tasbih). Such tactics,  had noted that unlike other                   the article which appeared first
        an interview to actor Hamza  however, are unlikely to resolve  types of rulers, like military dic-              in the Comment section of the
        Abbasi, which was mostly about  the myriad issues that plague  tators or kings, “democrats rule                website ( of Mano-
        his  personal  experiences and  the country.                             by moral authority. When you  har Parrikar Institute for Defense
        views on various issues. Khan           At a public rally on July 30,  lose that, you can’t rule.” How- Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
        emphasized his love for his own  2017 to celebrate the ouster of  ever, Khan’s rule, it seems, does                   on January 4, 2021

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