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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                 JANUARY 15, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          21

        • Organizing a successful and                                                                                 missionary zeal, incredible re-
          huge rally in Washington, D.C.                                                                              sources, and political wisdom,
          to stop Pakistan from getting                                                                               soon became the founding lead-
          advanced military equipment.                                                                                er of Indian Students Associa-
            Patel also became chairman                                                                                tion. He successfully undertook
        of  NFIA  (1996-98)  and  made                                                                                the project of screening Indian
        it  a  truly  globally  recognized                                                                            movies at Hoboken which drew
        national organization of Indi-                                                                                a large Indian audience and
        an Americans. Patel was part                                                                                  raised over $10,000 for charity.
        of the several delegations and                                                                                This was instrumental in laying
        committees and has worked                                                                                     down the Indo-American Com-
        towards prospering Indo-U.S.                                                                                  munity Organization to help
        relationship, helping President                                                                               prosper Indo-U.S. relationship
        Bill Clinton and Prime Minis-                                                                                 and to galvanize Indian Amer-
        ters of India in creating a beau-                                                                             icans to voice their opinions on
        tiful borderless world. Besides                                                                               various national and interna-
        FIA and NFIA, Patel was the                                                                                   tional issues.
        chairman of the Gujarati As-                                                                                      We at FIA convey our heart-
        sociations of North America                                                                                   felt condolences and prayers
        (GANA) and the National Or-                                                                                   to Patel’s family. FIA also ex-
        ganization of Indian American                                                                                 presses  heartfelt  gratitude  to
        Associations (NOIAA).                this successful bid to pass Larry  from Association of Indians  all the FIA family, supporters,
            He also was instrumental in  Lee Pressler amendment in the  in America, Gujarati Samaj of  media, and community leaders
        forming the Indian American  U.S. Congress in 1990.                      New York, NFIA, as well as the  for their trust and continued
        National Foundation (IANF),             Patel was known for his  Ellis Island Medal of Honor.                 support to Rameshbhai and
        comprising major national or- constant communications with                   Patel was born in Gamdi,  FIA.
        ganizations such as NFIA, As- elected  officials  at  all  levels,  near Anand in Gujarat in1942.                 We also extend our grat-
        sociation of Indians in America  as well as his strong represen- He came to the U.S. nearly 53  itude to the Ambassador
        (AIA), American Association  tation at the Embassy of India  years ago to study. It was 1966.  Taranjit Singh Sandhu, Consul
        of Physicians of Indian Origin  in Washington, D.C., and the  Patel was enrolled at the Ste- General of India in New York
        (AAPI), and the Asian Amer- Consulate General of India in  vens Institute of Technology in  Sandeep Chakravorty, and all
        ican Hotel Owners Association  New York, in helping the com- Hoboken, New Jersey, to study  other Indian Foreign Service
        (AAHOA), among others. He  munity at large and expanding  polymer  science and  chemical  officers, as well as to all local,

        served as the secretary of IANF.  the activities under FIA to fo- engineering.                                and  international  government
        The purpose was to mobilize  cus more on the wellbeing of                    Along with his community  officials.  We  are  also  thankful
        resources to foster friendships  the community.                          service and involvement, Patel  for the condolence messages
        and charities between the peo-          These endeavors have won  worked in the forensic investi- from distinguished community
        ple of India and the United  Patel laurels from many cor- gation division of the NYPD.  leaders, performers, and ac-
        States and also build an endur- ners of the society.                     He was honored with the pres- tors, who have been associated
        ing partnership between the             He is the proud receiving of  tigious Ellis Island Medal of  with the nonprofit organization
        two countries.                       many national awards in his 45  Honor 2013.                              during Patel’s tenure.
            Patel, a politically shrewd  years of illustrious public ser-            During his schooling at Ste-         As Ramesh Patel would say,
        and farsighted leader helped  vice which include a N.J. State  vens, Patel, a man with vision- we conclude with the same,
        Sen. Larry Pressler (R-S.D.) in  Senate recognition and awards  ary dynamic leadership and  Shankar dada ki Jai!

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