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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 06, 2023 | The Indian Eye 22
Global Indian Council opens its
first Chapter in Kerala
Prof. K. P Mathew says that the GIC Chapter would be fully activated with elected office-bearers, and
“plans are underway to have its formal and colorful inauguration by January 2023”
Thiruvalla, Kerala
lobal Indian Council (GIC)
organized a meeting of the
Ginvited guests at the Peringa-
ra Illamon Heritage Center to begin
its first Chapter in India called “The
Central Kerala Chapter” as part of its
Dr. J Rajmohan Pillai, Kera-
la State Award winner for the Best
Businessman 2022 and the Chair-
person of the GIC Center of Ex-
cellence Business Development,
inaugurated the Chapter forma-
tion meeting by lighting the lamp
in the presence of distinguished
guests and prominent dignitaries.
He hoped this chapter would be the
beginning and many chapters will
be opened in India and many oth-
er countries in the coming months. as, in his felicitation speech stated
Global President P.C. Mathew that “through the various Centers of
delivered the keynote speech. “It is Excellence of GIC, members could
imperative to see that experienced excel in their passion, share it with
and dedicated leaders such as pro- other talented scholars and radiate
fessors, doctors, literary leaders, it to the surrounding communities
and socially committed people are worldwide”.
attracted to the vision and mission Global Treasurer Dr. Tara Sajan,
of GIC. We are confident that the an early retired Indian Army officer,
newly formed chapter can contribute and a pilot, currently the Director of
much to society.” Mr. Mathew en- Lincoln Hospital in New York, who
couraged many leaders who attend- is also the Treasurer of the National
ed the meeting to continue their sup- Association of Indian Nurses of Amer-
port. He also appreciated the efforts ica, stated that we are proud to see
taken by Prof. KP Mathew, Co-Chair enthusiastic leaders joining GIC and
of the Center of Excellence of Edu- wished all the best for the new chapter.
cation, who organized the meeting. Various GIC Global Cabinet
Center of Excellence for Wom- members felicitated the event on-
en’s Empowerment, Dr. Sosamma line. Dr. Jija Harisingh IPS (Retd
Andrews, and the goodwill ambassa- also delivered a speech and stated Varghese, Prof. Lathara, Dr. Kurien DIG Karnataka & GIC Goodwill
dor of the New York Chapter of GIC that GIC’s vision and mission are Thomas, Dr. Rajmohan Pilllai, and a Ambassador), Tom George Kolath
Mr. Andrews, were representing of great value. Connecting people good team of scholars are sincerely (Chairperson CoE Visual Media),
GIC physically at Thiruvalla, which for the sake of helping and sharing working for its success. Dr. Mathew Joys (GIC Global Me-
was a great encouragement for the knowledge will be a fantastic idea, Mr. Sudhir Nambiar, GIC dia Chair), Adv. Seema Balasubra-
new members of the Chapter. Dr. and we are going to stand for it. Global General Secretary, and Wall manyam PRO, Adv. Susan Mathew
Sosamma stated that we have chap- Prof. K. P Mathew announced Street IT Company Director from (Jaipur), K.J. Varghese IFS, Usha
ters already opened in New York that the GIC Chapter would be fully New Jersey, stated that “Our dreams George (CoE Cochair, Health and
and Austin, and many other chapters activated with elected office-bearers, connecting from Global to National Wellness), former Ambassador Sri-
are due to open worldwide, shortly. and “plans are underway to have and Chapter to Chapter is becom- kumar Menon, Kamlesh C Mehta,
Dr. Kurien Thomas, a former its formal and colorful inaugura- ing true, and this is an opportuni- GIC Brand Ambassador NY, and
Principal of Bishop Moore College, tion by January 2023”. Along with ty for people who want to give back Dr. T. P Narayanakutty, delivered
Mavelikkara, and the Chairman of Prof. Mathew, the former principal to the community”. facilitation speeches congratulating
the Center of Excellence of Edu- of BAM College Thuruthicad Prof. Global Vice President of GIC, the new leaders who joined the Cen-
cation, Literature, and Languages, Varghese Mathew, Prof. Abraham Prof. Joy Pallattumadom from Tex- tral Kerala Chapter.