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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                 JANUARY 15, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          20

                                  Pravasi Bharatiya samman

                                        raMesH Patel

         the leader who took fia to new heights

                     of success and global recognition

               IA leadership pays trib-                                                                               triotism, mobilizing diversified
               ute to the man who                                                                                     resources to  swell funds  for
        Fplayed  a  crucial  role  in                                                                                 charity and other community
        the making of the largest um-                                                                                 beneficial  projects  have  made
        brella organizations in the Indi-                                                                             him a true gallant, bold, com-
        an community                                                                                                  munity leader.
                                                                                                                          Under his dynamic leader-

        ramesh Patel, chairman                                                                                        ship, he successfully waged war
                                                                                                                      against Dot-Busters, became
        of  federation of  indian                                                                                     part of a delegation to retain

        associations of new york,                                                                                     family  reunification  privileges
                                                                                                                      under Simson-Mazzoli Immi-
        new jersey, and connecti-                                                                                     gration Bill, demonstrations

        cut (fia-tri-state), passed                                                                                   at Capitol Hill, against giving
                                                                                                                      Hawks Fighter F-15 planes to
        away peacefully surround-                                                                                     Pakistan, encouraging brilliant
        ed by his family on june 6                                                                                    student  by  awarding  due  stu-
                                                                                                                      dent  recognition  certificates,
        due to complications from                                                                                     contributing substantial funds

        covid-19. He was 78.                                                                                          to the victims of nation and in-
                                                                                                                      ternational calamities.
                                                                                                                          Highlights of Patel’s numer-
            He is survived by his wife                                                                                ous community serving contri-
        Sucheta, two daughters Man-                                                                                   butions include:
        isha and Kunjal, and son Dr.
        Suhas, a cardiologist along with                                                                              • Community assistance for
        his extended family and his very                                                                                consular services through visa
        large FIA family and friend’s                                                                                   assistance camps that served
                                                                                                                        over 8000 community mem-
        circle.                                                                                                         bers in six states, from 2014
            Fondly  known  as  “kaka”                                                                                   through 2019.
        within the FIA, Patel was a                                                                                   • S-744 Immigration Reform
        force to reckon with. A veteran
        community leader in the U.S.  tel elevated FIA to unprece-               other  FIA  flagship  activities,      Bill Appeal in Washington,
                                                                                                                        D.C., in 2013
        for over 50 years, Patel served  dented heights of success and           including  as  well  as  cultural    • Organizing committee mem-
        the  Indian  diaspora  selflessly  global recognition.                   activities such as ‘Dance Pe           bers during Prime Minister
        and wholeheartedly through              During his 50 years associ-      Chance,”  the  annual  dance           Narendra Modi’s address at
        FIA, one of the largest umbrel- ation with FIA, Patel has held           competition held to coincide           Madison Square Garden in
        la organizations in the Indian  various challenging positions            with  India’s  Republic  Day.
        community, as well as through  in FIA since 1984, including              Held for over three decades,           New York in 2014
        the National Federation of In- president in 1988-1990. He is             the competition has seen par-        • Assisting  victims  of  a  fire  in
                                                                                                                        Kearny, New Jersey, in 2017
        dian American Associations  instrumental in establishing                 ticipation from several dance        • Providing Red Cross Interpre-
        (NFIA), and other regional and  several events that promote the          schools in the tri-state area, as      tation Services during Hurri-
        cultural organizations, by serv- culture and heritage of India,          well as from thousands of chil-        cane Sandy in 2012
        ing at various positions during  including FIA’s flagship event -        dren from the community.             • Retaining the Family Reunifi-
        the past five decades.               the India Day Parade. The pa-           Patel’s uncanny leadership,
            Under his uncanny wisdom,  rade, held for the past 40 years,         political wisdom, razor-sharp          cation Bill in 1984
        statesmanship, and intelligence  is the largest India Day parade         memory, ferocious approach           • Waging  a  successful  fight
        as an outstanding, bold, and  celebration outside India.                 against injustices to communi-         against Dot-Busters in 1988
        honest community leader; Pa-            Patel played a key role in       ty, displaying remarkable pa-              Continued on next page... >>

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