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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 17

        while millions watched live around                                                                        On December 15, Home Minis-
        the world.                                                                                            ter of India Amit Shah inaugurated
            On this occasion, the Prime Min-                                                                  the month-long 'International Con-
        ister of the United Kingdom, Right                                                                    vention for Better Living' in the pres-
        Honorable Rishi Sunak MP, shared                                                                      ence of His Holiness Mahant Swami
        a personal video message of tribute,                                                                  Maharaj and many leading industri-
        offering his admiration and gratitude                                                                 alists of India. The evening assembly
        to His Holiness Pramukh Swami Ma-                                                                     started with a unique symphony of
        haraj for his countless contributions                                                                 150 performers from 19 countries
        to the U.K. and the world.                                                                            and 33 Indian instruments.
            The Head Swami of Akshard-                                                                            The  convention  on  December
        ham in Gandhinagar, Anandswarup                                                                       15 highlighted Pramukh Swami Ma-
        Swami said, “What was it in Pramukh                                                                   haraj’s life’s work in inspiring addic-
        Swami Maharaj that attracted so                                                                       tion-free lives. Under his leadership,
        many and inspired them to positive-                                                                   BAPS became a global movement
        ly transform their lives and selflessly                                                               providing unprecedented spiritu-
        serve? Pramukh Swami Maharaj was                                                                      al, social and cultural services for
        so  simple  and  made  himself  easily                                                                society through more than 160 hu-
        accessible to everyone because he                                                                     manitarian activities. In noting the
        saw God in all. So anyone who came                                                                    spiritual energy, he felt at the nagar;
        into his contact experienced so many                                                                  Gautam Adani, Chairman of Adani
        virtues in him: selfless love, limitless                                                              Group, remarked, “One stunning ex-
        compassion, contentment,  divinity,   On this occasion, Prime Minister   The colorful evening concluded   ample of such an entity is the BAPS
        peace, and the presence of God.”  Narendra Modi said, “I want to con-  with a maha-arti with tens of thou-  Mandir in Abu Dhabi, which is the
            Chief Minister of Gujarat Bhu-  gratulate Mahant Swami Maharaj for   sands of devotees as they paid tribute   symbol  of  unification  across  races,
        pendrabhai  Patel  said,  “As  we  have   inspiring this magnificent Nagar and   to their guru Pramukh Swami Ma-  religions, and nations. Swamishri’s
        come together to celebrate the cen-  the swamis for conceptualizing  and   haraj,  who  personified  his  universal   principle that humanity must be built
        tenary of Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s   creating it. It is not only impressive;   teaching, “In the joy of others lies   on a consciousness of unification and
        fifth  spiritual  successor  Pramukh   it will be a source of inspiration for   our own.”             unshakable integrity to serve with-
        Swami Maharaj, all of us remember   generations to come. This festival is   The  festival  will  continue  out expectations is now nowhere
        the manifold ways his life inspired   great not just because of its scale and   through January 15, 2023, and each   better  reflected  than  the  Mandir  in
        us. He served all of humanity his en-  beauty but because of the experience   evening will feature a themed assem-  Abu Dhabi. Such an ability to unify
        tire life with a vision that transcend-  of divinity and grand vision behind it,   bly focusing on the life, work, and   millions of people comes not from
        ed bodily distinctions. He inspired   where everyone can learn about our   messages of His Holiness Pramukh   the limiting power of geographical
        countless to transform their lives. Af-  heritage, history, faith and values.”  Swami Maharaj. In the mornings,   boundaries, but from the unlimited
        ter the terrorist attack on Akshard-  “I dearly miss Pramukh Swami   academic conferences will present   power of a unified effort.”
        ham, his actions set an example for   Maharaj. But today, I feel his love   research topics ranging from temple   In noting his legacy, the Chair-
        the world of peace and forgiveness   and spiritual energy through Mahant   architecture and Hindu literature to   man of Zydus Cadila, Pankaj Patel,
        that became renowned as ‘the Ak-  Swami Maharaj, who continues  to   women’s empowerment and social   said, “As a spiritual leader, Pramukh
        shardham Response.’ He provided   inspire me to serve everyone in our   uplift by national and international   Swami  Maharaj  propagated  the
        comfort to all in need, providing aid   country.”                   members of academia. In addition,   message of equality regardless of
        to the disaster-stricken. He personal-  Mahant Swami Maharaj, in his   specific  conferences  will  bring  to-  caste, creed or religion. He was for-
        ly inspired thousands to become ad-  blessings, stated, “Why has  Naren-  gether various professional associa-  ever focused on uplifting the lowest
        diction-free. One of his greatest con-  drabhai Modi come? He is very intel-  tions, such as lawyers, doctors, and,   members of society.” Charmain of
        tributions is the inspiration of family   ligent and can grasp the entire nagar   entrepreneurs. Afternoons will fea-  GMR Group G. M. Rao said, “He
        unity. This is a festival to pay tribute   in an instant, but he has come solely   ture programs with presentations   possessed nothing, wanted nothing,
        to the invaluable contributions he   to offer his homage to Pramukh Swa-  and performances planned and pro-  asked for nothing, and yet he has giv-
        had made to society.”             mi Maharaj.”                      duced by women.                          Continued at next page... >>

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