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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 06, 2023 | The Indian Eye 24
UCCA hosts Grand Musical Christmas Banquet in Chicago
The evening encompassed mesmerizing musical performances presented by Tollywood’s blockbuster music
director Anup Reuben and his ensemble who enthralled the guests with uplifting musical hits
Chicago, IL
A melodious carols,
glittering evening replete with
dance presentations, inspiring
remarks and uplifting yuletide ser-
monette marked the Grand Christ-
mas Banquet celebrations organized
by United Christian Cultural Associ-
ation [UCCA] on Friday, December
16, 2022 at the Cotillion Banquet in
Palatine, Illinois that drew a large
gathering of families Illustrating the
spirit of Christmas with interludes of
beautiful strains of Christmas carols
presented by Tollywood’s blockbuster
music director Anup Reuben that el-
evated the festive merriment.
This Grand Christmas celebra-
tion was strikingly enhanced by
the presence of Ambassador
Somnath Ghosh, Consul Gener-
al of India and were joined by
a host of community/business
leaders representing all major Ambassador Somnath Ghosh, Consul General of India and were joined by a host of community and business leaders
faiths complemented by a large Somnath Ghosh outlined the history of India and later joined by UCCA emony was led by Havilah Devara-
presence of families who con- and applauded the role of Christians leaders honored the ambassador by palli, Margaret Charles, Saritha Pa-
verged to celebrate the grand in contributing to help build modern presenting a silk shawl and flower sumarthi, Ujwala Neela and Persis
India. Ambassador Somnath Ghosh
Dadepogu. The event was eloquently
bouquet by UCCA’s women leaders.
pre-Christmas banquet. expressed his profound appreciation Raju Enoch Pasumarthi, UCCA emceed by Margaret Charles. Sever-
to the UCCA leaders for inviting him President thanked the gathering of al community leaders were acknowl-
The evening encompassed mes- to the Christmas celebration pro- the families by unitedly celebrating edged at the evening including Ajeet
merizing musical performances pre- gram and complimented them for Christmas and added that UCCA Singh, Madan Pamulpati, Sreenivas
sented by Tollywood’s blockbuster hosting such a grand festivity. is geared up to announce an excit- Bopanna, Nick Verma, Subbu Iyer,
music director Anup Reuben and his Dr. Heyer Devarapalli, Founder ing series of summer programs for Mahesh Kakarla, Sheshu Reddy,
ensemble who enthralled the guests Chair of UCCA welcomed the gath- the community. Emmanuel Neela, Hemachandra, Ramakrishna Nuna,
with uplifting Christmas carols and ering and said UCCA has been in the UCCA Vice President recognized Naresh, Khurram Syed, Nageshwari
musical hits. He presented a new forefront taking initiatives in hosting some of the prominent telugu com- Cherikonda, Malati Domaraju, Vijay
genre of music, a fusion of the tra- medical camps, charitable drives and munity leaders. While Vasanth Ravoori, Rahul Viratapu.
ditional Christmas songs transposed other humanitarian work to help fel- Charles proposed a vote of thanks. In closing UCCA President
with upbeat melodies. Anup Reuben low human beings – which he said Satish Dadepogu unveiled UCCA’s Raju Pasumarthi honored, Chicago
energized the entire evening with his represents the spirit of Christmas and plans for hosting a summer cricket community’s pastors Rev. Dr. Da-
zestful music and was later collective- Christianity. Dr. Paul Heyer Devara- tournament in partnership with the vid Vidyasagar, Rajamani Gounu,
ly honored and blessed by the clergy. palli acknowledged and thanked the Illinois Cricket Association. Pastor Mrs. Subhadra Vipparthi, Victor
The evening celebrations set fellow board and directors for their Zadda Chakravorthy delivered a Omega, Mathew Vattiprolu, Zadda
off with the inter-faith lighting of unstinted cooperation in hosting this Christmas sermonette. Youth pre- Chakravorthy and Madhukar Bushi.
the Christmas Candles led by Am- grand Christmas banquet and show- sented a Christmas Nativity play The evening celebrations con-
bassador Somnath Ghosh, Consul casing the community’s strength of directed by Deena Pasumarthi and cluded with the entire hall lumi-
General of India – who in his re- unity and its growing significance. performed by Tina Devarapallli and nous with candlelights while singing
marks – said that Christmas festival Earlier, Keerthi Kumar Ravoori Sharon Dadepogu. Ms. Angel Var- the traditional carol “Silent Night”
manifests joy, peace and fosters fel- welcomed the gathering and intro- ghese made a special dance perfor- which was followed by the serving of
lowship with each other in the spirit duced the chief guest Ambassador mance. the festive dinner.
of goodwill and love. Ambassador Somnath Ghosh, Consul General The Christmas candle light cer- --Asian Media USA