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P. 16
North The Indian Eye
16 JANUARY 06, 2023
Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centennial
Celebration Inaugurated by Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and Mahant Swami Maharaj
Tens of thousands present and millions watching live mesmerized by the spectacular opening
ceremony. Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centennial Celebration to become an inspiring
attraction for millions of visitors from around the world
ramukh Swami Maharaj Cen-
tennial Celebration was in-
Paugurated on Wednesday,
December 14, 2022, in Ahmedabad
by Prime Minister of India, Naren-
dra Modi and His Holiness Mahant
Swami Maharaj, the spiritual lead-
er of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha
The opening marked the public
dedication of the month-long festival
spread over 600 acres that includes
inspiring attractions, insightful exhi-
bitions and enlightening programs
that are free to all visitors.
Prime Minister Modi and Mah-
ant Swami Maharaj commenced the
auspicious inauguration ceremony
amid the chanting of Vedic mantras
and puja from the Sant Dwar, the
majestic 380-foot-wide entrance gate
honoring the great sages and saints of
India. The Hon. Governor of Guja-
rat Acharya Devvrat, the Hon. Chief John Kaiman - Deputy County Executive, Indu Jaiswal, Dr. Varun Jeph - Deputy Consul General New York,
Minister of Gujarat Bhupendra Pa-
tel, and senior swamis of BAPS Swa- Bruce Blakeman - Nassau County Executive, Shudh Parkash Singh Jasuja, Nilesh Dasondi - Promoter
minarayan Sanstha also participated
in the ceremony. Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s efforts to wan Shri Sita-Rama, Bhagwan Shri formed by 270 BAPS girls, emphasiz-
Upon entering the festival illumine the lives of countless people Radha-Krishna, and Bhagwan Shri ing the importance of both hard work
grounds, Mahant Swami Maharaj globally. The Prime Minister then Shiva-Parvati. Prime Minister Modi and prayers for success. The ‘Village
and the Prime Minister were greet- observed the Azadi Ka Amrit Ma- then offered flowers and prayed at of Buzo’ is the emotional journey of
ed with a colorful welcome dance hotsav display, celebrating 75 years the holy feet of Bhagwan Swamina- a tribal boy and the sacrifice of his
by hundreds of BAPS children and of India’s independence through a rayan and the installed deities. parents, highlighting the value of re-
youths. The Prime Minister then of- tribute to Indian heroes and inspira- The Prime Minister then arrived specting parents. Finally, the ‘Jungle
fered his heartfelt tribute by placing tional figures. at the Bal Nagari, the children’s of Sheru’ is about a young lion whose
flowers before the beautiful 30-foot From here, Prime Minister Modi cultural wonderland, where he was journey inspires the realization of
sculpted image of Pramukh Swami reached the stunning 67-foot-tall greeted by the BAPS children who our inner strength and true identity.
Maharaj. replica of New Delhi’s Swamina- created and produced the shows and Finally, the Prime Minister
After the ceremonial open- rayan Akshardham Mandir. They exhibits. joined Mahant Swami Maharaj on
ing, the Prime Minister was guided circumambulated the temple and The Prime Minister viewed the the main assembly stage, where they
through the enchanting glow garden, sacred images consecrated within, three innovative musical shows in the were enthusiastically greeted by tens
where artistic renditions of moral including Bhagwan Swaminarayan Nagari. The ‘Sea of Suvarna’ is the of thousands of devotees present
stories and inspiring values reflected and his spiritual successors, Bhag- story of “Swarna the Goldfish,” per- Continued at next page... >>