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NATION                                                                  JANUARY 15, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          10

                What arnab’s Whatsapp chat reveals

                                      about his access to power

              The conversations are part of Mumbai Police’s charge sheet in the case of alleged

                          manipulation of Television Rating Points (TRPs) by news channels

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    tral government took, even those
                                                                                                                      that were closely guarded. He
        Mumbai/New Delhi                                                                                              seems to be aware of the Balakot

              creenshots of purported                                                                                 airstrike and the revocation of
              WhatsApp conversations                                                                                  Article 370 in advance, highlight-
        Sbetween Republic TV’s                                                                                        ing his close connections with the
        Arnab Goswami and the ar-                                                                                     upper echelons of government.
        rested ex-CEO of TV ratings                                                                                       Although Dasgupta freely
        agency BARC, Partho Dasgup-                                                                                   discusses a range of topics with
        ta – which form part of Mumbai                                                                                Goswami, he also seems con-
        police’s 3,600-page supplemen-                                                                                cerned about both his position at
        tary chargesheet in the TRP                                                                                   BARC and later, about being im-
        scam – made their way into the                                                                                plicated in a criminal case. In one
        public domain on Friday.             Arnab Goswami has already been arrested in a suicide abeting case (ANI)  instance, Dasgupta shares his
            Among other things, they are                                                                              anxiety over the possibility of his
        suggestive of a bid by top BARC                                                                               passport being impounded. The
        executives to manipulate ratings                                                                              chats annexed in the chargesheet
        in favour of Republic TV and the                                                                              also indicate that as soon as the
        Hindi channel Republic Bharat.                                                                                Mumbai police’s inquiry into the
        The screenshots also show the                                                                                 scam began in October last year,
        executives making suggestions                                                                                 their conversations came to a
        to Republic TV on strategies to                                                                               halt.
        boost ratings.                                                                                                    In another WhatsApp chat,
            Goswami in return appears                                                                                 Dasgupta and another accused,
        to have kept Dasgupta informed                                                                                Ramgaria, discuss Malayalam
        about government affairs, in-                                                                                 channel Janam TV. Ramgaria
        cluding the workings of the infor-                                                                            mentions about the phenome-
        mation & broadcasting ministry,                                                                               nal “100 percent growth” in the
        cabinet  reshuffle,  appointment                                                                              channel’s viewership in the week
        of secretaries, and more.             The TV editor seems to have information about government operations in   when the controversy over  the
            The WhatsApp conversa-                         security areas, as per the alleged chats (ANI)             Supreme Court’s decision to al-
        tions are part of Mumbai Police’s                                                                             low women to enter the Sabari-
        charge sheet, submitted before          In the purported chat, dat- words used.”                              mala temple was at its peak in
        a court, in connection with the  ed 23 February 2019, Goswami                Some security experts said  November 2018.
        case of alleged manipulation of  informed Dasgupta that “some- the purported conversations in-                    In the chat with Dasgupta,
        Television Rating Points (TRPs)  thing  big  will  happen”.  When  dicated national security had  Ramgaria says that the Kera-
        by news channels, including Re- the latter asked if it was about  been compromised.                           la-based Janam TV did well in
        public TV and a few others.          “Dawood”,  Arnab  explained,            The WhatsApp chats – run- all 14 districts of the state, more
            As  per  the  alleged  chats,  “No sir Pakistan. Something ma- ning over 1000 pages – suggest  so in those closer to the temple.
        Arnab Goswami was apparently  jor will be done this time.”               complicity between the two and  This, apparently was noticed
        privy to the Modi government’s          “It’s good for big man in  are  part  of  the  3400-page  sup- by the PMO, Dasgupta claims
        plan to launch an air strike on  this season. He will sweep polls  plementary chargesheet that  in the chat, to which Ramgaria
        Pakistan’s Balakot in retaliation  then,”  replied  the  then  BARC  the  Mumbai  police  filed  earli- claims that the channel has “RSS
        for the Pulwama terror attack,  chief, asking whether it will be “a  er this week. The messages also  funding”.
        three days before the Indian  strike” or “something bigger”.             show Goswami’s proximity to the          Besides      the     annexed
        Air Force bombed the terrorist          Goswami then responded,  Prime Minister’s Office (PMO)                WhatsApp chats, the police have
        camp on 26 February 2019.  The  “Bigger than a normal strike.  and the information and broad- recorded statements of 59 wit-
        purported conversations, among  And also, on the same time,  cast ministry, also suggesting that  nesses, including 15 experts. The
        other things, revealed that the  something major on Kashmir.  he misused this access.                         police have said that the investi-
        Narendra Modi government had  On Pakistan, the government                    The messages also suggest  gation is still on and that another
        planned the air strike “in a way”  is confident of striking in a way  that Goswami was in the know  supplementary chargesheet will
        that the people would be “elated”. that people will be elated. Exact  about key decisions that the Cen- follow in the case.

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