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EYE on INDIA                                                            JANUARY 15, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          14

                                   sanjay raUt

                ‘shiv sena-led coalition

                government too strong’

              hiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut  ist Congress Party (NCP) lead-
              on Friday said the Shiv  ers demanded by the Bharatiya
        SSena-led coalition govern- Janata  Party  (BJP).  “Is  it  nec-
        ment is too strong to be affect- essary to answer every allega-
        ed by allegations levelled by the  tion?”  he  said  while  talking  to
        Opposition against the Maha  ANI  after meeting NCP chief
        Vikas Aghadi leaders.                Sharad Pawar on Friday.
            “This  is  the  mantra  of  the     Maharashtra Social Justice
        Opposition.  As  soon  as  some- Minister Dhananjay Munde is
        thing happens, they start de- facing rape allegations levelled
        manding resignations, and if  by a 38-year-old woman. Munde              The Trishakti Corps of Indian Army Lieutenant General Ajai Kumar
        this starts happening then we  had refuted the allegations say-           YSM, SM, VSM, General Officer Commanding Trishakti Corps on
        too  will have  to  demand the  ing that he was in a relationship           behalf of all ranks paid homage to the soldiers who made su-
        resignation of Prime Minister  with her since 2003.                       preme sacrifice for the nation during the celebration of Army Day,
        Modi every day over farmers’            In a major twist in the Dhan-                     at Sukna in Siliguri on Friday. (ANI)
        agitation or other issues, and  anjay Munde rape case, BJP
        the farmers’ agitation is some- leader Krishna Hegde on Thurs-
        thing that calls for a resigna- day made a written complaint in                                   MaLicioUs aPPs
        tion”, said Raut on being asked  the Amboli Police Station against
        about the statement regarding  the woman who has accused the              two chinese nationals among
        the resignation of two National- Maharashtra Minister of rape.
                                                                                                        12 arrested

                                   indian arMy

         force shows its drone swarms                                                     s many as 12 people,  data of unsuspecting people for
                                                                                          including 2 Chinese na- illegitimate purposes,” the Del-
                                                                                 Ationals, have been ar- hi Police said.
               he Indian Army carried  my’s  warfighting  philosophies  rested for their involvement in
               out a live demonstration  and military attributes of these  the running of multi-level mar- they also created mega so-
        Tof drone swarming capa- technologies.                                   keting (MLM) and for pushing         cial media influencers in
        bility using 75 indigenously de-        The Indian Army has under- malware through malicious mo-              a clandestine manner, by
        signed and developed drones  taken a wide array of technol- bile applications (apps) in the                   promising cash  incentives
        which executed an array of  ogy initiatives in  coordination  national capital.
        Artificial Intelligence (AI) en- with dreamers, startups, Minis-             The arrested Indian accused      for ‘follows’ and ‘likes’, on
        abled simulated offensive mis- try of Micro, Small and Medi- have disclosed that two Chinese                  facebook,  instagram,  you-
        sions and close support tasks  um Enterprises (MSMEs), pri- nationals, Yangqing Zhang aka  tube, etc.
        during the Army Day Parade  vate sector, academia, Defense  Jonathan and Bao Peng aka
        held at Delhi Cantt on Friday.       Research  and  Development  Eric, are the main kingpins of                   This comes after Delhi Po-
            This demonstration is a rec- Organization (DRDO), and  this criminal conspiracy to cheat  lice’s Cyber Crime Unit (Cy-
        ognition of the Indian Army’s  Defense Public Sector Under- and defraud Indian citizens and  PAD) took note of various
        steady  embrace  of  emerging  takings (DPSUs).                          hack into their devices through  WhatsApp messages getting
        and disruptive technologies to          “One such project is the  malicious mobile Apps, accord- circulated, wherein the re-
        transform itself from manpow- Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  ing to the Delhi Police press  cipients were being induced
        er intensive to a technology-en- Offensive Drone Operations  release. The Delhi Police said  and enticed to download an
        abled force to meet future se- which has been incubated with  that these two accused are likely  App through the link given
        curity challenges, the Armed  an  Indian  Start-Up,”  Indian  to be operating from a foreign  in the WhatsApp messages.
        force said in a statement.           Army said.                          location  outside India.  “They          The inducement was regard-
            The Indian Army is invest-          This project symbolizes the  launched this ‘online scheme’  ing daily commission earning of
        ing  heavily  into  Artificial  In- beginning of the Indian Army’s  to induce and cheat a maximum  up to Rs 3000 in less than 30 min-
        telligence (AI), Autonomous  tryst with autonomy in weapon  number of people by promis- utes of time spent on the App.
        Weapon Systems, Quantum  platforms and showcases the  ing lucrative returns based on a  The police said that analysis of
        Technologies, Robotics, Cloud  Army’s commitment towards  multi-level marketing model. In  the money trail revealed that
        Computing, and Algorithm  merging the cutting edge of  the garb of this scheme, they de- the amount was being routed to
        Warfare  in  order  to  achieve  a  digital technologies with its hu- signed and circulated malware  various Indian bank accounts.
        convergence between the Ar- man resource.                                to illegally capture the personal           (with ANI reports)

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