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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 26

              FIA-Chicago hosts annual Board meeting

                                        and Diwali celebrations

        FIA TEAM 2023 will be spearheaded by Incoming President Vinita Gulabani strongly supported by 100+ members

        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, IL

             ederation of Indian Associa-
             tions (FIA) organized  its An-
        Fnual Board Meeting and Di-
        wali Celebration on November 13th
        at Big Suchir Restaurant, Downers
        Grove IL. The meeting was attended
        by the 100 strong FIA team as well as
        the advisory board members.
            FIA TEAM 2023 will be spear-
        headed by Incoming President Vin-
        ita Gulabani strongly supported by
        100+ members (each one a leader)
        composed of Executive Board Mem-
        bers, Directors & Advisory Board
        Members. The event was presided by
        Chairman Sunil Shah and Founding
        Members Neil Khot, Mukesh Shah,
        Dhitu Bhagwakar and Current Presi-
        dent Hitesh Gandhi.
            Richa Chand, General Secre-
        tary, outlined the achievements of the
        FIA in the year 2022 and thanked the
        team for its efforts. She then asked
        Founder President and Chairman
        Sunil Shah to address the gathering.
        Founder President Sunil Shah took
        the  stage  and  outlined  the  success-
        es behind the year 2022, listing the
        events conducted by the FIA and its
        team – The Republic Day Celebra-
        tion, The Partnership with the Chica-
        go Bulls – India Heritage Night, The
        Holi Celebration, Mother Day Cele-
        bration, International Yoga Day and   dent Hitesh Gandhi and his team for   Chaudhari.                Suresh  Bodiwala  of  Asian  Media
        the biggest FIA event to date – Cel-  the  outstanding  year  and  welcomed   Directors:  Chetan  Patel,  Vibha   Broadcasting, Yogi Bhardwaj, Vi-
        ebration of the 75th India Indepen-  Vinita Gulabani as the incoming Pres-  Rajput, , Jitendra  Bulsara,  Vidya   noz Chanamolu, Nag Jaiswal, Jas-
        dence Day with a concert with Javid   ident. She felicitated Executive Vice   Joshi, Jesse Singh, Bharat Malhotra,   bir Suga, Syed Hussaini, Manish
        Ali a prominent singer from Bolly-  President Shital Daftari, Director Ga-  N Nagasubramaniam Iyer, Hitesh   Gandhi, Brij Sharma (Power Volt),
        wood. He thanked the outgoing team   nesh Kar, General Secretary Richa   Patel, Ashima Washington, Vikas   Asha Oroskar (Orochem), , Amar-
        for its hard work in putting together   Chand, and Treasurer Vaishal Talati   Kalwani, Dr. Afroz Hafeez, Chandni   bir Singh Ghoman, Pradeep Shukla
        and conducting various India centric   for their achievements & dedication.  Kalra, Nirav Patel, Murugesh Kasil-  (CPA) and Neal Patel (MedStar),
        and Charitable events during the   Sunil Shah Founder President [Chair-  ingam, Pratik Deshpande and He-  Pinky Thakkar, Sanhita Agnihotri,
        year. He also took the opportunity to   man] then announced Team 2023  mendra Shah, Lakhinder Sharma,   Ajeet Singh, Aishwarya Sharma and
        welcome new members to team FIA.  • Founder President: Onkar Sangha,   Mamta  Taparia,  Harry  Sidhu,  Ash-  Keerthi Reevori, Usha Kumaria,
            Current President Hitesh Gand-  Ditu Bhagwakar, Neil Khot       wani Mahajan, Bob Bhavesh Patel,   Anuja Gupta
        hi took the stage thanking the found-  • President: Vinita Gulabani.  Deepa Sharma, Ganesh Kar, Sonia     FIA Chicago was founded to
        ing board, and the team 2022 for all   • Executive Vice Presidents: Shital   Luthar, Sumit Singh, Swati Kuki-  bring Cultural awareness to the Chi-
        the work put in to make the year a   Daftari & Pratibha Jairath.    an,, Manoj Rathod, Ramesh Nair,   cago land area and has now grown
        resounding success.               • Vice Presidents: Altaf Bukhari, Anu   Rajesh Narayan              to serve the community by hosting
            Founding Members Neil Khot,     Malhotra, Richa Chand, Mike Shah    New Directors: GuDDi Vawal,   many events for the community and
        Mukesh Shah, Dhitu Bhagwakar        & Chandini Duvvuri. G Secretary:   Kavitha Rao, Anshul Bindal, Nipun   helping the community grow and be-
        took the stage thanking team 2022   Abir Maru, Treasurer : Vaishal Ta-  Joshi, Chintan Patel, Sharda Jain,   come one. FIA Chicago plans to take
        and praising the work of the team in   lati. Jt Secretary: Suchitra Kukreja,  Vijay Muralidaran. Nilabh Dubey,   on projects like Job Fair, Entrepre-
        making the year a flashy success.  • Joint Treasurer: Neelam Jai. Cul-  Kaveeta Rawla,                neurship camps and Youth Leader-
            Former Vice President of FIA    tural Secretary: Pika Munshi,       New advisory board: Deepak-   ship Development Skill Camps.
        Mrs. Rita Shah congratulated Presi-  • Joint Cultural Secretary: Ila Patel   kant Vyas, Anil Loomba of HMSI,   --Asian Media USA

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