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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah JANUARY 06, 2023 | The Indian Eye 28
Nine Checkpoints can make your company produce more productive results and profits in the New Year
hy live an OK life and why
not an excellent life in 2023?
WWhat are the 9 important
things that make the Foundation of
the Company strong to help you to
tap the full potential of the Company.
To achieve success, you need
to have the proper mindset, proper
strategy, implementation plan and
Grace of God or LUCK.
• Success in Business is 80% combina-
tion of Hard Work, Mindset, Strat-
egy, Effective Execution & Talent
• And, of course, 20% is a Luck factor. Success in Business is 80% combination of Hard Work, Mindset, Strategy, Effective Execution & Talent
How to tap the full potential
of the company? pany, it helps to go through easily. tioned 9 critical aspects of the struc- right time and made the most of the
If the structure and foundation Below are the 9 important things ture of the organization. existing economic advantages.
• There should be proper balancing
of the organization is Astrological that help you to make the Structure for that particular company, which The bottom line is that you can
correct, whatever you plan and exe- and foundation of the company or can help your business strategy to work hard because it is in your con-
cute strategy for that particular com- organization Astrological correct go through very easily. trol. You can put in the hours and
pany, it helps to go through easily. and strong to tap the full potential the effort in the hope of taking your
of the company. • There should be proper alignment business to the next level. But, with-
Let’s understand how luck 1. Company Name, for that particular company, which out luck favoring you, it is impossi-
works in Business: 2. Brand Name, can help your business strategy to ble for you to achieve huge success.
• How does food taste without salt? 3. Combination of Partners, Per- tap full potential and also to go You might just have to settle for rel-
through very easily.
• How will a movie perform with a centage of Shares • So, the point is if the structure and ative success.
weak script? 4. Correct registered and adminis- It’s now time for you to Recheck
• How do you feel wearing ill-fitting trative address, foundation of the organization is your Name of the company, Brand-
Astrological correct, whatever you
clothes? 5. Logo, ing, Logo, Web, Digital, Print pres-
• How does a track & field athlete 6. Web Presence plan and execute strategy for that ence, Percentage of partners, etc.
particular company, it helps to go
feel if the track has a poor surface? 7. Print Presence through easily. from any Astro Strategist to make
Similarly, in business, if the 8. Digital Presence (Email, Pow- sure the company structure should
structure and foundation of the or- erPoint Presentation, Brand Luck plays a stronger role as Astrological Correct to tap the full
ganization is Astrological correct, so Story, Any digital Communica- not all talented people are potential of that particular company.
whatever you plan and execute strat- tion material, etc.) successful. Why live an OK life and why not
egy in terms of Business ROI, Prof- 9. Right Roles to Key People at It is not that each of the busi- an excellent life in 2023?
it, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Right Time ness owners does not have resilience
Branding, Image Building, Acquisi- I strongly believe that for any or a winning business strategy. But, The writer is a well-known Astro
tion, Diversification, Exit Strategy business to realize its full potential out of the three, hardly only one has Strategist and Business Astrologer
and so on for that particular com- then it must check all above men- been lucky to take the plunge at the Email: [email protected]